Saturday, May 18, 2013

Lesson Learned

I had a very stressed filled day today and I learned an important lesson.
I will be taking a few days off from blogging while I learn to 
put my priorities in perspective and to not allow others to waste
my time unnecessarily.

Bentley and I will return when we recover.

Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Susan, sorry to hear you day was filled with stress. Take care of yourself. Hugs ~ Sarah

  2. Rest, refocus, relax, rejuvenate, recharge...not necessarily in that order. My sister always says that things look better tomorrow after a night's rest. Take care...


  3. My hair looks like that sometimes, too! Hope you get some peace and quiet and come back refreshed. xx

  4. It's like looking in a mirror! I know what you mean with feeling stressed out. I hope you have a good rest and feel inspired soon. Take care. Chel x


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.