Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Birthday Breakfast for One

Tomorrow July 18th is my birthday.  I will be celebrating it without my husband
for the first time in 24 years of marriage.  David has been down in Texas since
June 14th.  He took most of our deck furniture with him in a small trailer and I 
don't have my patio table here anymore.  Since the mornings are the most comfortable
time of the day, I decided that I will have my birthday breakfast for one on the deck
one last time.  

I am using a TV table that I painted a few years ago and a card table chair.  
Talk about elegant lol ~ but hey, one has to make the most of what is
available right?

This has been the loveliest deck.  It is shaded by the most enormous tree
that has irritated my neighbor for the past 20 years.  My neighbor is sweet 
and I do get along with her very well but she hates trees!  When she and her
husband moved into their historic Queen Anne Victorian nearly 60 years ago,
they cut down every tree in the yard!  That would not be possible now as
we live in one of the historical districts and with the exception of disease,
trees may not be cut down.  But to keep our friendship, every couple of
years my husband trims the branches of this grand old tree that overhangs into
her yard.  She is always happy when it's done, but she would prefer if we
cut it down.  Of course that's where I draw the line because I am a bit
of a tree hugger.

David will be back here at the end of the month.  I miss him so much.
This has been a very difficult separation for us both, but we are 
on the tail end, so we will get through it.  

Yesterday ~ July 16th was David's birthday.   We always have a
three day celebration, so when he returns we will celebrate together.

I painted this TV tray in honor of our cottage which turned 100 years old this year.
Now in keeping with that tradition, I will have to paint another TV tray for our house in
Texas which was built in 1948.  I'm a sentimental, sappy kind of girl.

Happily Joining ~

Okay Bentley ~ what should we have for breakfast?
I say we because I know you will want to share some with me!

Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Happy Birthday, Susan! :D
    Shelley's birthday was on the seventh, my SIL's was on the 15th, Trip's is today, and my mom's is on Friday! We're waiting for a storm to pass over to grill burgers.

    Sorry David isn't there to celebrate with you *sadface*....maybe y'all can celebrate your half birthday this year!

    Bentley, hug your mama and give her lots of kisses!!!

    Ricki Jill

  2. Thank you Ricki! Isn't it funny how family members often seem to share the same birthday month? David's is the 16th, mine the 18th, my Aunt Susan's is the 13th, my brother-in-law's is the 4th, my sister-in-law's is the 22nd and my nephew's is the 31st. Happy birthday to Tripp, Shelley (belated) your mom and belated to your sister-in-law!

  3. Happy birthday sweet friend!! I know Bentley will give lots of sweet puppy kisses!

  4. Well, please allow me to wish you BOTH - very happy birthdays.

    I wish I were close to you so I could take you out in style.

    I wish you joy, new adventures, great health and lots and lots of love on your birthday and always.



  5. A big Happy Birthday to you! And David, too! It's good that you treated yourself like a queen today! You deserve it!

    I hear you on the neighbors and they trees. Our neighbors on both sides of us trim the branches of our trees that overhang into their yards. Then the tree looks really stupid! The joke is on them, my lawn stays nice and shaded and green while theirs burns! lol!


  6. Happy Happy Birthday. I hope you eat cake all day.....if not do something special just for you. it's hard to be apart. It will soon be over and you will be having fun decorating your new home. I know you have mixed feeling. (((((HUGS))))))

  7. Happy Birthday Susan and also to your David! How nice to celebrate your birthdays together {when you are together}. I love your blue and white setting and your use of the doilies. I am a bit of a tree hugger too for I hate to see them get cut down. Thank you for sharing and enjoy the rest of your week.


  8. Happy Birthday, Susan. I know you are ready to be with David again celebrating in TX. I'm eager for you to get down here. :-)

  9. Happy Birthday Susan!!! Give Mr. B. a big hug from me, too!!

    much love,


  10. Happy Birthday Susan..
    you've made a lovely spot for your breakfast and I'm sure your hubby is there in spirit.

    have a wonderful , joy filled day and done forget to make a wish~!

