Monday, July 15, 2013

Freshly Painted Kitchen Cabinets

Finally finished painting my kitchen cabinets.  It has been a very long 
process that actually started a few years ago.  For a long, long time I have
had the care giving responsibilities for my parents.   During my Daddy's long
battle with Alzheimer's I was my Mom's helper.  Doing all the grocery shopping,
filling in to give my Mom breaks and more while holding down a job.  My dear
sweet little cottage that I love so much always took a back seat to other more
important duties.  After my Daddy died, I continued to help my Mom any way
I could.  When things were finally settling down, I thought that I would be able to 
find the time to finish all of the projects I had either begun, or had planned in my
own home.  But then ...

David came home one day and talked to me about the idea of selling our business and
moving to Victoria, Texas.  Although I had always planned to keep this dear home, I
realized that the opportunity that the Texas move was offering was just too good to pass
up and that if I said no, he may always resent me for it.  

So I said yes.

When he gave me the time schedule for the move, I became really nervous.
How could possibly get the projects done around the house that had been
left uncompleted while also selling my Mom's house.  She did not want to 
use a real estate agent, so all of the advertising and showing of her house fell
on my shoulders.  Fortunately, I was able to get a good offer for her house in
only five days, and the official closing date in July 31st. 

But what about my own house?  How would I possibly get everything 
done to get it ready for sale too?  Then we had a business to sell as well.

Well, fortunately the business sold quickly and David was able to leave
for Texas to move into the new house we bought down there while I have
remained up her tying up all the loose ends.  

Every time I think of selling this place I hold back the tears.  But the good
news is that my neighbor of many years has an elderly father who is now widowed
may be a possible new owner.  Amy's dad is widowed and living in Illinois
but his three daughters live in other states.  Amy talked to him about buying my
house and he is very interested.  And Amy said to me, "and one day you could
buy it back."

The thought that Amy's dad may be living here makes me feel far less sad to
leave this sweet home behind.  I know how helpful it is to have an elderly
parent living close by.  In fact, my Mom is moving in with us down in Victoria.

So I have been working hard to pass on this cottage to someone I hope will love it
as much as I do.  I must say though that painting kitchen cabinets is a monumental job
and one that I do not plan to do any time soon!!!  Thankfully I will not have to paint
the kitchen cabinets in Victoria as they are lovely.  Oh, and I will have a big 
window over by sink which I never had here, so I am excited about that too.

Okay, that's enough chit chat for now because it's onto another project!
I will be taking more pics as I go along, so stay tuned.  Until then I am
happily joining ~

Bentley is so cute!  He runs outside and plays for a while and then comes
back inside just long enough to see how I am coming along.  He's the 
best little buddy!!

Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Hi Susan,
    I love the cottage kitchen cabinets - you have inspired me to change my old cupboards. The black granite countertops are so rich! I am sure that you will find a buyer that loves your cottage as much as you. The kitchen would definitely make me want to buy your precious cottage. Thanks for sharing!
    Take care,

  2. Hello Susan....You have been a wonderful daughter (and continue to be). All the good things you have done for your parents will come right back to you!

    I can imagine how hard it is for you to leave your sweet home. But you will have another wonderful home in Texas and new projects and adventures!

    I certainly wish you the best.

    The cabinets look fabulous! Great job! Susan

  3. this looks wonderful and I know that you will miss it but perhaps you will find the perfect replacement in Victoria ~ Good Luck!

  4. Oh your cabinets look lovely.
    I hope your neighbors dad buys your house and loves it like you!
    I am thrilled to hear how you're going to have a window over your kitchen're going to love it.
    I have a window over my sink...and I love standing there watching my chickens in the yard... and doing the dishes. :)
    ...via CLH, Pat

  5. Your newly painted cabinets look wonderful! I love those cute chicken pictures above your sink. Thanks for sharing. Big hugs,

  6. You did an outstanding job on your painted cabinets, they look GREAT! You and Bentley are going to love your new home and to have your sweet mother with you. You are a good daughter and care giver.
    I wish you the very best in your new home and your going to love it.
    Happy week.

  7. Darling,

    See how perfectly well everything is falling into place?

    Really, think about it - things selling fast in this economy is RARE....and bless Amy's heart, and her dear father's. All so awesome - and having your Momma with you? Priceless.

    Imagine when this is all done how much fun you two will have - finally a little "you and me" time - in a good way, shopping, restaurants, just being together.

    God bless!

    Oh - and your cabs looks great, but you knew that.


  8. It's always sad to sell a house that has been home, but time to move on and the cabinets look great.


  9. You did good Susan. I know how much work that is as I did it myself a few years ago. I know you'll sell your home to the perfect person.

  10. Your cabinets look amazing. Good luck in your new home and in selling this one. Thanks tons for joining Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  11. Ohh my Susan!! Sell your business, your Mom's house and now your house???? YOu must be going crazy right now. You do have someone that lives in Texas or some kind of a connection? Awesome job on the cabinets. Nice touch having the rounded molding on the front. Did you add that? The white eith black counter top looks wonderful!

  12. You did a great job with the cabinets..They look wonderful. I hope things go well with the sale of your house and also your move to Texas..Bentley will be happy as long as he's with you..

  13. I wish you all the best and hopefully your home goes to someone that will love it as much as you.


  14. Susan, your kitchen looks so pretty. I know the love and care you have given your cottage. I hope it works out for Amy's dad to buy your cottage with the prospect of it coming back to you in the future. '-)

  15. They turned out beautiful! I am sure anybody who buys your home will love it almost much as you.

  16. Hi Susan! Oh, your kitchen cabinets look wonderful! Poor you, you've had so much to do. How nice if your neighbor's dad should buy your house! Can't wait to get you to Texas! :)
    Be a sweetie,Shelia ;)

  17. I need to paint mine, but the task just seems so daunting. You did a wonderful job! I love the little architectural elements you used. Really gave it added class.

  18. I know how hard it must be to contemplate leaving your beloved home, my friend. You did a great job on those cabinets. Mine also need painting, but first, the walls!


  19. Sounds like you have been a wonderful daughter to help your Mom and Dad out when they needed you and then your Mom after your Dad passed away. Good luck in your new home, your cottage will be in good hands.

  20. Did you share before shots of your kitchen? The new paint looks fabulous and I am wanting to paint mine. But don't cabinets, baseboards, crown molding, doorway trims and doors are all light oak. Banged up and showing wear - in a bad way, not the good way. But I don't know about mixing that with white.

  21. P.S. I am really intrigued by the beadboard I see peeking in one photo - I love beadboard and need to do something with my backsplash too. I think I like that idea better than tile!

  22. Best of luck, Susan, with your move to Texas! I know you will enjoy decorating your new home, with Bentley as your helper. I don't know where Victoria is, but I live in the DFW area.

  23. White is certainly a good choice for your cottage kitchen cabinets as it goes well with your black countertops. Those old items above were like a collection too! Aside from this, are there any other simple home projects that you've done in the past months? Your house looks good, so I hope that you have found a buyer already.

    Arthur Bryant @ Contractor Express

  24. Is this place sold already? I'm sure the new owner will definitely love your place, especially the kitchen. I'm sure they'll appreciate your tireless efforts in making this place lovable. Anyway, moving out is another experience that you must enjoy. I know it's hard to leave your treasured home, but it's now time for you to make new memories in your new place. How are you now? :)

    Traci Lawson @

  25. cabinets for kitchen are avaliable in Schaumburg, IL, USA. order now and enjoy free shipping.


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