Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Sweet Tea in the Garden

This is the most minimalistic tablescape you will ever see
from me.  Although I have been unpacking boxes for days,
this is the most coordinated tablescape I can come up with 
for now.  Two matching vintage frosted glasses.

I open a box that is labeled "kitchen" and I find one
kitchen item and then stuff from various other rooms
in the house.  I keep asking myself ~ why can't the
packers stick with one area???  I am trying my best to
find the humor in the situation, but trust me it's not easy.
Thank goodness for Bentley.  He is my ray of
sunshine and his antics always make me laugh.

But, I did find the sun tea container and was able to
brew some sweet tea and I know that after a glass of 
tea in one of these vintage frosted floral tea glasses all  
will be right with the world once again!

Happily Joining ~

Bentley is hanging around his grandma.  She has
some cinnamon toast and I know he is hoping that
she will share.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I'm sure grandma is going to spoil Bentley! Nice to see you in your new place.

  2. Thank goodness Bentley is there to cheer you on!

  3. Sister,
    I am so excited for you, in this new adventure! I just wish I was there, helping you :(
    Hi, sweet Bentley.

  4. You know you have arrived in Texas if you are brewing the sweet tea :-)

  5. Susan ~ I would love to be there unpacking boxes with you and taking a break to have some sweet tea ~ big (((hugs))) to you ~ keep you chin up ~ all will be well soon ;-)

  6. I am impressed that you could find an ironed napkin and those cute glasses. If you were on my end of Texas I would be there to help!

    Cathy's cupboard Calamity

  7. That's all one truly needs is a shady spot and a nice glass of tea.

    Glad you were able to enjoy this quick respite...unpacking is a kind of hell, ya know?

  8. I do not envy you the turmoil of the move and the unpacking. Glad you found enough glasses to stop and enjoy some tea. (I'd have to take mine unsweetened, though. That is one southern custom I would not be able to adjust to.)

  9. I hope they kept all of Bentley's things together LOL
    But what a lovely vignette - somewhere sweet to get away from unpacking stress :)

  10. Hello! It's so nice to meet you! Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your sweet comment!
    I do have to say that I'm VERY impressed that you were able to make such a cute table for this party! You've only been in your new place 10 days!!!! WOW! You're amazing!
    We've just recently moved into our house too, back in May, so I know all about those "lovely" boxes. And those last few that kinda held whatever was left, yep, been there!
    I really love your little garden setting. It look perfectly shaded, and with those frosted glasses, I'm thinking a bit of lemonade would be just what was needed after unpacking!
    Thanks again for dropping by, I'm going to follow you too, I don't want to miss a single post!

  11. So hope all is going well and you are enjoying the new place! This is such a southern post - sweet tea!! You have chosen a lovely setting to serve it!

  12. Hi New Texan! Glad you were able to find two iced tea glasses and have some sweet tea! The wrought iron set looks pretty in your garden. I hope you have an easy unpacking and enjoy your new home. I have enjoyed folowing your blog before and will now that you are in Texas. This fall the Round Top Antique Show is Sept. 26 thru Oct. 6 and has towns all around like, Warrenton, Shelby, Carmine, Fayetteville and Brenham! Dealers come from all over the country in the Spring and Fall. Brenham is the home of Blue Bell ice cream and you will be seeing this brand in your grocery store. You can start with Homemade Vanilla and then try Millennium or just try them all they are soooo good! Hope you can attend the antique shows it is so big plan a couple of days! Welcome to Texas!


  13. Looks lovely and comfortable. I can't believe you even found two glasses that worked. I'd still be knee deep in boxes and newspapers.


  14. I am surprised you had time at all, with just moving and all the unpacking! I will be coming to live in Texas as soon as our house sells! Houston area somewhere...not sure.
    I love your wrought iron set and the tea glasses are just right for sweet tea!
    Good Luck unpacking and getting settled in your new home. Keep in touch!
    Blessings My Friend,

  15. This is a pretty vignette and looks very relaxing. From the sound of things you could use a relaxing moment. Bentley will keep you going, hang in there it will get done!!


  16. I know unpacking is such a daunting task, but two glasses is a good start and the rest will magically appear. Enjoy that sweet tea in your garden. xo Laura

  17. We just went through another move and boy it was not fun! Glad to see you found somewhere to sit and take a break. Thanks for linking to the Open House party.

  18. Moving is not fun! Glad you found your tea glasses . . . and the furniture! Nothing like alfresco tea!

  19. This is a marvelous start, Susan, -I know you're excited about making this place your home - such an adventure! I am so delighted that you shared with Home and Garden Thursday,


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.