Thursday, December 27, 2012

Fresh and Clean

I have a friend who always buys white tulips after Christmas.
It's her way of calming things down after all of the color and
excitement of the holiday.

Source: via Susan on Pinterest

And as much as I love color, I feel much the same way once
Christmas is over.  White and calm and serene is just what I need
right now.

How about you?

Although ...
I do love these touches of red too, but maybe I'll just focus
on white for a bit.

Show and Tell Friday
Pink Saturday
Seasonal Sundays
Sunny Simple Sundays

Bentley has been very busy playing with his new toys.
He always likes to break them in before he starts the
rotation once again.

Susan and Bentley


  1. I love the bathroom with the Gingham red skirt on the sink. So unique.

  2. I love the white cabinets. I, too, am de-cluttering of all Christmas decor but the tree itself. It's time to calm things down. I'm not sure if I got around to wishing you a Merry Christmas so I'll do that now. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Hugs, Deb

  3. I think there is something about the holidays, the hustle and bustle that makes us want to be in a "calm" place afterwards. If only to savour the lovely time we had with family and friends. I truly believe you are onto something. I have been feeling that as much as Ioved the holidays, and spending cherished time with family and friends, now is the time to relax. I want to put the decorations away and just dream about spring and leave pretty shades of white, cream and light browns around.
    Bentley have fun with your new toys ~ break them in ;-)

  4. The first few are very appealing. I've always done my bathroom in whites and very light just seems clean to me and that's what a bathroom should be. Now...I think I'll get some white tulips!


  5. Hi Susan,Yes I also love white, but a touch of gold and sage green are so soothing.It has been overload in color and in sound. But a New Year and new beginings. Happy New Year!!
    Blessings, Roxy

  6. Ooooooooo, I love the red and white, sister!
    xoxo to you, too, Bentley!

  7. Susan, I had the same thought today. I'm ready to move out the red and add back a lot of white. ;-) White tulips sound wonderful, though my white lilies are still beautiful. Happy New Year........Sarah

  8. Susan,after spending 2 days staying with friends in their beautiful minimalistic home with lots of neutrals,I came home thinking I would declutter. Of cause my nature is to fill every nook and cranny,so how on earth am I going to. For a start I wouldn't be able to fit any more into my cupboards.LOL
    I love the pics you posted though,especially that gorgeous red and white bathroom. oH well maybe after the 12th night when all the decs come down,we'll see. Happy New Year xx

  9. I agree that white does seem to calm and soothe....I guess that's why I love it so much. The lovely white filled shelves inspire me to add more!

    Happy New Year to you and Bentley.


  10. I absolutely love that bathroom sink skirt... awesome!

  11. I'm happy to have the colours of Christmas for another week or so, until the 6th, and then we'll have a period of quiet. I was given lilies by friends yesterday and they are forerunners of the days after.

  12. I love the white, and I too am sooo ready to declutter and deep clean. I am unsure if I will be able to get all of he glitter out of the carpet but one can try. Happy new year Susan & Bentley!!

    xoxo, Tanya

  13. O I love things of red and white ! I hope Bentley is enjoying the new toys . Have a great weekend ! hugs lil raggedya ngie

  14. I love this idea although we usually leave the Christmas decorations up to enjoy for a few days after Christmas. I will have a clean look soon!
    Blessing for a wonderful New Year.

    The French Hutch

  15. I like white in any room. Always can add touches of color. Best wishes for the New Year.

  16. Love these gorgeous white pieces, it is so calm and serene. I'd like to move in that direction, too.
    Wishing you a happy and blessed new year! Bentley is so adorable with his new toys!

  17. Gingham is an underused quality today, was popular years ago but I think it always looks fresh. Nice reminder.

  18. Fresh and clean looks good!


  19. Love the red and white sink skirt!!! I only like white in the heat of summer time. Our winters here are too brutal to use a lot of white.....

  20. I love all the white you've shown here...but don't think I could live without extreme color!

  21. I love the idea of white tulips after Christmas. I'm not ready to put it all away yet, Jan 5th. But once it is away...white flowers do sound perfect.

    Great to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    Happy New Year!

    - The Tablescaper

  22. Beautiful images. I believe I have several of them pinned on one of my boards too! Great minds and all that... I also love to just use white with a touch of green after the holiday decorations are put away. Everything seems fresh and ready for the new year.
    Happy 2013!

  23. Calm and white and serene sounds perfect to me. Happy New Year. May it be filled with peace.

  24. Love the red gingham! I decorate my kitchen at Christmas with red gingham and gingerbread, but use gingham all year. What a wonderful idea to purchase white tulips. White is so beautiful and is calming. Stop by Still Woods and check out my new furry Christmas present! I think Bentley would like him! Happy New Year and blessings from Still Woods Farmhouse

  25. Now i am truly loving that red and white!!

    Happy New Year!!


  26. I feel the same, Susan. I'm a huge fan of color but crave the calm whites especially after the holidays. We just moved in to a new home during the holidays and I decorated our guest bath in my favorite combination, black and white using mostly whites. This way I can add touches of color to it without having to change the entire decor.
    Gotta love that red and white bathroom with the gingham and polka dots.
    Happy New Year.
    Stopping by via Bev's Pink Sat.
    Much love,

  27. Hi Susan, I came over because of Beverly's shout out about your post last week. The shabby chic bathroom pics in white are awesome. However, I am a girl of color and the red and white was my fave. White on white is Beverly's love of non color. I can see why she loved this as well as many others who love the French look. Lovely post Susan as always.
    xo, Jeanne


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