Friday, February 22, 2013

Baskets and Pillows Follow Me Home ~ Really!

Okay girls ~ I know your husbands ask the same question at your
little cottage ~
"Why do we have so many baskets and pillows?"

This girl just can't help herself.

Time after time, at thrift shops, consignment shops, antique shops
and oh better keep me out of Pottery Barn ...
I see another one and just can't resist.  

Even the little itty bitty ones.  For me, every day is
a basket and pillow love fest!

Happily Joining ~

A Favorite Thing
Homemaking Link

Bentley wants me to keep the doors open so that he can
run freely in and out of the cottage.  Can't seem to
convince him that it's just too cold.  Bentley is being stubborn
about it, but so am I.  Bentley doesn't pay gas bill.  He
doesn't have a job :-)

Susan and Bentley


  1. What would our cottages be without these sweet touches? Let's face it.....some of us have it and some of us don't. I think I'm infected with it......hahaha

  2. I'm a huge pillow and basket fan, too. We have so many pillows and yet I keep bringing home more. I just can't help myself. Happy Pink Saturday!

  3. Susan ~ I love old quilts, baskets and pillows. You're making me chuckle as the other day we were in Homesense and yes, another pillow came home with me ~ such fun~!
    Tell Bentley to be patient, soon he will be chasing squirrels in the sun shine ;-)

  4. Susan - love all of your pretty pillows and baskets. There is nothing wrong with having as many as you desire!! LOL I don't keep all of my pillows on my bed because there are so many. I got tired of hearing this grumbling every night, so I just put them all on when we're having company. ha. Enjoy!


  5. Well like I say to Papa you have your toys and I have mine lol ! I do like that white pillow with the lovely pink English roses on it ! I like anything that catches my eye ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  6. And to back you up, Bentley has a fur coat!
    I would like some of your floral pillows to follow me home one day. I will keep a look out and maybe buy some due to your sweet inspiration.

  7. Bentley's job is to keep us entertained. I wouldn't worry about your gathering treasures. There are far worse things to gather.

  8. Happy Pink Saturday! We need the baskets to keep the pillows and we need the pillows to fill the baskets. Joyous wishes, Linda

  9. LOL here it is why so many plates, glasses and just stuff. Sounds like Bentley needs a doggie door.

  10. Hi Susan. Oh yes, pillows and baskets, AND tea-cups and plates and pictures, etc., etc., the list goes on and on. My husband thinks that all "my problems" (his words) stem from blogging! WHERE was he before??!!..Happy Weekend..Judy, P.S. Bentley, Buddy says you go little buddy, you are a dog after my own heart!!

  11. You made good choices on your pillows and baskets. I am sure Bentley know it just takes a minute to do his business and get right back in.

  12. Susan,you sound just like me. I am a cushionaholic and basketaholic LOL

  13. I didn't know it was possible to have too many baskets and pillows.
    P.S. I was wondering when Bentley was going to have to start pulling his own weight around the old homestead :)

  14. Now you know Bentley has a job. Being a loyal buddy and (wo)man's best friend is a lot of work, especially when we don't live life they way cute little dogs like Bentley want. Just ask my chihuahua Holly and she can tell you all about that! I love pillows too, but my Dad always asks about dishes. "Dishes? What do we need more dishes for?" At least we never run out of clean dishes in the house since it's hard for both Mom and I to pass up pretty ones.

  15. Hi Susan! Love baskets and pillows! Must be a girl thing! LOL! Bentley is a character! Our dogs are always whining at the door! So they cane run in the snow and track it throughout the house! Baad puppies! HaHa!
    HPS to you and enjoy the weekend!
    You are one of the kind hearts,treasure stopping by and visiting! Thank you for being you!
    Hugs Anne

  16. I too love baskets! My French Grandmere used to weave baskets and was good at it. She would ask me what kind I wanted and then show me how to do it. The work certainly hurt her hands. Too bad I didn't understand the love that went into it at the time. Since those days I have picked up many baskets in different spots. I have discovered however that cats enjoy chewing on the handles!

