Saturday, July 20, 2013

Our First Movie on YouTube

Bentley and I slaved away creating a movie for our new
channel on YouTube.  Well, it's actually my channel and Bentley 
is the assistant producer.

Our new movie is appropriately called ~

Pinks Around the Cottage

We hope you enjoy it.  Stay tuned because now that we have
this figured out we will be making all kinds of movies.  I imagine
that quite a few of them will be featuring Bentley in the
starring role.  He's quite the ham!

Happily Joining ~

Seasonal Sundays

Yes Bentley ~ we can make a movie about the show you put
on every night.  It's always a big hit around our house.

Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Great all of your pinks! Hope you'll hop over and share at Amaze Me Monday!

  2. I loved this! You're so smart and the Pinks look so pretty! Hope all is going well with your packing and you're ignoring that precious little Bentley.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. Bravo! Can you and Bentely hear the applause?

  4. How very cute..... but where was Bentley? You did a really great job - loved it.

  5. Beautiful ... beautiful pinks and beautiful music! Great job, hope to see more from you and your producer soon!

    Hugs ~ Mary

  6. This video is just beautiful. Love all the pinks. Bentley you produced a wonderful video with mommy ;-)

  7. Oh, this was wonderful with the musical accompaniment... well done, Susan and Bentley!

  8. Very pretty and inspiring. :)

  9. Wow Susan,
    You and Bentley are so skilled! I wouldn't have a clue as to how to make a video! Very pretty Pink around the Cottage. Thanks for sharing! Take care,

  10. So lovely, thanks for putting this together! Patty/BC

  11. Encore..Bravo..good job..I have several UTube movies but only because I wanted them for my blog..No music..Cante figure out how to do that..One of these days I'll try harder..

  12. Love all of your pinks! How lovely that you and Bentley will be making movies.

    How are your moving plans going? I'm happily surprised to see you're still enjoying your home as I'm sure you'll be in the throws of moving very soon.

    - The Tablescaper


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.