Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Road Trip

I have been so tied down with responsibilities for the last
several years that I have not been able to leave town for any
length of time.   But suddenly, I have the chance to get away
for several days and I could not be more excited!

It's time for a road trip!  Living in Idaho is beautiful but let 
me tell you that Boise is a very, very remote city.  The nearest big
cities are all at least 400 miles away.  And ... often between those
cities there is no place to stop for lunch.  So, it's really important
to pack one.

Of course you know me and even a packed lunch will become
a vintage vignette.  My husband always teases me about our
decorated excursions.

But really, there is no other way to go!

You all agree with me don't you???

Happily Joining ~

Okay Bentley, let's get all of your travel things together too.
That could be an entire post of it's own!

Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Susan, have fun! IT is well deserved. I love your vintage accessories for the trip..makes it extra special!

  2. Dear Sister,
    We have the same red lantern! Really? Of course, we do!
    Bentley, make sure Momma packs some treats!

  3. Have a great trip!!!!! You will be eating lunch in vintage style. I love your lunch box and thermos and your quilt is perfect for this spread. Great RL plates. Hope you have nice weather for your trip..........

    The French Hutch

  4. Oh you are so right. Love your road-trip gear in all it's vintage red and white delightfullness. Love that quilt too! It's so pretty.

  5. Susan, I'm mad about your vintage plaid picnic gear! Hope you have safe and happy travels!

  6. I love your decorated excursions! Great plaid gear!

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  7. You should go in style have a good time.

  8. So glad you are going to get away for a bit. I live in a kind of remote place, too, but bigger cities are closer than the ones near you. Have a blast. Susan

  9. Absolutely agree! Loving all the tartan details and all the vintage picnic pieces. I grew up drinking out of colored aluminum glasses like the ones you have. My niece enjoys them now. Safe and fun travels........Sarah

  10. I agree... oh yes, I agree. Your decorated lunch is so much more fun than a brown bag special. The plaids are charming and remind me of the movies where they are touring in those old cars and stop to picnic. I will no longer gripe about how far dallas is.. 315 miles.. but I can stop along the way. have fun. blessings, xo marlis

  11. What better way to do lunch then in vintage style.
    Have a great trip.

  12. Wow, I didn't know you lived in Idaho! I don't think I've ever even "met" anyone from that state! You ARE a long way from other cities! I like your style, packing a lovely picnic for your road trip. Have a great time!

  13. Good Morning Susan, You are absolutely right! A girl has to travel in style!
    Have a wonderful "stylish" road trip.
    Best Wishes

  14. My son-in-law is in Boise right now on a business trip! I hope you have a great time on your trip - sounds like you really need a vacation. Your packing that very elegant picnic basket reminds me of the first time my husband and I drove through part of Idaho. We were very young and spent three weeks on a road trip from Georgia to California (with a stop in Mexico) and back. We always had food in the ice chest and picnic basket (not so elegant!) in the trunk - mainly, because we were poor and could not afford to eat at restaurants all of the time. Bear Lake was among our favorite sites!! Love your red plaid and all of the accessories!! Thank you so much for sharing this - it certainly brought back happy memories!

  15. Enjoy your outing. Wish I had one of those old thermos. You can hardly find them anymore.

  16. Susan, some times all we need is to get away for a little while...enjoy your trip and your tartan picnic!

  17. A picnic is always fun, but it's more fun to do it IN VINTAGE STYLE!!! Hope you enjoy your outing!

  18. Of COURSE we agree with you!!! If you have to be out on the road in the car, why not make it pleasurable and homey? Makes perfect sense to me, especially when you have 400 miles of land to cover 'til the next pretty/interesting thing! This is really pretty, and I love the vintage look!!! I am still kicking myself for not getting those Ralph Lauren plaid plates when I saw them. I don't know what I was thinking!!!

    Have fun!

  19. Of course I agree with you, Susan. Nothing better than a road trip lunch packed in a vintage vignette.
    Have fun and make sure Bentley is buckled up.

  20. Yay, I LOVE LOVE road trips. I think it is cool that you make "everything" a little special. Not just an Ordinary packed lunch, but something to be enjoyed in all it's senses.

  21. Looks like a great time, love your plaids!

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Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.