  17. I definitely get the 3rd degree about all the pillows on the bed! I finally just stopped putting them on the sofa because he would just toss them all around or actually LAY HIS HEAD DOWN on them!!! WHAT??!?!?!! Is he crazy?!?!??!!! :-) :-) :-) I guess I have my fair share of baskets, too, but they are nowhere in his path, so they're safe! You've got some really pretty ones. Just keep on collecting to your heart's content! Have a good weekend!!!

  18. I love pillows too--those pink floral ones are so pretty!

  19. What a pretty post, Susan! I love your plump pillows in the soft patterns and colors. Being a RED lover I also am fond of your little basket full of red ones.
    I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
    Carolynn xo

  20. Beautiful pillows and baskets are really hard to resist and yours are really pretty...Christine

  21. What is it about pillows? They're so dang charming.

  22. Pillows, tea towels, and cookie cutters follow me home...
    Happy weekend from the enchanted oven!

  23. I know! I seem to gather pillows and baskets, too. Too many. Half the time I don't know where to use them. Love your pillows, Susan - they are so pretty!

    Thanks so much for joining in this week!


  24. Pillows and baskets, you're right, who can resist. I love the little heart pillow with the buttons. So cute! My husband says his daily exercise is moving the pillows on and off the bed every day. Haha!

  25. LOL I bought a big basket at the thrift store last week and was going to use it to organize magazines and books or something. Next I know it became a bed for my grandson's Spider Man ! He arranged a bunch of couch pillows in there and put Spidey down for a nap !

  26. Baskets can be very handy, can't they?

  27. A girl can't have too many of either ~ can she? My husband's question is always, "where you going to put THAT?" (**

  28. Beautiful eye candy! Your pillows & baskets are beautiful! I have an obsession with floral lace & linens and pillows! Happy Pink Saturday!

  29. I too have a basket fascination... I'm glad I'm not alone! Happy Weekend!

  30. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment!

    Yknow, I've been searching for a centerpiece for my island in my kitchen and your post has given me some very neat options! My kitchen is red so your basket with red little pillows is SO sweet! Maybe I'll buttonhole stitch around the edges or make basketfull of red felt hearts. Doesn't that sound so cute?

  31. I love baskets too. They are all over our house as organizers. A basket for this ...a basket for that. You can't have too many baskets.

  32. Hello Susan, Your comment about Bentley made me laugh. Our Cheri' wants to go outside and then runs back in when she realizes it isn't much fun in the rain or snow.

    I adore your baskets and pillows. Romantic and pretty is a great combination. I think pretty pillows are romantic. I passed up some pillows last week and it is too far away to go back and get them. Sigh!

    Wishing you warmer days ahead.
    xo, Jeanne

  33. Oh my goodness, your pillows and baskets are beautiful, and I am especially in love with the hearts!!!!

    Hugs ~ Mary

  34. Dishes and pillows follow me home. I have been thinking lately that we need more baskets..for the dishes and pillows. :)

  35. Thoroughly enjoyed your post ... right off, the idea of pillows and baskets was warm and inviting and then, the closing remarks about Bentley, just made me smile.
    Loved the pillows and baskets. I heard my husband say the same thing, just how many baskets??
    Thanks, Happy Pink Saturday!
    (My sign off is from one blog, my Pink Post is on another - but I have a link on the one directing to the other... confused? I hope not!)

  36. I am a basket girl too. Any thrift store I go to I have a look for an old handmade basket always on the hunt.

  37. My husband used to tell people he felt like he married the Easter bunny.......we had so many baskets! Lol.

  38. Baskets and pillows are good for picnics and naps! Picnics and naps are wonderful so baskets and pillows are useful! Thanks for linking up this past week. I'll have the new party up later this afternoon and would love to have you back!

    Have a happy day,
    Mrs. Sarah Coller


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