Monday, May 13, 2013

Welcome To Re~Tweak Tuesday

This is a re~tweak.  Some of you have seen this before.  If it were an 
ordinary week I would come up with something fresh and new to show you.
However, my life is CRAZY busy right now and David and Bentley will 
be lucky if they get dinner tonight ;-)

This is a mess of dumpster dive trash.  Nasty wood frames.  Moldy
old canvas.  The kind of stuff hubby says, why do you want that?

But we know better now don't we.

Some soap and water, some steel wool, some spray paint and a scrap 
piece of canvas and ooh la la.  A nice place to relax for a bit
with a glass of sweet tea or lemonade.

Well it could be except that I don't have any time to relax right now.
I am in the process of selling two properties, a rental we own and my
Mom's house.  I am selling Mom's on my own with no realtor.  I have a
showing on Thursday and if my friend does not buy it I will have an open
house on Saturday.   I have been running around doing errands all afternoon
in my flip flops and I just realized I have some potential blisters.  Yuck!
I am thinking that I may just move out of our own house before we put it
on the market because I am so emotionally attached to this cottage that
I will probably interrogate and scare away any potential buyer.

Hope ya'll don't mind a re~tweak.  I am joining ~


Bentley, let's see if we can find one of those old enamel
pots so I can soak my feet!

Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Oddly enough, I had mentioned to Judy months ago that I wouldn't mind checking out Victoria, TX as a potential place to move. Don't have the money right now or the physical capabilities to do anything. But she's been there and says it's very picturesque. How big did you say the town is?

  2. Love the table and the chair, they look amazing all fixed up. Great color too on the chair. Thanks tons for joining Inspire Me. Good luck on sell the propeties. Hugs, Marty

  3. wow, you created a little masterpiece there. Love it.

  4. Susan ~ take it easy and breathe. You have so much going on right now. Re-tweaking is just perfect. Sit and cuddle with Bentley once in a while to revive your soul. Prayers going up that you sell the house. I'll be with you all the way ! (((Hugs)))


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.