Sunday, July 21, 2013

Last Peek at Mom's House

Wow ~ we are getting excited now about our move!  The
days are slip, slip, slipping away and before you know it, we will
be in Texas.  I have been dreaming about re-decorating the new 
house and y'all know what that means ~ it means fun!

Bentley ~ Amy stopped by this afternoon and you missed her.
You were too busy watching that baby squirrel up in the tree!

Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Hi Susan! Oh, your mother's house is so lovely. Is she okay with the move? I'm thinking about you a lot.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  2. Best wishes. What a beautiful home, gotta all be so difficult - but sometimes new can be great, too.

    You are going to have SO MUCH FUN decorating your new home - and it will be so nice all being together.


    1. Ho my God what a beautiful home, I hope she is ok with the move to Texas is nice but the weather is to hot for me my sister live Houston.
      but is nice being together.

  3. What a pretty, pretty house. I love that swing setup. It is just gorgeous. Hope the move goes smoothly and is not too stressful. xo Diana

  4. Moving can be so exciting! A new start! New decorating!! Enjoy!

  5. I just bet your head is full of decorating ideas for the new house. What fun to start fresh and I know you will have it charming in no time!

  6. Goodbye house in Idaho. Hello new house. Love your videos. The very best to you, your Mom and Bentley. Susan

  7. I wish you the best as you embark on this journey.

  8. What a beautiful home she had. That is something that Hubby and I would like to find when he retires in a few years. Good luck with your new home and will look forward to your posts about it.

  9. That would be so hard for me to leave..I'm sure it is for you as well..It's lovely..Good luck with the move and much happiness in your new home..

  10. Susan ~ your mom's house is just lovely. I hope that she transitions well. I KNOW she will ~ she has YOU. I wish you all the best in the move. This is scary and exciting at the same time. REMEMBER ~ slow down, breathe and everything will fall into place

    Love you lots



    Bentley~ take care of grandma and mommy ;-)


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.