Monday, April 29, 2013

Another Bentley Vacation Update

We stopped in Roswell, New Mexico.  We looked up in 
the sky at 4:30 in the morning hoping to spot a UFO.
Nothing ~ no luck.   But we did spot some aliens 
in the parking lot of the motel across the street.

Even the MacDonald's looks like a flying saucer.

And a space mural.

And after Roswell we drove to the Texas border.
Boise, Idaho to the Texas border is a long, long drive.
I slept most of the way but I woke up from time to time 
so momma could take me for walkies and a water and 
treatie break.  I know that I am a just a little bit spoiled.
I can't help it if I am cute.

And then we went to visit our friends in Victoria, Texas.
They have three dogs ~ Lila, Maxie and another Yorkie like me
named Lacey.  

But ~ they also have three CATS ~ yes CATS, my enemy who live
outside.  I got in trouble for chasing the cats around the pool and 
cornered one behind a bush and my momma scolded me.
But ~ I got the upper paw when I got to go inside for dinner but
the three cats had to stay outside.

See here they are looking inside.  

Ha ha kitties!

Maxie does not care.  She's cool with both cats and dogs.

More tomorrow.  It rained today so we did not spend
much time by the pool, but maybe tomorrow I will
get to go swimming.

Big Hugs and Kisses,



  1. Welcome to TX, Bentley! What do you think? '-)

  2. Bentley~ What a grand adventure, potential aliens and cats, or are they one and the same? :)

  3. Bentley - I hate to admit this in the blogging world with so many cat lovers, but I prefer cats outside, too. This is just between us, right????
    Hope you enjoy the rest of your vacation!!

  4. Love that McDonalds. That Texas sign is funny. Looks like it is portable, hah.
    Now Bentley you leave those kitties alone. Our Yorkie leaves our indoor kitty alone and the one at the vets but low and behold one walks in the back yard and she is ready to attack. Have fun with your Mama.

  5. Aliens and space New Mexico. Well now I know . That McDonalds was pretty cool looking.
    I hope it starts to warm up for you so you can get into the pool.
    (shhhh...I don't like cats)

  6. So glad your having fun Bentley. We don't like kitties or cats either but the ones next door parade through my moms front yard just to ticks us off and we bark at them, however THEY do not come into the back yard. Have a terrific vacation.
    Waldo and Lili


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