Saturday, May 25, 2013

So Excited ~ Take a Look at This!

Remember when I told you that I was trying to decide what to
do with the outdoor sink on the back porch of our new house in 
Texas?  Well I was searching through Houzz for pics to add to 
my idea books when I found this!

I love this idea!!!

So I will add a new hutch top and change the faucet
to an oil-rubbed bronze one something like this ~

And it would be great if I could add a copper sink ~

But that would mean that I would have to change
the top too.  Soapstone perhaps?

Of course if I did this I would create an integrated sink and counter
 top like this and eliminate the copper sink.  Wow ~ this is starting
 to get pricey, so unless I want David to tease me forever about our
"million dollar" outdoor sink (he's prone to exaggeration) I will have to
 figure out how I can do this in a thrifty way and still get the look I want.

If you want to see more of my Houzz idea books look here.

Now back to work.  On this holiday weekend I am going through
closets and weeding out clothes we no longer wear and giving them
to charitable donation sites.  I would love to sit and chat with you all day
sharing decorating ideas and recipes etc, but I can't.  So while you all
are having fun gardening and grilling outside or going to picnics,
think of me purging excess stuff from our cottage!

Oh and an update on the sale of Mom's house ~
We have an offer!!!  I'll keep you posted about our decision.

Happily Joining ~

Bentley ~ I am looking at your overflowing toy basket ...
can you part with any of these???

Have a Fun and Safe Weekend Everyone!
Susan and Bentley


  1. Have fun sorting and dreaming about your new very exciting to be going to Texas (I'm secretly jealous) and a new beginning.

    I'm doubtful of any doggie toys will be parted with, at least not without a few tears from Bentley.

  2. That looks like the perfect solution to me. I love the look. Have fun putting that together. "Hi Bentley" :)

  3. Good luck with the indoor work - I'll be outdoors, rain or shine. The window of opportunity for weeding is a narrow one!

  4. Can I come visit and sit on your back porch after you get moved and redone? LOL I know it will be beautiful whatever you do. Don't envy you having to do all of that packing. I'd give away all of my clothes, etc as long as I could move all of my dishes, antiques and shoes!!


  5. Love the idea and love that faucet for it and it will be awesome!

    GRATS on the offer- keeping my fingers crossed.


  6. This is great idea. Love the hutch look! Poor Bentley! I think he needs a bigger basket that's all :)

  7. Love the look of the inspiration photo! You can do it!!! I'm trying to do some purging of clothes and stuff also...not easy is it!


  8. You're going to have lots of fun decorating your new place! Love the hutch idea!

  9. I am sort of in purge mode, too, not moving (not that I know of, anyway!). That will be some outdoor sink, wow, what will your indoor kitchen sink be like?? lol xo

  10. Susan, really like this idea. I think you can make it work for a reasonable price. Go to Habitat for Humanity and see what you can find there in the way of sinks, etc. You never know. A friend recently found a set of very expensive doors for her new gallery space. If Victoria doesn't have a Habitat Store, check in Houston, San Antonio, and Austin.

  11. Love your ideas about how to make the sink your own. Cannot wait to see the final version... Good luck at your Habitat Store. The one in San Diego always had the neatest things, but the one in Ft. Worth is very sparse with little that catches my eye.


  12. Ah... moving does give you the opportunity to spin those creative wheels!

    Thank you for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  13. Hi Susan,

    All beautiful ideas to dream and do! The creamy white hutch is simply adorable and love the larger than life owl! Hope you had a nice weekend, despite all the packing and purging!


  14. I think that all sounds like a wonderful idea! I love copper sinks!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.