Wednesday, May 15, 2013

To Paint Or Not To Paint?

Here is the family room of the home in Texas that we 
have under contract.  The things I love about this room are
it's size, the vaulted and beamed ceiling, the built ins
and the long bank of windows that overlook the backyard.

The first thing that will happen is to pull up the carpet.  I
have not decided whether to put down more hardwood flooring
to match the rest of the hardwoods in the house, or tile.
The flooring decision will hinge on the next decision ...

whether or not to paint the paneled walls.  David says no.
He likes the coziness of the paneled walls.

When I first saw the pics of the room in the real estate
listing, I immediately thought about painting the walls.
But now I don't know.

Because when I look at a room like the one above, I think I
want to keep the paneling and make it warm and cozy.

What would you do?

Happily Joining ~

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What do you think Bentley ~ warm and cozy or
light and bright?

Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. WELL, hate to be anti David, but if it were me I would definitely paint. Light, bright - but that's just me. I would paint the paneling light and put in darker hardwood floors.

    Love your new house - gonna be AWESOME whatever you decide to do.

  2. My first inclination is to say paint to make it look bigger and brighter; however, it looks like an awful big room to start with, so the cozy, warm feeling would be good also. How's that for being a fence sitter?


  3. Men always think painting wood is a sin! Personally, I'd paint it. Maybe you should get your new floors in and then decide.

  4. If you are unsure--bring in furniture and see how it looks against the paneling--and with your new flooring too. You can always move furniture back and cover to paint if that is how you want to go. It may look great with your styling. If not--bring out the rollers and brushes and get to work!! My vote though is to Paint!!

  5. Can the paneling be removed? If not, I say keep it. If it can be, I'd say paint. ;)

  6. Hi Susan~ can you email me please? It's important but not emergency. I check this email much more than my cottage email. When you read this can you delete this comment? I can post it here but it's kind of personal and I don't wan that info in public view.

  7. In the room with the fireplace and library, I'd keep the wood paneling for coziness.

    In the room shown in the first photo, I'd paint, paint, paint everything off white. I like things bright and cheery, especially with all that light coming in.

    But good luck with your decision. It looks like a lovely home. Susan

  8. I agree--most men think they prefer natural wood as opposed to painted wood--but in this case, I think painting the wood a dark color will work. The room is apparently very bright and, therefore, will carry a darker color. Unless you have an equivalent amount of furniture and accessories as the pic you shared from paisley curtain, then I think it won't have the same coziness. Just my thoughts. it's a beautiful space and i wish I were facing your dilemma.

  9. I think live with it unpainted first! You can always change that, but it's hard to 'unpaint'...It really is a beautiful space.

  10. I'm with Linda - live with it for a while and see how you like it with your furniture. However, I would like hardwood floors. Sometimes you have to get all your furniture in and get a feel for the room. Painting is no big deal if that is what you decide to do.
    Have a great week.

  11. Paint! Many houses in our Texas neighborhood (built in the mid-80s) have nice paneling with picture molding. The ones we toured when house-hunting that had painted the paneling were SO much lighter and brighter than the ones that had not. Ours is a cream color, with the beams slightly darker, and we still love it, 13 years later.

  12. Seems like it might be a good idea to live with it and see how you feel about it later...

  13. If I were going to turn the room into a stately manor library, I would keep the paneled walls.They look good as background behind the great art and magnificent furniture. If they are left mostly exposed as in the photos you took, I would paint them as they are dominating the room.

  14. The room does look very cozy. I agree that the carpet should go. Wood floors are my favorite, but with the Texas heat, you might appreciate the coolness of tile. It will be interesting to see what you decide to do with this room.

  15. What is it with men and wood walls??? Paint it!!! There is nothing special about that paneling, no moldings, etc. to make it look like an English library.........leave the beams stained and since you are in Texas, how about a ceramic tile floor??? Too much wood can be so cold.....

  16. I would definitely paint is paneling not like that fancy wood they put in those big huge homes. I think it will make the room lighter and not feel heavy. As far as the wood floors and tile, if the wood runs into each other I would go with wood but I also don't live in TX, so I don't know what the norm is there. Good luck!


  17. I surely would live with it a while BEFORE painting the paneling...see if it turns out like you have envisioned in that lovely wood paneled study in your picture...all Ralph Lauren looking....could be mighty beautiful.....can't wait to see what you do....a nice oriental rug over hardwood floors...ahhhhh...
    Love, Mona

  18. I would paint the paneling and use a textured terra cotta tile on the floor bringing
    In the warmth and the outside cottage look also easy to clean since
    In and out to the backyard

  19. I'm new here but I'll add my opinion. I normally don't like paneling but this room has great windows and its wide open so I would think twice about painting it. I'm a huge RL fan when it comes to his masculine rooms. I can see this room turning out very nice if you go with the look in the picture you posted. I say wait and see too. The only reason I wonder about the stained wood is your climate. I know Texas gets so hot and this might seem too much when the heat sets in. If so then I'd be incline to go with the English look like out of Africa. Who wouldn't LOVE that?! Have fun with it and don't think you have to play it safe.

  20. You're moving?!?! To Texas?!?! Wow. I say that as much as I hate paneling, especially cheap paneling, that room is very pretty. I'd have to lighten it up though but either way I'm sure you'll make it gorgeous, honey. Or is this a vacation home?

  21. Paint it all white!!! :)



  22. I would paint it. However, I am a child of the 70's and 80's and grew up with panelling covering all wall surfaces. I can't take it anymore! LOL

  23. Susan, I would paint the walls, but leave the beams natural. You have wonderful light with that wall of windows, so I see this room more as a sun room looking out to your garden. I think either wood or tile floors would be wonderful for this space. This looks to be a nice large room with lots of options for arranging furniture. I know it will be lovely whatever you decide to do. ~ Sarah
    PS. We have tile in our sunroom, and Sadie would tell Bentley that it's her favorite spot on a hot summer day. '-)

  24. I would leave the ceiling alone but paint the paneling. If you are going to tear up carpet make your painting mess then ! : )

  25. I also purchased a home with the same color paneling on the walls. I lived with it for many years, not really liking it, but not totally hating it. One day, after spending quite a bit of time on Pinterest looking at painted paneled walls - I went for it & painted mine a creamy white. Why oh why did I wait so long to do it???!!!! We absolutely love the change, and it is still warm and cozy, but also brighter, happier and fresher. Whatever you decide - it appears to be room with fantastic light and great details - so painted or not, it will always be a wonderful space for you.

  26. I'm sure we girls would say, Yes! Paint! But, your husband likes the walls, so the compromise could be to furnish this room with light furniture that YOU like - or to see if you can focus on one wall - love the beams! Looking forward to seeing how you decorate this room and the rest of the house - congratulations! I appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.