Friday, August 16, 2013

A Peak At Master Bedroom Pinks

Here is a sneak peak of the what's been put in place in our
master bedroom so far.  Notice Bentley looking up at the bed.
Believe it or little Bentley can very easily jump up on our
bed with no assistance.  He's his mama's little acrobat!

I am taking my time putting up pictures etc.  I want to make sure I can live
with the placement for a while before I change it.  

I love these pink toile plates.  I often hang plates on the wall.
This is a vintage botanical print I found in a wonderful old 
antique shop in Boise that unfortunately no longer exists.

Here is an area that is still evolving, but I have some
ideas I will share with you later.

I love this chair!  We were lucky enough to have inherited 
it from David's mom.  She had it in her bedroom too, and I
hope that she would approve of it's placement in our home.

Love this view from the chair next to the window.
Well, that's it for now.  Have to keep unpacking!

Happily Joining ~

Bentley just noticed a big black cat taking a nap on
the patio.  He chased him away and is now double 
and triple checking every square inch of his yard to
make sure the cat is really gone.  I think the 
squirrel up in the tree is laughing lol ;-)

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. It's looking really good, Susan!!

  2. Hi Susan, You room look so beautiful I love your back yard, I have those plate too I'm looking for the cup I also have the sugar and crème they are nice, I got my from Home Good when I was living in California.
    I'm glad your so happy in Texas we call Texas the God Country.

  3. Looking good!! Did you paint your bedroom or was it already that color? Looks good with your pink. Love that old chair.

    Bentley is just letting all the neighborhood friends know this is his territory!! He's so cute.


  4. Hi Susan,

    Things are looking very pretty! I liked your cottage in Boise, but I really like your new home, too. It looks so cheerful and bright with all the big windows, and your yard looks lovely. I just know you're going to be very happy there.

    That Bentley is such a cutey. :) Terriers can sure jump, can't they? Have a wonderful weekend!

    Denise at Forest Manor

  5. What a fabulous chair - it looks wonderfully comfortable - and so practical too. Happy PS!

  6. Moving is never easy. You have done very well in this short time. Your home is very pretty. Bentley is deciding if he should jump on the bed in a new place. That chair is my very favorite thing. Definitely a keeper.

  7. Just look at you go, Susan. Your bedroom looks very pretty. And, I can see why that chair is such a treasure.

    That tree out your window is gorgeous.

    Happy Pink Saturday, and to Bentley, too.♥

  8. Everything is looking so good, Susan...and Bentley looks cuter every time I see him.
    "O, Bentley....I am falling in love with you..........if Susan doesn't treat you right, come live with me....."

  9. Love the color, Susan. The bedroom really looks nice. LOL at Bentley guarding his domain! xo Diana

  10. Beautiful bedroom Susan, I love it! Bentley cracks me up too...doggies are so cute when feeling like the owner of the house, as my pug Ben used to be, lol.. Enjoy your weekend.

  11. Your bedroom is looking really good. Love the plates - they are so pretty. I also like to decorate with plates.
    That Bentley is letting everyone know that it's his yard and to stay away. Bet he is having such a good time helping you.
    Have a great weekend in your lovely new home.

  12. Susan, you and Bentley have been busy making your new house HOME. Fun to see. Wishing you well.

  13. Hi Susan! Oh, your bedroom is looking very pretty! I love plates on the wall too. Your bed and linens look so comfy cozy. That chair! Oh, it's amazing! Was it used for letting writing? Your home is going to be most beautiful.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  14. A beautiful bedroom! I know you are resting easily after long days of unpacking. Love that chair! ~ Sarah

  15. What a beautiful and relaxing room, Susan! The chair is my favourite too :) HPS! Greetings from Australia♥ ~Pernilla

  16. Love your colors, they are so soothing and pretty. I imagine you are so happy to be getting settled and things up on the walls.

  17. Beautiful green room The pinks are a perfect touch. Blessings, Debbie

  18. Your bedroom looks very pretty and I love the soft green color on the walls. The patio table looks totally inviting just as it is. Sometimes simple is best. You are making lots of progress with the unpacking. Just been through the same thing myself.

  19. What a lovely cozy and inviting! I just love the pink and white plates and that chair is a wonderful family heirloom! Makes you just want to curl up with the cute little doggie and take a snooze! Happy Pink Saturday!


  20. What a wonderful chair..Lovely view..Bentley is already king of his domain..

  21. Wonderful antiques! My wife would love the bedroom. Happy Pink Saturday!

  22. Your bedroom is looking amazing, Susan. What a wonderful chair. I bet Bentley has no problem at all getting on that bed and if he did, something tells me a little doggie step stool would appear. xo Laura

  23. Ok, Sister! I have never seen that chair before at Ash Tree Cottage, but you KNOW that I so love it!!! I love it even more that it is a priceless family heirloom! Love you and Bentley!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.