Thursday, April 11, 2013

Golf Widow

My husband David belongs to a golf league that begins each April
and continues until almost November.  David and his golf partner
Wayne, meet each Thursday after work with other guys and play
at a golf club here in town.  Now that makes me a golf widow
every Thursday night.  Do I mind?  Not at all!

It's my night to do as I please.  So I make it a girly, relaxing type of
an evening.  This afternoon I picked a few flowering branches and 
put them in a crystal vase.  I draped a table cloth over a TV stand, 
and made a setting of some of my favorite plates, stemware and

I always serve myself something I love.  Tonight it will be pan seared scallops,
a baked yam and some steamed broccoli with a glass of my favorite red wine.

I will take a bubble bath, get into a comfy robe and slippers ...

and watch season 2 of the Mary Tyler Moore Show.
I may be a golf widow, but I am enjoying my "just for me" time.
I wonder what I will do next week???

Happily Joining ~

Bentley likes being a golf puppy too because he gets 
a little extra spoiling.  He will be having lamb and rice a
any baked yam and broccoli and lots of cuddles!

Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Sounds like the perfect evening. I love the flowering branches you brought in. The colour is amazing and they look beautiful in that vase. We don't have any flowers yet and tomorrow it is calling for snow. Can you imagine having snow this late? It is so annoying and confusing for our poor birds and wildlife. Hopefully it will be the last of it. Enjoy your evening. It all sounds wonderful right down to the wine. Tell Bentley Kane loves yams, too. Hugs, Deb

  2. Susan, this sounds like a lovely evening..we all need these kinds of glad to see you dressing it all up 'just for you' this post and all of your pictures..that rose chintz is so pretty...

  3. This sounds like a good way to spend an evening, I’m taking notes! Enjoy your evening. I’m a working widow tonight and I think I’m about to get a hot bath and curl up with TCM!

    The French Hutch

  4. I bet Bentley really loves Thursday nights! A little extra snuggling with Mama. Sounds like a calm and relaxing evening. Enjoy!


  5. Way to go! It looks like it's going to be a great, relaxing evening. Everything looks so pretty and cozy! I used to be a golf widow on weekends, now I'm a fishing widow!


  6. Oh very pretty ! Always good to have me time the way you want it ! Enjoy your evening with Bentley !

  7. oh, I know what you mean --- girly time is so much fun. I used to be a "racing widow" but due to some life changes, he doesn't race as much as before. love your bookcase.

  8. You just make everything look so beautiful, Susan, right down to the TV tray! Love the dishes, so beautiful - and love that cabinet in the background! Enjoy your Thursday evenings alone with Bentley and MTM (Oh I dearly love that girl ... just finished reading Rhoda's biography ("I, Rhoda") and it provided lots of great insights into our girl Mary, too. Big hugs to you and Bentley ~ Mary

  9. Oh yum - looks like "somehow" you'll get through!

  10. Sounds like a perfect evening, Susan. A little "just for me" time is what we all need. Fun to see more of your home. I'm scanning those bookshelves and see lots of fun things ~ like those miniatures.....and is that a little fox to the side on the second shelf? Pretty cute!

  11. A pretty good evening at home, dinner sounds great but The Mary Tyler Moore show it's a long time since I have seen that show.

  12. That sounds like perfection to me. Nice quiet time alone. x

  13. I'm in the same boat with you, Susan and Bentley. I need to make my golf widow times more special. I have a beautiful tub I never get use! I have tried to take an interest in golf as we live on a wonderful golf course but I just am not interested. I would rather craft than golf.Your evening sounds wonderful!

  14. Hi Susan...sounds like a perfect evening!! Everything looks so beautiful...enjoy your special me time.
    Happy Pink Saturday and have a great weekend.
    xo Tami
    ps...Give Bentley a pet for me!

  15. Good for you for taking advantage for time for yourself. I am sure the pup loved the extra attention big time too. Beautiful place setting.


  16. Very charming! I love time to myself a lot too. It's very relaxing....Christine

  17. Everybody needs their own space once in awhile.

  18. Sounds like a great evening, with a beautiful table, good meal and better company. I'm an every sport widow. Whatever sporting event is on TV my hubs watches. Cant get him out of the house or away from the TV ha ha hah.

  19. Where did you get your white chair covers?
    I wish my husband could play golf .
    We are covered in snow and a storm is coming this weekend
    Your home is so soft and neat.

  20. I hope you said thank you when he returned and then mentioned how you are looking forward to his next golf date!! Your little party looks divine, I am glad you enjoyed yourselves!!
    Happy Pink Saturday
    Hugs, Nerina xOxO

  21. Sounds like a nice well adjusted time for you both!
    Looks cozy and welcoming.
    Happy Pink Saturday!
    Rough up Bentley's fur a bit about the face and ears for me.

  22. What a lovely way to spend the evening! I am amazed that you make such a nice dinner for yourself because I do "lazy food" when the hubby is away. Give Bentley some snuggles from Chloe and I!

  23. Susan, you sound just like me. On my widow days, I do EXACTLY the same thing, right down to my favourite glass of wine, bubble bath, yummy food and candle light. I enjoy my me nights. Chico enjoys my me nights too. Now that he's a little older, I give him a little cheese and tiny bites now and them. Oh I wish I lived next door. We could have widow nights together ;-)


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