Monday, December 17, 2012

God Bless the Little Children and Tweak Our Nation

I have a little shelf where all of my childhood blue willow
dishes live.  I remember playing so carefully with these little
dishes.  Never wanting them to get chipped or to break.

We always want to protect the things we love ...
the ones we love.

Sometimes we can't.

And the little ones are taken away from us.

And our hearts are never the same.
I pray that our nation will both heal and change.  That we
will remember to treat each other the way we wish to be treated.
That we regain our civility and leave the violence behind.
Imagine a world without hate.  Without cruelty. 
We have the ability to make that happen.

Wouldn't it be nice if everyone was like Bentley?
He loves everyone!

Susan and Bentley


  1. Lovely little dishes ! Yes a sad and terrible tragedy . My heart and prayers go out to all !

  2. Dear Susan and Bentley,

    Thank you for your beautiful post and sharing your adorable dishes.
    Our hearts are broken and our prayers continue for everyone.
    Blessings and Hugs,
    Erin and Bentley

  3. Dear Susan & Bentley,

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful things and memories with us. I love your sentiments. Beautiful and simply stated. 'AMEN'

    The Library Lady

  4. And we love Bentley! I wish life were less chaotic and more simplistic. I wish for a world without so many guns.

  5. Yes, that would be nice......
    So sad.

    Love your post.

  6. It would be very nice, indeed, Susan.

    I love your cabinet. So pretty.

  7. Love the dishes, I have the same set and need to display it. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Beautifully put!! I love your shelf and pretty display!

  9. Love this post Susan. It would be wonderful and I believe that we can accomplish that goal, if everyone would live as you say ~
    Love your little dishes. Prayers go out to all ~

  10. Happy Holidays from my home to yours! This is lovely Susan. I am visiting you via Wow Us Wednesdays and I look forward to seeing you at My Dream Canvas!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.