Wednesday, July 3, 2013

A Cottage Love Story

As most of you are getting ready for a long 4th of July weekend,
I am getting ready to move to Texas.  This is a bittersweet time for me.
Although I am excited about moving back to the Lone Start State,
I am also very sad about leaving my dear little cottage behind.  I thought
that I would have this cottage forever and that even if I moved to live up
in the mountains full time, this little cottage would remain with me.

Happy memories are everywhere.  I have prepared so many meals for
family and friends in this dear little kitchen.  It's a quirky kind of kitchen
with rustic beams on the ceiling and that black smoke stack was probably
connected to a wood stove years ago when the house was built in 1913.
I kept the stack because it was here long before me.  It is like a vein or 
an artery.  You can't cut it away so I just decorated around it.

So many baskets full of wet laundry have hung on this line in the backyard.  Boise is
in the high desert so the laundry dries in lightning speed on hot summer days.  I love
the way everything gets so crisp and fresh smelling.  And when you hang up
pretty things they just seem to decorate the backyard like garden art.

All of my collections have been very much at home here.

Carefree meals on the deck under a huge tree that acts as a canopy.

Pitching a tent in the backyard.

Springtime on the front porch.

And Christmas too.

Tea in the garden.

The way the early morning sun shines on the front porch.

And on the front picket fence too.

The doorway to the ivy covered potting shed.

And the chippy old flower box under it's window.

And the dear chickens who lived next door.

It's been our home for 20 years.  

And it will not be easy to say goodbye.

I will be taking more current photos of my cottage to share with you.
As I fluff up this cottage and wipe away a tear or two, I am also anxious
to begin a new chapter in a new home which I suspect will soon become
just as dear to me.

Happily Joining ~

And I have not forgotten you Bentley.  You love this
little cottage too and you were born just one block away!
So it's a very special place for you too.

Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. moving is so bittersweet. I would be heartbroken to leave my home. You go into a new adventure with a brave heart though and a positive attitude.

  2. Oh how sad to leave such a pretty cute little home. You must be so torn between memories and new adventure. I'm sure your next home will make new beautiful memories.

  3. Oh- It is bittersweet, Susan. I am sorry that you have to leave your sweet little cottage. Too bad you couldn't pick it up and take it with you...but...I am sure you will find another delightful home to call your own which will be just as dear. I look forward to more pictures of your place. WHEN are you moving? xo Diana

  4. We are moving to Texas the first week of August. We already have a home down there that I am beginning to love too. It's just hard to leave this
    sweet little place behind.

  5. And it even has a front picket fence...oh, my, this WILL be hard to leave! But a new adventure and home await you. I wish you the best as you make this transition. ~Zuni

  6. Moving to a new home is bittersweet. I totally understand these feelings, Susan. We lived in our first home for 20 years before moving to our current home. I didn't want to sell it till I was certain I'd be happy in this current home. Of course I was and still am. A new chapter opens, and life moves one with many new memories. Looking forward to having you here in TX. ;-)

  7. Oh Susan! 20 years in your sweet little cottage. Oh my gosh, that IS a long time. That was a lovely piece of writing with a lot of your heart in it. I can imagine how difficult it is for you to say goodbye but at least your memories are all good ones.

    Now, it's onward and upward! The best to you. Susan

  8. Oh my,
    I understand how you feel. I am such a nostalgic person and hold memories of my special homes and entertaining friends there so dear to my heart! I know that you will make your new home as special as your little cottage is. Home is where the heart is....your home is your castle. Wishing you peace as you start this new and exciting journey. Take care,

  9. Awl, gosh, how sad for you....but happy and promising, too.

    I truly believe wherever you go you will make magical for you and yours.

    Hang in there.


  10. Bittersweet is certainly an appropriate description of the feeling, Susan. I'll be watching with interest as you make this big change. We are getting ready for a change here too - very much like yours. I know you'll make the new place feel just like home and soon be loving it, but in the meantime, it's okay to mourn what you're leaving behind.

  11. It's always so hard to leave a home that you love. I am sure you new home will be terrific. All the fun decorating you get to do on your new place. Looking forward to seeing your new home. Bentley will have lots of fun exploring all the new places.

  12. What a lovely cottage you have created, and yes it is hard to leave, and there will be an adjustment - allow yourself time on both ends. Your pictures today are some of the most beautiful ever, my favorite being the vintage aprons on the line. And the Christmas porch. And both of the wicker furniture shots. Oh I guess that's three favorites, and lots more. The best thing, for you, is that you get to take your wonderful collections with you, helping to create "home" in the new house.

    Hugs ~ Mary

  13. The last time we moved I cried for a month! It is so hard sometimes...I will be praying for you.

    Amy Jo

  14. How I have enjoyed "visiting" your cottage Susan. Oh, yes, leaving a lovely home of 20 years is very hard. And I will miss it too. But you are on a new adventure in your life. Enjoy every moment. And think how much fun it will be to decorate your new home in TX!

