Thursday, February 21, 2013

Looking For A Good Book? May I Recommend ...

I just finished reading A Good American by Alex George.
My advice to you is to pick up a copy,

 make a pot of coffee or tea and curl up in a cozy chair for
the chance to be drawn into the sometimes funny,
sometimes tragic but always endearing lives of Frederick, Jette and
 their family.  Frederick, always the romantic, serenades his way
 into the heart of the practical Jette.  Their passion has the suspected
consequences and they soon find themselves about to be parents. 
Frederick has few prospects and no family.  Jette's life is controlled
by a domineering yet aloof mother.  What do they do?  Jette steals
a family treasure to ensure their passage to a land of hope and 
promise ~ America.

When they board the boat for America, they believe that they are
going to New York.  They soon discover that their destination will be
the port of New Orleans.  While Jette suffers through sea sickness and the
rigors of pregnancy, Frederick is busy making contacts on board and 
planning their future.  After two weeks at sea they enter the 
Gulf of Mexico.  Frederick studies the land he sees on the horizon
and his excitement about the opportunities that lie ahead are infectious.

Upon reaching New Orleans they take a Mississippi river boat
up river to Missouri because Frederick has learned that there are many
Germans living in Missouri and finding a job in the state will be easy.
On route, Jette delivers their first child and this new family
is helped by new friends in this new land who help shape their future.

Despite their enthusiasm, they soon discover that life in this new land is not 
without it's problems.  Jette must deal with the guilt of stealing from the 
parents she left behind in Germany.  While Frederick works to build their 
 future, Jette stiffens. The music that Frederick once used to serenade
 her no longer catches her heart and their devotion to one another begins
 to fade.  Two world wars, floods, racial discord and death enter the
 lives of these two young lovers from Hanover as we follow the
two generations their love spawns.  Yet always, the musical talent
 inherited from Frederick weaves a common thread in their story. 

I hope you will take the time to obtain a copy of this book
and enjoy it's magic.  Perhaps it will renew the interest in your
own family's history.  It certainly did for me.  After all, we are
all the children of ancestors who once made their way to 
this country to become good Americans.  It is our common thread.

Click this link to read what others are saying about this 
excellent novel by Alex George.  Disclaimer ~ This is a paid review for
BlogHer Book Club but the opinions are my own.

Susan and Bentley


  1. Sounds like a book I would like. Thanks for the suggestion. Deb

  2. Sounds like a good book I am reading one of your other suggestions right now Still meadow farm by gladys taber. I really enjoy her writing and will look for others she has written.

  3. I'll have to add this to my list, Susan. My list is growing and my reading time is shrinking! lol!


  4. Sounds like my kind of book. I really need to get a Kindle or something.

  5. Susan this sounds like a really good book. I too will add to my every growing TBR list!
    hugs, Linda

  6. I love to read. This sounds interesting. Thank you Susan for your sweet comment about Clovis today. xo, Olive

  7. This sounds like just my cup of tea. Couldn't resist, I just ordered it from Amazon:)


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.