Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Wisdom of Cowgirls (And Cowboys Too)

I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed because of everything I need
to do to get ready for the move down to Texas.  Now is  just the time
for a little cowgirl wisdom.

Bentley and I will get through this ~ he's my little buddy, just
like Scruffy is this little cowgirl's buddy.

And I should know by now that somedays are a bit more trying
than others.

Cowgirls know that cooking is a good stress reliever too.

So I'm not going to cry about it, I am just going to
Cowgirl Up!

Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Cute photos and I love how you are going to cowgirl up, which is way better than crying in the truck.

  2. Love it - you'll get there!! I'm excited for you...

  3. That's the attitude! Can't wait to have you down the road in Texas! ~ Sarah

  4. What an adorable post. You did an excellentjob on your captions. Where are you moving in Texas? I live in Fort Worth.

  5. LOL so cute. I love the little cowboy standing on his head.....
    Love, Mona

  6. You have to keep your humor. Great pics. Texas is waiting for you and your new life. Enjoy Kathy

  7. I'm so glad I found you and I'm looking forward to going along with you on your move! I've had a great time poking around your blog and I'm your newest follower!

  8. Oh goodness, I am so far behind. Now that my internet is fixed, I have to go back and find out about your move. Hugs, Laura

  9. Love your post. Just think of all the new friends you will make and have fun decorating your new home. You and Bentley will have a grand time.

  10. Small World. We're in the process of moving (and building), too! Good Luck with everything!



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