Monday, July 1, 2013

Women Know Best ~ Don't They?

For the longest time I wanted to paint this library stack.  
But of course my husband did not want it painted.
I  have lots of family treasures in this space and none of 
them showed up very well.  

You probably know what happened next ...

I could not stand it one more day, so I painted it.  
He's still not crazy about it, but everything shows
up so much better now.  

I am not feeling too guilty about it because he will have his
dark paneled family room down in Texas.

At least for a while.
Who knows what will happen later ...
Stay tuned lol!

Happily Joining ~

Bentley has to stay inside for a while.  It's about 500 degrees
outside and he is insisting on chasing the poor squirrels.
I am insisting that he take an afternoon nap!

Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. It now has the cottagey look you are so good at, I love it !
    Bentley, it's just too hot for a sweet boy like you to be getting all overheated. The squirrels will be there another day....believe me :)

  2. I love what you did, I think sometimes our husband's have a hard time visualizing what we want to do, and we have been inspired over and over for that certain look or idea and know full well it will be an improvement. Sometimes I show hubby things I see on the internet and he gets a better idea. But I do applaud you for making the change, everything really does show up better and looks beautiful!


  3. I love it...and YES women know best!

    That's a gorgeous piece any colour you paint/have it!!

  4. Yep! Women know best (with the exception of Bentley, of course)....and I think everything shows up more against the white! Very pretty!

  5. Painting it was definitely the right choice! It looks great.


  6. I'm talkin' about some paint, girlfriend! You have just got to get your paint on, no matter what the men say, they can't help it they just don't know what's right in the paint department! I am on a painting roll and I'm going to keep on. Look how much better all your beautiful things show up on the white now! :)


  7. Why is it men never want wood painted? The detailing of the cabinet and your treasures show up way better now that it is painted a light colour!

  8. Oh it looks so pretty and your vignettes are stunning too. Thanks tons for joining Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  9. I think that this looks so pretty and it does show your treasures off so much better. Bentley sounds like a hoot!


  10. It makes a huge difference, Susan. Good idea to paint it. I'm all for painting the paneling, but guess David hasn't asked for my opinion. Ha!

  11. Looks good but I'm with your husband..I love wood, it's grain, patina and warmth..I like all my blogger friends white furniture but I think I would get tired of it pretty soon..Now, the paneling..I would paint!!

  12. Susan ~ you have given me my little chuckle for the day. Mr. V. and I discuss this same issue all the time ~ but, women doooo know best~! I paint it and love it and Mr. V. just sighs ~ Bentley, stay in and take a nap, it's too hot out there.
    Have a wonderful day ;-)

  13. I love it painted. It shows off all of your treasures beautifully. I love all your horses! I have some pieces I have wanted to paint for years. Maybe I can get going this summer and try painting them. Susan at "Naps between Porches" has the most beautifully wood panel family room that I adore and usually I don't care for dark panel room but hers is to die for.

  14. It looks fabulous! I am eyeing that cute little fox figurine! Thanks for sharing at The Scoop!...hugs...Debbie


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