Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Ghosts of Christmas Past at Ash Tree Cottage

For the last few days I have been suffering with a terrible cold.
Sneezing, sniffling misery.  All I have wanted to do is to stay in
bed, pull the covers over my head and hibernate.

But ....

that's really hard to do because I have so many responsibilities.  Christmas is
just a few days away and my to do list is so very long.  So after drinking
lots of liquids, taking lots of vitamin C and aspirin as often as allowed,
I am trying my best to rally and get everything done.

This evening I was thinking that I should write a new post and take some
pics of something.  But what???

My poor head congested as it is, could think of nothing.  No creative
vignette, no witty banter .... nothing!

I went through my picasa albums and pulled out some pics from the past.
Retro Ash Tree Cottage.

Here is my potting shed from a couple of years ago.  I wonder if we have any
snow for Christmas this year?

Here is Santa.  I think he is STILL up in the attic.  I forgot to bring 
him down.  I better bring him down tomorrow.

I wish that I could tell you that I have been watching my calories
but to be honest I have been eating way too many goodies lately.

I need to go to the post office tomorrow and get more stamps.  Do you even
remember when stamps cost 12 cents a piece?  I don't.

Well that's it for now.  Today's ramblings with photos from
years past.  Hopefully I will have a better handle on things tomorrow.
Until then, I hope you are all healthy and full of holiday cheer!

Bentley ~ you better keep your trips outdoors to a minimum.  It is
going to be very cold tonight!

Susan and Bentley


  1. I hope you feel much better very soon! Christmas is the worst time to have a cold (or worse, flu!) Get plenty of rest, drink fluids, and don't over do! (It always worked when my Mom said it!)

    And on a really depressing note, I remember when stamps were $.03 each! And we got mail deliveries twice a day during Christmas and we got mail deliveries on Sunday!!! I pinky swear!

  2. Oh my feel better, Susan. I'm sure Bentley is taking good care of you. :) I felt a cold coming on the other day and I nearly overdosed with Vitamin C and it went away. :) Anyway, I loved your decorations. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas despite your cold!

    Michelle, Quincy, Emma, Lily and Perseus

  3. Loved your retro pics... Your blue and white teapot is lovely, and I like your little nesting Santa doll, too. Hope you feel better very soon! Wishing you a very Happy Christmas!

  4. Hope you will be back to feeling well very soon, Susan. I so love your posts. Wishing you, Bentley and your entire family a Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year!

  5. Dear Susan, Oh, no, you poor thing being ill this time of year is no fun when there is so much that needs to be done. I do hope the vitamin C and aspirin work for you and that you are feeling a little better today. In case I do not get the opportunity to speak to you before Christmas, I would like to wish you and your family a Happy Christmas and may 2013 bring you happiness, health and much love. Best Wishes Daphne

  6. Get well fast! I've been eating too many goodies too! I thought calories didn't count this time of year!

  7. I need for you to eat some chicken noodle soup, it has healing properties as you know :) I hope tomorrow when you wake up you feel better. I hope you get poor Santa out of the attic, he's a beauty and needs to join us. I love the pic of the three Santas and the postage stamp, and I probably remember 12 cent stamps but at my age I can't remember whether I remember or not. We're having rain and wanting a dusting of snow on the night of Dec. 24 perhaps Santa (the one in the attic?! he may be the man!) will bring us some. I hope you can get everything done, and I'm with you, I bet I've gained 5 pounds already, but when else when I have this MUCH chocolate in the house?! Legally, you know what I mean. Love ya bunches, Mary

  8. I hope you feel better quickly. Merry Christmas!

  9. Hope you get to feeling super healthy soon, Susan!

    Merry Christmas!

  10. I hope you are feeling better. We didn't have Thanksgiving this year my daughter and her babies were sick with a cold. By Sunday I was sick too. Last a week. Did my Christmas shopping and picked up the Flu while I was out. Lost 2 more weeks. Just did my Christmas cards and they are in the mail. Some of my Christmas stuff will be staying in the basement this year. Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

  11. Oh Susan, so sorry to hear that you have been sick. Nothing worse than to feel miserable at Christmas time. Hope you are on the mend sweetie. And hope that Bentley doesn't catch the dreadful thing. Love the look into the past at Ash Tree Cottage. The potting shed with the ivy and snow is a lovely setting. Loved all of your sweet vingnettes and that table setting is gorgeous! I have a little birdie like the one in your first pic. He will come out in January. Get well and have a very Merry Christmas! Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup. So happy you joined even when you're not feeling well.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.