  11. Happy Birthday, Susan!

    I'm glad you made it special, with the pretty blue and white setting, even if it is just you (and Bentley, of course). Have been catching up with your latest posts and just want to say I enjoyed reading about your the possible fate of your cottage being bought by your neighbour's father. How consoling to know that you may even be able to buy it back! Your kitchen cabinets turned out lovely and your red touches always make me smile! Have a fun birthday with your husband and best wishes to him.


  12. A very Happy Birthday Susan!! Hopefully you have some girlfriends and/or family who will help you celebrate your very special day!! I'm with you - I'm a tree hugger!! Love my trees!! Can't even imagine a yard without trees!!

  13. Happy Birthday Susan! You made the best of being alone with a lovely trayscape for yourself! This separation will pass soon enough and you will all be back together again! Wishing you a wonderful day!

  14. Happy Birthday - your table setting for one is as sweet as it can be! This is a big year for you - enjoy the changes :-)

  15. Trust you have a great birthday. No way would I sit alone at this cute setting. I am one to change what you can and other things let go. Move on to a new life.

  16. I'm late to this, but Happy Birthday! Soon you'll be planning celebrations in your new house - what fun!

  17. Oh Susan, where in Texas??? Happy Birthday to you! So sorry you are spending it without your sweet other half. I do love your blue and white especially on the table you chose. What a lovely way to start your special day. Maybe you will be close enough that we can meet! I used your sweet bird in this week's table.. Just so much joy in that sweet yellow bird. xo marlis

  18. My new home is in Victoria. Oh and yes, let's do meet up!!!

  19. Happy Birthday to you and your husband!!! Glad you can celebrate together this weekend. Your table for one is so lovely with your blue and white. And that is a neat sentimental thing to do for your home!! Very cool!!!


  20. HAPPY birthday, Susan! I hope you and david have a grand celebration when he returns. I SO miss my old deck, I loved, loved being out there as it was shaded most of the day too. I ate breakfast out there and we ate most dinners out there, weather permitting. I am so glad you set a lovely table for yourself! Hope you are having a good day and doing something you enjoy. XO, Pinky


  21. Happy Birthday to you.Your table is so the blue dishes.wishing you to have all the fun on your birthday...:):)

  22. Happy Birthday to you and your hubby. The table you set for yourself is so lovely.

  23. Happy Birthday Susan and hubby!!


  24. Happy Birthday to you both..Your post made me very sad..Be grateful that your loneliness is temporary..
    Your table setting is beautiful..

  25. Happy, happy birthday, sweet friend. Sorry that your hubby is gone, but you do have that adorable Bentley there to help you celebrate. xo Laura

  26. Well, happy birthday to you! I think it's great that you're enjoying your lovely deck as much as you possibly can, AND making more memories while you're at it. I love your TV tray; may need to do that too! ~Zuni

  27. Happy birthday, Susan! You will have to set an equally elegant setting for two when your husband returns.

  28. Happy Birthday to you and David! Hope you are together soon. Can't wait to see your new home. Best wishes!

    Linda at The French Hens Nest

  29. Happy birthday to you and hubby! So sorry that you are apart for your special day, but it's going to be a wonderful celebration when he gets back. Mean while, isn't Bentley the sweetest little stand in?!
    Best wishes,

  30. Happy birthday wishes for a wonderful day. May your day be filled with bright shiny happiness from me here down under.

  31. Happy Birthday Susan,
    I know I am a little late! My husband is in Texas too! We are moving there as soon as our house sells. It is lonely without him. But like you, I will survive!
    Your table for one is very pretty! I love blue & is so crisp. Thank you for sharing. I hope you & David will be reunited soon.
    Blessings My friend,

  32. Happy Belated Birthday, Susan. For a "breakfast for one", you're doing it up right! I admire your attitude about the move. I know we will probably downsize in the next few years and even though I love the "adventure" of it, the move itself has me biting my nails.

  33. Oh, my dear! I have been there! Many years ago we moved from Georgia to Ohio and then back to Georgia - Dearest went ahead of myself and the children for three weeks! That was rough! I had to deal with the movers - ugh! I do know that this short time will pass and you two together will share so many fun new experiences in your new home - You have been in your cottage for a great deal of its life! Our home will be 100 next year, I can't wait to celebrate! I am wishing you all the best and know when you find your new cottage you'll fill it with all the love and attention you've given this home - I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.