Sunday, May 19, 2013

3:00 am ~ Can't Sleep, Looking at Decorating Pics

I know that I posted earlier that I was taking some time off to relax after a
stressful day yesterday, however it's 3:00 am and I can't sleep so have
been looking at decorating pics.  I just came up with the idea that if I
look at pics of cozy bedrooms that maybe it will be an insomnia cure.

This bedroom is so charming and looks so cozy to me.  It reminds me of
a bedroom that I was lucky enough to stay in when I used to visit my
friend in London.  My friend lived in a three story townhouse and there
was a tiny little guest room on the third floor that was tucked under the
eaves much like this one.  It was heaven to be a guest in that room!

Now isn't this cozy?  I am imagining that I am going to climb into that
upper bunk and snuggle in for the night.  While I was in college my
roommate and I had the cutest room with bunk beds.  Mine was the top
bunk.  Oh how I remember late nights trying to keep my eyes open while
reading for a class while lounging on that top bunk.

This bedroom in Tina's Cherry Hill Cottage is so cute.  I don't know about you,
but I always think that a twin bed looks more cozy and comfy than a larger
one.  Vintage chenille brings a sweet dreams touch to a bed too.
I could start talking about that darling plate collage on the wall, but
I am trying to keep on my insomnia cure mission.

My grandmother had the sweetest wallpaper in her bedroom.  I loved it.
I don't think my grandma ever had insomnia.  Oh how I miss her!  She
was totally adorable and had the best sense of humor.  Maybe I should
try to find a wallpaper that reminds me of the one in grandma's bedroom.

Speaking of grandmas  ~ look at this sweet granny square afghan.
Perfection!  Paired with a stack of charming pillows and the room softly
lit by an adorable lamp with it's fabric shade on a cute little night stand.
I am starting to yawn and that's a good thing.

Dim lights and a teddy bear ....
I am starting to nod off.

Sweet Dreams Everyone!

Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Oh I just adore them all but that last one with the crocheted blanket is my idea of perfection. Hope you are resting now. I know I already will need a nap today.

  2. I feel like I want to go back to bed and luxuriate a little more!

  3. Good Evening Susan, Oh no, poor you, not being able to sleep. It is frustrating when that happens, the more you try to sleep, the harder it becomes.
    I love the range of bedrooms you showed us, I have to say, my favourite is the first one.... is it because I am used to small rooms, I'm not sure, but I love everything about the bedroom.
    I hope you managed to sleep well.
    Best wishes

  4. I know exactly how you feel!! I've been having sleepless nights too! Last night was due to the stupid weather alert "thing" that my husband has sitting on top of his chest of drawers. We've been having bad weather and it would go off about flooding 50 miles away!! Every hour on the hour!! Grrrrr
    Hope you are able to sleep tonight!!

  5. I never tried looking at cosy bedrooms to make me sleepy but I know counting sheep doesn't work they are just too noisy.


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