Friday, April 12, 2013

Beatrix Potter ~ A Favorite Illustrator and Author

As an artist I have a deep love and respect for Beatrix Potter's 
charming illustrations.  And as a lover of books, her timeless 
stories are a treasure for all children.

Source: via Ann on Pinterest

Beatrix forged her way through a male dominated publishing
business.  She was a natural scientist and conservationist.
Such a sweet and kind soul.  She left a legacy of books, illustrations
and protected land to be enjoyed by future generations.

I love these figurines.  They are two of the most important
things I own.

So many charming stories that are just as fresh and 
relevant as when they were first published.  Tiny books
for tiny hands.  Beatrix knew just what children needed.

The Tailor of Gloucester is my favorite and I read it
every year at Christmas.

If you have never seen any of her interior illustrations
then you must.

I love Beatrix Potter so much that we named our 
Mini Cooper after her.  Doesn't Bentley look cute
hanging his head out of the Mini???

Happily Joining ~

Bentley loves to come along on shopping trips around
town with us.  A favorite thing for him is greeting everyone
who comes by.  

Big Hugs and Happy Weekend,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I love her books too. Bentley looks adorable.

  2. I love her books and illustrations, too. I still have the ones that were mine when I was a little girl. And they are among my favorite things to give at baby showers or birthdays for little people. If I could pick someone to go back in time to meet, it would be her. (and Laura Ingalls Wilder.)

  3. I am sure you have watched on own the DVD Miss Potter. I too adore her and would love to visit Hilltop Farm and the Lake District. Darling post - I so enjoyed!

  4. Love the books, too. She had a gift and we now benefit from it. I have many of her small books and will keep them forever.
    "Hi Bentley". Hope he has a fun ride.
    Hugs, Deb

  5. I love Beatrix Potter too. You ought to see our 80lb Shepherd in our Mini.

  6. Oh I love her, too and love your figurines!

    Susan, I drive a Mini Cooper, too! YAY!

    It's bright red with white roof and wheels and rearview mirrors.

    It's certainly fun to go a motorin' in it, aye?

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. Those books are one of the first things I bought Laynee after she was born. I give her one on every occasion - sunny day, cloudy day, Easter, etc. She's not old enough to read yet but loves to be read to. I love anything with her name.

    Have a great weekend.


  8. I have two pictures of her pictures hanging in the spare room, which will become my grandchild's room if I ever get one but my overnight visitors can enjoy them now, I also like her books and they are just the thing for children .

  9. Yes, Beatrix Potter deserves to be a favorite thing!

  10. I love Beatrix too!! I have collected a few of the figures over the years and read the books to my son.

    Amy Jo

  11. It is hard to beat Beatrix for charm. When I visited the English Lake District many years, ago, I thought about her the entire time. I could certainly understand how she imagined her characters, while walking in that wonderful area. Thank you for sharing this - it brings back many happy memories of reading her books, especially to my children and grandchildren!

  12. I love her illustrations and stories. I just found a small set of her books for a dollar!!

    hugs, Linda

  13. I love everything Beatrix Potter too. I have collected a few books and Peter. Bentley is so sweet x

  14. My son's nurseries were decorated with Beatrix Potter fabric. The hospital even gave us Beatrix Potter diaper bags when they came home, so I have a special place in my heart for her. I remember reading their stories when I was a little girl.

    Love your figurines!

  15. We share a love there!! I absolutely LOVE Beatrix Potter! I have all her little books that I have had for 35 years-since my kids were babies. I used to read them to them. I also have several Peter Rabbit pieces including a special edition thimble on a stand. I really should do a post about this, too, someday. Thanks for the smiles here- xo Diana

  16. Hi Susan - hugs to Bentley - and chiming in with cheers for our good Lady Beatrix! I am currently teaching a homeschool preschool course about Beatrix using four of her stories and a project on Mr. McGregor's garden. We're having a blast! We'll be wrapping it up in a couple of weeks with a Beatrix Potter tea party which I'll feature on the teatime link-ups. Hope you check it out! Blessings!!

  17. Beatrix Potter is one of my favorite author / illustrators. My beloved Labrador Retriever is named after her, and knowing a little bit about Beatrix Potter, I think she would be pleased. I have quite a few books by her, but alas, no figurines. What treasures you have.

  18. She was so talented and her works live on for future generations, thank goodness! They have such a sweet, whimsical quality. I love your figurines, Susan.

    Thanks so much for joining in this week!


  19. I love her books also. So, sweet and charming!
    Thanks for sharing your favorite Author. Have a fantastic weekend,
    xxx Liz

  20. I love her stories, too. I think Bentley is ruling that mini. xo Laura

  21. I love those figurines. Bentley is so cute. My Daisy is a cairn terrier. They would be great friends.

  22. Give that puppy a hug from me...I have always loved anything Beatrix Potter. Susan Branch has a blog and talks of her often. I think you would enjoy reading some of her posts. Enjoy!

  23. Oh Susan I agree!
    Beatrix Potter was and still is a favorite of mine. I was brought up on her books, 'The Tale of Peter Rabbit' was my very fave - I think I knew it off by heart and I loved Peter's blue jacket!
    Tiny books for tiny hands - so true.
    Love your figurines - they are precious.
    Shane ♥

  24. Such a sweet post, love the figurines! Sweet Bentley...such a cutie!

  25. And I am your follower n° 968! Your blog is very interesting, the post on elderly people is touching. Nice to meet you, Susan; a big hug to you and Bentley. Ciao. Tina

  26. I was really into Bea's books when my son was a baby, 29 years ago! Oh my, now I can get back into them with my little grandson to be. I pinned about reading the Tailor of Gloucester at Christmastime. I want to check that out. Bentley looks so clean and loved - what a beautiful little creature.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.