Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Bentley's Vacation House Tour Part 1

Here we are at the entrance to the house of our friends in
Victoria, Texas.  It's a long way up the drive to the house,
but follow me and I will show you the way.

And here we are.  My friends Lila, Lacey and Maxie live here.
Three cats live outside, but they are not my friends.  Mama may show
you some inside pics, but my favorite places are all outdoors.

Here is the front door, but lets go around back to the 
pool and outdoor kitchen.  The other dogs and I like
that area the best.

This is where my moma and daddy sit and talk, talk, talk
with their friends.  How do they do it?  Don't the ever get

If you are not going to cook us something yummy to
eat in the outdoor kitchen, well then the least you can
do is take us all for a swim in the pool.

Lila, Lacey and Maxie and I am all waiting patiently!

Let's all put on some floaties and dive in!

Mama ~ stop gabbing on the back porch and take us pups for
a swim!

Hey mama look ~ I just saw some deer on the other side of the fence
around the pool.  That didn't get her attention either.  Come on guys,
let's just jump in without them.

Mama said I could join ~

Wow Us Wednesday
The Charm Of Home

I will be sure to have my mama take pics of my
pup friends too.

Big Hugs and Kisses,


  1. Great home. The grounds are lovely and I would so love a great outdoor kitchen, like that. Email me soon with you pics!
    Bentley, did you bark at the deer?

  2. Hi Bentley, What an incredible estate! I can only imagine. You and Mom are lucky indeed to have friends who have this wonderful spread. You must feel like you are at a resort when you are there. Please tell your momma to share some more pics. A girl can dream, can't she?!

  3. Bentley, you are quite a character, you make me laugh so hard. This is a beautiful home and a lovely outdoor space. You sure are a lucky little thing to be in a place like this with such beauty.


  4. Bentley - what a beautiful place to vacation! Glad you have friends to play with. Don't forget to wear your floaties in the pool!


  5. What a beautiful home, I hope we get to see more.

  6. Oh my goodness, Bentley! What a beautiful home to visit! You are one lucky dog! xx

  7. Very pretty. I found your blog on Pinterest. We use to live in Victoria for 11 yrs. I miss my friends and church but I don't miss the hot, flat, brown landscape and climate.

  8. Bentley ~ you lucky little pup. What a beautiful home to visit. Can't wait to see you and your puppy friends swimming. Let me know all the yummy treats they feed you from that gorgeous outside kitchen. Have fun ~


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.