Saturday, July 27, 2013

Bye Bye Pink

As much as I love the house we will be moving into in Victoria, there is
one room I really don't like and will change asap and that is the ...

pink striped foyer!

Y'all know I like pink, but not in a foyer.  I love to wear pink and to
paint my nails pink, but I don't care for it on my walls.  The last time I 
had pink walls was when I was a teenager.  So, bye, bye pink!

Of course, not being one to accept things the way they are, I also want
to change the front door and add a transom window and maybe a 
side light too to bring more light and openness into the space.

I am thinking something more like this.  Oh dear, stripes once again.  Can't say
I want that, but I love the window over the door.  If I did that I could keep
the existing door.  I love the side light too.  The wainscoting is nice and
how about those blue and white plates above that charming bench?
Is that a church pew do you think?

Here is a pic of the French doors leading to the living room.  Excuse the
quality of the pic, David took this with his cell phone.  Love the doors.
The carpet in the living room is going away as are those sheers and those
valances too.  The windows in that room (there are four of them) are
four feet by seven feet and are lovely old colonial windows whose sills
nearly touch the floor.  

Here is another image I love!  This is so warm and friendly.
More transfer ware.  We love that!  Oh and painted paneling.  I am 
beginning to think that I will want to paint the paneling in the
family room.  Have I mentioned that?  Of course I have not
breathed a word of that idea to David.  I will have to "condition"
him on the idea.  A while back ago I thought I could live with the
dark paneling, but you know how we women are ;-)

Okay, better run.  Busy, busy days right now.

Happily Joining ~

Bentley ~  your daddy will be back home in two days.  I
know how happy you will be to see him (me too).  Better get 
your toys packed before the moving van shows up.  You
can bring a few with you when we all drive down to Texas.

Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. It all sounds lovely - and I'd be painting paneling too, unless it was antique oak from a castle in England!.....and even then I might give it a go.

  2. How exciting your ready for the moving van. I know you and Bentley can hardly wait. I like the idea of the entry hall and I would probably paint the family room walls also. What is it about men never wanting to paint any wood white?
    Have a safe trip.

  3. Paint that paneling!!! ;) Love your ideas for the foyer and front door. Exciting times!

  4. YOU I would say you are on the right track with your likes. Redoing, making the new place yours should be a fun and exciting challenge.

  5. Going to be so much fun watching you change it up!

  6. Winding down to the big moving day with you. Can't wait to see all the changes you make to your new Texas home, it's going to be so fun!!!

    Hugs to you and Bentley ~ Mary

  7. Wow..Your new place has just about as much charm as the old...Loads of character..Yup..Ditch the pink, paint the paneling..Won't you have fun???

  8. So looking forward to following what you do with your new home!

  9. You are going to have so much fun making your new house your home, I look forward to all your future updates! The foyer pictures in this post are both so inviting, love the old bench,

  10. You are going to have so much fun decorating your new home...what a creative challenge! The striped walls that you daughter did those in her foyer (with paint) and it looks outstanding! Great ideas!


  11. Looking forward to what you do. I so love your decorating!

  12. Definite ugh to the pink walls. Love your idea for the front door. Xo Laura

  13. I've already shared my feelings about the paneling - definitely vote for painting it! Love your inspiration photos. I even like the striped wall paper in the first one. It's much better than the pink stripe in your foyer. That would have to change for me too. I know what ever you choose to do in the foyer it will be warm and welcoming. Safe travels with the move. Let me know when you are settled. ~ Sarah

  14. Hi Susan

    I just read that you are moving to Victoria? Our son lives in Yoakum and will go to school in Victoria for his paramedic license. He's a firefighter/emt for Yoakum. Small world!

    Love the idea of painted paneling - our son and DIL just moved into a home with a paneled family room and want to paint it. They are living with it for now though.

    xo Leann

  15. Good luck with the move! Looking forward to seeing what you'll be doing with the new house. Drive safe. Mimi


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