  15. Making any kind of move is hard and stressful. I am sure you will in time learn to love Texas. You better like the heat tho. I have never lived anywhere but Texas. One thing sure, all your great memories will still be with you.

  16. Susan I know how you feel. The home I lived in the longest and raised my girls in was so special to me and when I moved, I cried. I was ready for a new home with TWO bathrooms, but still it's hard to leave a place so full of love. You do take that love with you and soon your new home will be just as special. Wishing you JOY as you spend these last days enjoying memories.


  17. How blessed you've been to have the experience of life in a cottage. You've done a marvelous job of capturing the images of this spot that you've loved so dearly. I was thinking of birds who "feather" a new nest every year. How cool that you already have so many wonderful "feathers" in your collections, and you'll be able to lovingly feather your new nest. I can just see you smiling every time that you pull another of your beautiful "feathers" from a box. I'm wondering where you'll be in Texas. Texas will welcome you with open arms! It's a great state. Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Happy 4th! Cherry Kay

  18. I have enjoyed your cottage from many tablescapes. Your cottage has framed your life for many years and I hope you will find another cottage in Texas. In East Texas from the Red River to the Gulf coast the are hundreds of towns that can provide a chance to find a home to be your new cottage. If it is in one of the large cities, there are entire areas where sweet cottages can be found, Have a great 4th and the new cottage in your life.
    PS Texans also love horses and puppies.

    1. I have already purchased a home in Victoria. It's a bit newer than this little cottage and quite a bit bigger too. It's a 1948 rambling ranch house on 1/2 acre surrounded by giant live oaks and magnolias. I know it will feel just like home as soon as I get down there and put my stamp on it.
      It also has a potting shed so I will be busy decorating that as well. I LOVE Texas!

  19. This cottage is very beautiful and full of memories, but you have a new life to start, new experiences to make, a new cottage. Good luck and happy 4th July. Tina

  20. We love you sharing your home with us..and we look forward to seeing your new adventures. I can not imagine leaving my home..I would shed many a tear. Hope Bentley is looking forward to his new adventure!

  21. I've lived in my cottage for 30+ years and I know I will bawl my eyes out the day I leave it. I'm thinking that the reason your home looks so beautiful, quirky stove pipes and all, is the love you have showered on it and felt within it. Those skills you will take with you to your new home and another house will blossom under your care!

  22. Your home is filled with memories but remember memories are portable, they go with us where ever we go. That being said, I sympathize with you completely, you have such a lovely home and we can see and here the love that you have put into it.

    Wishing you beautiful memories in your new home too!


  23. Dear Susan,
    a tear or two? well you broke my heart with this sweet story of your cottage!
    Oh It's such a lovely place you've been living in... the pics you shared show all your love for it ..but as you say, a new chapter will start soon and I'm sure you'll make HOME again and you'll love it.

    I'm a new fan and follower, I'm Italian and I hug you tight!


  24. Moving is hard! But I know your new home in Texas will be just as lovely, and you'll always have your memories of your old cottage.

    Happy Fourth!
    Ricki Jill

  25. You are making me sad. You can tell how much you love this home. I am sure once you are settled you will love your new home. Jut so many memories. Good luck with the move.

  26. Happy 4th to you and Bentley..I hope you will be happy in Texas..Change can be difficult...

  27. Oh, Susan, I'm almost as sad as you! I love your dear little cottage, so quaint and welcoming.
    But a home is the people who occupy it, so I know that where every you go it will always be a home filled with love, laughter, ... and Bentley, of course!
    Big hugs,

  28. Dear sweet cottage you have created there, good luck with your move and have fun creating a new home there

  29. Hi Susan,

    Your charming cottage is one of the prettiest I've ever seen, and I can imagine how you feel, my gosh, 20 years!! BUT...another sweet house is awaiting your sense of style to make it a home, just as beautiful as this one.:))


  30. Oh, what a lovely post! I know you will hold these memories dear. You will take your beautiful things and make a new home just waiting to be filled with more precious memories. Good luck to you.

  31. Oh my - I feel we'll be in this home the rest of our lives - we've been here about 10 years - I can't imagine how you feel - bittersweet is such an apt word - I am sure you'll love Texas - there's sooo much there - so many wonderful shopping places..wishing you all the best when you move! I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  32. Susan, this is such a beautiful and heartfelt post. I think we all understand how this affects our soul and being. Your little cottage is amazing and I'm pinning from this post. I know it will always be in your heart, and I pray that someone takes over with all the love and care that you have shared here. I'm sharing this on Be Inspired tomorrow, thanks so much for sharing it with us. big hugs, Debra

  33. I hope all is well in your move. I understand what you mean about leaving. Take lots of pictures of it and you can take it with you in your heart! Hugs! Thank you for joining Home Sweet Home!

  34. It will be hard but hopefully this time next year you'll be posting about the memory of the cottage that holds a special place in your heart and the new home you LOVE! (and that Bentley loves too!)


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