Sunday, July 14, 2013

Making A Roux and Painting Cabinets With Harry Connick Jr

I am currently the queen of multi-tasking.  I am trying to use up everything in the
freezer while also finishing the painting of my kitchen cabinets that I started to 
paint one year ago!!!  

What to do? What to do???
I think I will make a roux!  Okay that idea came to me when I discovered that I 
had two andouille sausages in the freezer along with some chicken breasts.  I also
had one green pepper, an onion, and some celery.  Yes I had the trinity, so I put
on some of my favorite New Orleans jazz and grabbed a skillet, some canola oil
and my flour.  

Now for those of you who have never made a roux, it's easy peasy and it adds
a delicious depth of flavor to your dish.  Here is a video to show you the 
technique ~

Thank you Poppy!  I would have made my own video, but I am here
in the cottage by myself with Bentley and he is too short to hold up the
camera lol!

So here is my own roux starting on the stove.  I am not going to cook
mine as fast as Poppy did hers, so I am going to turn the heat way down
and let it cook slowly so that I can paint a bit, then stir and paint ....

Of course I need some music to put me in the mood, so I am going
to listen to some New Orleans jazz.   Let's see, this should set the mood ...

I love to have music playing when I cook.  For me, it just heightens the 

Let's check back and see how my roux is coming along ...

Well, it is starting to get a tiny bit darker, so let's get back to painting.

It's the color of milk chocolate now so I better stir in the onions and 
then the remainder of the trinity as Poppy suggested, because if I don't
I will be eating at midnight.

The rest of my recipe is this ~  I sliced and sauteed the sausage in a tiny
bit of canola oil.  Draining most of the oil off, I slipped the sausage into the pan.
Then I sauteed cubed chicken breasts in the same pan as I used for the 
sausage and slipped them into the mix as well.  Then I added I can of 
diced tomatoes, juice and all and a bit of chicken stock.  I used the remainder
of the chicken stock for cooking my brown rice.  That's it!
PS: seasoned with salt and pepper and Chef Paul Prudomme's 
Magic Seasoning Salt.

Thank you Harry for making this a wonderful afternoon in the kitchen!

Bentley, I saved some chicken for you without all the spices.

Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Hi Susan,
    I really like your cabinets and would love to be adventuresome and approach mine at the cottage. I know how much work it must be and am reluctant to start. I thought it was more of a winter project but after talking to others found out that the paint dries faster in the summer. I know you will enjoy your white - it is so bright, cheerful and clean. Your recipe looks great too! Thank you for sharing. Have a wonderful week!

  2. Love the cabinets! Glad you had a great time making your Roux with Harry in the background! Did Bentley do a little dance at least??? LOL!


  3. Making roux is one of my favorite things to do in the kitchen. I find it relaxing. Harry just takes it to another level!


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