Saturday, November 3, 2012

My Date With Brad Pitt

I have your attention now don't I???

This is what really happened.  There are nights when I just cannot sleep.

No matter how cozy the bed may be, I will awake at about 2:30 AM.
I will toss and turn until I do this ~

 Start reading blogs.

Becky's blog is one of my favorite go to blogs in the wee hours.
Comfy, cozy and fun.  Guaranteed to give you sweet dreams.

Or I am off to visit Aunt Ruthie.

Last night I was here because I am a hard core plate addict!


After a while I got sleepy and crawled back under the covers.  I had a
dream that I met Brad Pitt while waiting at a train station in Connecticut to
catch the next train to NYC.  He asked me out on a date.  He didn't look
so cute.  And I SAID NO ....

Because of this guy.  Even though he does silly things like wearing
this Guy Fieri type visor when he plays golf ...

after 23 1/2 years of marriage, he still floats my boat!

No worries Angelina!  Brad is still yours.

Joining ~

Bentley ~ our hearts belong to that silly daddy of yours!

Susan and Bentley


  1. Laughing completely out loud!!!

  2. Well, you certainly caught my attention ;-) BUT I wouldn't trade your David for anything in the world. Angelina can have Brad ~
    Have a happy Saturday ;-)

  3. Angelina was getting a bit worried as she read this blog post. Thank goodness you said no to Brad.

  4. Cute ! I take sleeping pills cause I was sleep deprived ! Nope Brad doesn't do it for me ! Have a good day !

  5. I'm sure you came out ahead in the Brad/David deal!!


  6. Hi there! Thank you for visiting my blog and becoming a follower :) I am now following you and I look forward to future visits. I hope you have a wonderful week!


  7. Susan,
    Brad called me in my dream and asked me to meet you two in NYC. I knew you wouldn't go because of that great guy in the funny hat! xoxo
    Woof, Bentley!

  8. OMG - you are hilarious!!! What a FUN post!!! I'm sure you and your guy are a dynamic duo for sure!!!! Sorry, Brad!... Donna

  9. LOL! I usually wake up around 3:30 or so but I try not to get out of bed and eventually I do go back to sleep.

  10. Cute post. I am often up in the middle of the night reading blogs, too. Brad's loss :)


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