Friday, October 26, 2012

Favorite Memories of My Daddy

I know that lots of us think that we have or had the very best daddy.
October 26th was my daddy's birthday.  Although he died a little over
two years ago, I still miss him very much every day.

Because of his career, he was often not at home.   His job took him to
over 130 countries during the span of his career.  Daddy was always
flying off to London, Rome, Paris, Tokyo, New Delhi.  He went to 
almost every corner of Africa, Asia and South America.  He
would often be gone for a month or two at a time.

Sometimes when he came home it would take me a while to get used to 
having him around.  But it never took too long.  His suitcase would always be
filled with some treasure for me.  It would often be a doll from an exotic 
land, or some piece of clothing, or jewelry.  He would have lots of pictures
and exciting stories to tell me about all of his adventures.    

While he was home, every minute he spent with me was quality time.
He put up a tent in the backyard for me.  Not just any tent, but one with
it's own hardwood floor.   It  had running water too.  It was my own 
 little oasis.  I would often pretend that I was on safari in Africa in that
 tent, although not many wild creatures in the suburbs of Chicago.

He planted thick hedges around the perimeter of our backyard very much
like the ones seen in England.  He cut out a little doorway so that my friends
and I could walk through and pretend we were entering a magical world.

In the winter, daddy built a big igloo in the front yard and all the neighborhood
kids came over to play in it every day until it melted.

When I was very young, he read a story to me every night.  But the story was
never the same as it was on the page.  He knew that I knew all of these
stories by heart, so he tweaked them.  And, he always tweaked them to be humorous.  
He would make me laugh every night.

He played practical jokes on me that made me laugh too.

Although he was a fun daddy, he was a good listener too.  He always
took the time to listen to my problems.  

He broadened my horizons and introduced me to the various cultures 
that make up humanity.  He taught me tolerance of others.  Through
him I met many children of various countries and developed the
love of travel.

And most of all, he loved dogs and had the best stories of the many
dogs he had as a boy.

I know that this post is self indulgent.  Thanks for hearing me out.
I can't think of a better topic for me to write about for
Favorite Thing Saturday.   I wish you were here today Daddy
so that we could celebrate your birthday together.

Bentley ~ your grandpa was an almost a bigger dog lover than me.
Have I ever told you the story about his dog Tuxie?

Susan and Bentley


  1. A lovely post of your memories of your dad ! My dad passed 16 years ago and my mum 4 years ago and I miss them every day . They both were fun loving people . I was my dads little miss muffet like in the rime . I grew up on a farm and they taught me a lot about life and nature and how to appreciate what you have .

  2. Awe! That is so sweet. You are so fortunate to have had a wonderful relationship with your daddy!


  3. What a sweet post!! I have very special memories of my Dad also. God knew what he was doing when He made daddies.


  4. Aww, this post brought tears to my eyes! I lost my dad 25 years ago, and I miss him still . . . my dad was so much fun, he had a great sense of humor and was a good practical joker! In fact I just found a birthday card he gave me on my 28th birthday, telling me I was born on a Saturday at 6:00 p.m.!

    Happy Birthday to your daddy!

    Mary & Dukeums

  5. What a loving tribute to your Dad, Susan! He was truly the genuine article!
    Blessings and a happy weekend, my sweet friend,

  6. What a lovely story! Keep blogging!


  7. Hi Susan. What a lovely post. You have so many wonderful memories of your Dad. It's hard when these memorable days come around, but it's also such a happy time to remember all that he was to you. Thank you for sharing, and as a happy coincidence, I am sharing my Dad's birthday on Nov. 1. He would have been 100 years old and I find that one of the hardest things to say. It just doesn't seem like that could ever be possible..Hope you and Bentley have a Happy Weekend..Judy

  8. I loved this brought him to life for your readers. What a wonderful father / you are blessed to have had such a daddy :)

  9. Thanks for sharing about your Dad with us. I was getting a bit teary eyed,as my dad just went into the hospital yesterday. We are hoping that he will be out by Sunday or Monday. I'm glad to have so many special memories of my Dad. I pray for plenty of time to make more. I am sure that you gave all of your readers pause for thought. Have a wonderful weekend!

  10. Susan,
    Wonderful post about your Dad. Loved every word, and as you know, just one of the things we have in common, our Dads. xoxo
    Bentley, I know you have a good Daddy, too!

  11. Susan, your post is not self-indulgent at all. After all, it is your Father's birthday and this is the perfect way to pay tribute to him and your memories of him. Lovely! I'm honored that you shared with us.

  12. Susan ~ what a wonderful loving tribute to your father and a perfect day to post this. I KNOW your daddy made you who you are today. Love this post. It was not self indugent at all. I love that you have shared this wonderful part of your life with us.
    Happy Saturday ;-)

  13. What a lovely, heartfelt post this was Susan..
    Dad's are our lifetime Hero's and your post let me take a little strool down memory lane about my own.. He's been gone since I was 23 but he's always close by and I still hear his words of wisdom and comfort.

  14. It is not at all self-indulgent. You're speaking from the heart and I, for one, love that. Your father sounds like a simply wonderful man. How lucky you were to have him guiding and raising you. I love this post, Susan. Thanks so much for linking up this week.


  15. Very nice-- my mom's bday would have been the 25th!

  16. I love a post like this - real life, wonderful tribute, fond memories shared.

  17. Oh, my gosh....what a wonderful tribute to a wonderful Dad. I had a great Dad too. When you told of him telling you stories at night...I thought of my Dad who would read to me...and then I would say, "Tell me one of your stories Dad...they are the best." My Dad has been gone for many years, but I have so many memories like keeps them near, I think.

  18. What a sweet and wonderful tribute to your dad. My daddy has been gone 16 years and I still miss every day, too. He traveled all over the world with his job, too and often took my mom with him. The memories are so wonderful Thanks so much for sharing your stories with us.


  19. Hi Susan,

    I so enjoyed reading this heartfelt post about your beloved father, his caring and loving nature, his important and constant presence in your life. How blessed you are to have had such an influence in your life and in your thoughts.

    Thanks for stopping by neck of the woods today and for the very kind words. Am happy to be your newest follower. Have a great week.

  20. I hear the closeness in your story. Memories are the best. For ever and ever.

  21. It sounds like you had a magical childhood, Susan! I was a Daddy's Girl, and my Dad will always be my hero. I lost him 21 years ago and still miss him dearly. Such a blessing that we both had wonderful Dads, and I really loved reading about yours. Happy Birthday to your Daddy!

  22. What a lovely post and tribute to your Dad. He sounds like a wonderful person. People who love dogs are extra special people!

  23. Your Daddy sounds like an amazing man. I loved reading your story. I don't even remember my dad, he died when I was 4 years old. XO, Pinky

  24. Sorry you are missing your Dad on his glad you had a good dad, that makes us miss them more. I understand...

  25. Susan, I'm just catching up and I just love this post your Dad! It's been just over a year since I lost my dad and my heart still aches from missing him. Your dad sounds so special. What lovely memories he left you with. Thank you for sharing... Donna

  26. This is such a beautiful post, dear Susan, and not at all self-indulgent. It warmed my heart to read about your daddy.♥ My daddy's birthday was October 30, and I miss him, too - and he has been gone for over 26 years.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.