Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Very Big Truck and Bye Bye Ducks

Chaos in the cottage!  Moving boxes everywhere.  I went to the title company
this morning to sign the closing papers on Mom's house and although
I was only gone for one hour,  when I got back the movers  had already
packed up the shoes I planned to take with me on the trip down.
Note to myself ~ if I ever move again, write do not pack on anything
that is not to go in a moving box.  But the movers are the nicest guys
and super efficient.  One of them jumped when he stepped on one of
Bentley's squeaky toys that was oh so conveniently placed directly
underfoot ;-)  We all had a good laugh.

Mom's furniture is already on the big truck that is sitting in front of our house
overnight tonight.  Yesterday we said goodbye to the ducks on the pond
behind her house.  We spent so many hours feeding and talking to the
sweet darlings.  They really were like pets.

We will miss them!  They may not miss us, but I bet they will miss
the dried corn we always fed them.  Ah, but I suppose the new owners
will take care of that.

We are all pooped.  The movers will be back over at 8:00 am 
tomorrow morning.  Poor guys, they were packing all day and still have
more to do tomorrow.  Y'all know how many dishes I have!

Bentley ~ don't worry.  Mama safely packed up some of your
very favorite toys for the trip down to Texas.

Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Good luck on your move/travels, hon!!


  2. Good luck on your move and have a safe trip. Tell Bentley to be a good boy.

  3. The part about the ducks makes me sad! Good luck and safe travels!


  4. We are in moving mode here. My son and his family are moving to Ohio.....our town from Colorado. Sad goodbyes for them with my daughter and her family that still live there. He kids are the same age and will miss their cousins. We are thrilled they will be close. Good luck with your move. Hugs.

  5. Well, you two gals be safe on the trip to Victoria. I can't wait to see your new digs. And see Bentley's reaction to it all.

  6. Travel safe! I know that you will be glad to get this move under your belt and get in your new home! Anxious to see how Bentley handles the move.


  7. Movers pack up anything that doesn't move!! When we moved to CA from Chicago, I went out first (for my job) and the Big Guy came out a few months later. The "big" move was when he came out. The movers did most of the packing and I wasn't there to supervise. When we unpacked some months later (looong story I won't bore you with), I unwrapped our "everyday" sugar bowl....with sugar still in it! :) I just sat and laughed and laughed....

  8. Oh, I forgot the most important thing!! I hope you move is smooth and problem-free!!

  9. I hope everything is wonderful with the move and the little duckies are well taken care of!


  10. Best of luck with your move Susan. I hope it is trouble free ..

  11. I'm sure this is a bittersweet day, leaving your home(s) and moving to a new place. Hope the move goes well and we'll see you there!

  12. Susan want to say WELCOME TO TEXAS! Hope you have a safe travel and everything goes smoothly. You will be on the other end of Texas from me as live in on the Texas Oklahoma border but we are all friends around here.
    Oh yes be prepared for the heat...........but just wait a day a two and you maybe wearing a jacket.

    Cathy's Cupboard Calamity

  13. I will be thinking about you Susan. God speed and safe journey. Can't wait to see your new home ;-)

  14. You will miss the ducks

  15. Your post made me sad..I moved in Oct and left my ducks..A female mallard made her nest in my backyard by my house and hatched her eggs every year..Sometimes twice..I loved the ducklings..I miss "Quackers"..Good luck and much happiness to you..

  16. Thinking of you my friend as you make your move. I know this is bittersweet but good times are ahead.


  17. Good luck with your move, I hope you soon settle in to your new home. Looking forward to seeing your new home!
    Take care.
    Helen x

  18. Safe move, Susan, and hugs to you and Bentley!

  19. Oh Susan, moving is SUCH chaos, isn't it? We moved in March and are just now truly "settling in". My friend made the same mistake with the movers (failing to mark what she didn't want packed) and they packed her GARBAGE and moved THAT!!!! WHEW!!!


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