Saturday, October 27, 2012

One Rainy and Cool Weekend in October

I don't mind a rainy fall day.  I think of it as a welcome gift after a 
hot, dry summer.  It gives a much needed drink of water to all the trees.

It fills the reservoirs, rivers and streams.

The cloudy day makes the inside of the house so inviting.  There is no guilt
about not raking the leaves.  Time can be happily spent simmering a pot of  soup
on the stove.  Working on craft projects and dreaming of re-decorating.

Watching hours of college football on the TV.

And napping.  Let's not forget about napping!

Bentley is not very fond of the rain.  His outdoor trips to chase squirrels and
cats are kept to a minimum.  But he does love to cuddle up to his daddy on
the sofa during the football games.

Susan and Bentley


  1. I couldn't agree more, although for us here in So. Cal, we had hot Santa Ana winds which made most things unpleasant....
    Football was definitely playing here though...

  2. Hi Susan and sweet little Bentley!
    I enjoyed your post...It's just what I love about the Fall. The warmth of home...crisp, fresh air...crunchy golden leaves under foot...baking...sewing...snuggling under a warm quilt. Ahhhhhhh.....How I love this time of year.
    Your pretty white pumpkin looks so perfect snugged against your soft pastel pillows.
    Thank you so much for sharing this delightful post.
    Carolynn xo

  3. Lovely post and photos! I love some hot soup on a cold rainy day. Your Bentley sounds like my Goldie Girl. She will stick her out head out the door on a rainy day have a look and then turn around and stay inside. Have a great day!

  4. Well I know we are in for some rain here in Western PA now...days and days of it...and my nesting instincts are on the same page as your post! My dogs hate the'd think a drop would melt them, they go in and out so fast to do their business when its a rainy day : )


  5. There will be winds and rain here too.. We cleaned up our yard and got things to the storage building for the winter.

    I agree about the joys in the cooler months.
    Stay warm and enjoy your peaceful and lovely home.
    hugs to you and waving at bentley

  6. I love it when I don't have to go anywhere! We may even see a little snow here in the mountains this week! That would be nice, too!

  7. Hi Susan! Oh, what a lovely post. I love to stay home and snuggle up in a quilt and just veg! :)
    I've got my socks on too.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  8. I don't mind damp rainy fall days. I grab a up of tea, curl up on the couch with a nice warm quilt and dream of redecorating, look through magazines or read a good book and ofcourse, nap. Perfect Sunday, as far as I am concerned. Have a great lazy Sunday ;-)

  9. Sounds like a wonderful weekend...even with the rain!! :)

  10. Sounds like a wonderful fall day to me!! Lovely post.


  11. I love a cool, rainy day once in a while. Although, I'm not looking forward to the rain and wind coming our way this tomorrow! I may be curled up with a book by candle light!

  12. Oh yea, cool rainy days, soup and football are a beautiful thing-enjoy:@)

  13. One of my favorite things about Fall..College Football.
    I think I'd rather have a winter of rain over snow. But, we had a beautiful day today and I was grateful


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