Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Hi Sugar!

I found this cute little vintage sugar shaker the other day.
It's so kitchen kitsch!  I could hardly wait to bring it home
and create a vignette.

I just knew it would fit right in with some of my reds.
And it does!

My old enamel coffee pot.  While my grind and brew
Cuisinart makes better coffee, it just does not have the
charm of the vintage enamel ones.

We should be rolling out crust for a pie or baking cookies
don't you think?

Well sugar, that's how we roll in this house.  One new piece comes in
and suddenly a new tablescape is created!  Now how about some powdered sugar
on French toast???

Happily Joining ~

I am tip toeing around this morning.  Both Bentley and my hubby
are still asleep.  I am actually relishing the quiet.  Because before 
long they will be up and full of enthusiasm.  Takes me longer
to get going.

Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Sweet find! It looks like it's in good shape too. Go red!

  2. Love the sugar bowl especially since it has red in it. I also love the rooster sign. Everything works so well together - thanks for sharing.
    Love red in the kitchen.

  3. Oh, how darling and nothing like all your sweet reds to bring a smile to my face this morning.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. Susan that little container is very cute. It does fit in with your reds. I love your retro country look. So cute!

  5. I love all the red and your tablescape is so pretty!

  6. Such a sweet red and white vignette! Love the sugar shaker!!!

  7. Hey sugar, what's shakin'? ;-) Love this little sugar shaker and your red and whites are absolute perfect. Love this vintage vignette ~ have a great day!

  8. Hey sweet thing hehe ! Oh that table scape is cute love the find of that sugar shaker ! All looks wonderful ! Shake it up and have a good day !

  9. Red is such a charming color with your white pieces! Your new sugar shaker does fit in nicely. I love getting up early and having time to research and write - best part of the day!

  10. Oh Susan - that sugar shaker is darling. I'm jealous - wish I could find one. :) J

  11. It plays beautifully with your other pieces, Susan. What a darling piece.

  12. Cute shaker...took me back a year or three, for sure! Love the red and white.

  13. Susan, I love your red and white...cutest little sugar shaker......and the enamel coffee pot inspires me..I have one and need to find it and use it for future tablescape..isn't that the way it is supposed to work? your creativity inspires another? thank you ..this is really pretty..
    Love, Mona

  14. You made a charming vignette with all your red and whites!!!


  15. That is the cutest vignette, Susan! I love red anyway and that sugar shaker inspired you with such a sweet vintage design. I'll be right over for the French toast!

  16. Darling vignette, and your sugar shaker is too cute. Love the red and white!!

  17. Cute collection of red kitchen goodies. I think I remember seeing a couple of those things in my Granny's kitchen.

  18. I love this sugar shaker and all the red and white. It is perfectly vintage! xo Diana

  19. That sugar shaker is adorable!! Red and White and perfect in it's new vignette!

  20. What a wonderful vignette. I love ALL of the red and white.

  21. Spoken like a true Southern belle! What a great find! I always think of Lucille Ball when I see these great red & white vintage pieces. I don't know that she necessarily had any of them in her kitchen (the show was in black and white, so who knows?), but maybe it's because she was a redhead! Your vignette looks terrific, especially with that fabulous coffee pot. I'm sure even Bentley agrees! Tell him hi from me, and y'all have a good weekend! :-)

  22. What a cheery vignette, Susan...I think a red and white kitchen would be so cute.

  23. I think the combination of Red and White looks so great in a kitchen.
    What a darling Sugar Shaker.
    (funny little tid bit.....back in the day of CB radio's in cars, we used to have one in the 70's, and my "handle" was SUGAR SHAKER)
    funny that I thought of that

  24. The vintage sugar shaker is a wonderful find I have yet to find one in good shape and a price I can afford. I also like the coffee pot.

  25. Oh I am drooling! Red gingham and everything... So cute! Love,love,love!

  26. Susan~ Your sugar shaker is adorable! Love your red & white farmhouse kitchen vignette! I'd have to have coffee out of your enamel pot for old times sake :)

  27. such a cute sugar shaker... i love the writing and graphic on the front!

  28. Boy Susan I just love your blog. You inspire me in so many ways! Did you know that? Because of you I am getting all my little miniature items out and trying to put them together because I fell in love with your little mini kitchen....I'm on a roll...I'm in the thinking and buying phase....and I'm even going to sell a couple things on Etsy. You got me going girl! Thank you. It is always a pleasure to come by for a visit!

  29. Oh your red and white is so cheerful! I love your cute sugar shaker!

  30. LOVE! Puts me in mind of my Grandmother. Dianne

  31. What a fantastic find. I always look for things like this, but so far, I have yet to find one that was not over my price range. Very pretty indeed and what wonderful photos. Thanks for linking in today. Happy VTT

  32. I love vintage kitchen items like that. The sugar shaker looks so perfect with your other red items.

  33. Great find!

    That entire vignette would fit in perfectly in my kitchen.

  34. Love that sweet shaker!! It would look so good in my Kitchen!! LOL!!
    The whole vignette is just so darn charming!!


  35. How cute! And you did a wonderful vignette! Loving the reds.

  36. I love that sweet little vignette, Susan! A while back, I found the matching salt & pepper shakers to your sugar shaker at Goodwill. I didn't realize that there were more in the set so now I am on the lookout for my own.

    Off to the flea market this morning. You & Bentley have a wonderful Sunday.


  37. Love it, so cute!

    Thanks so much for linking to Let's Dish, have a good week!

  38. What a cheerful find! I do love the bright, cheerful red! I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.