Friday, August 30, 2013

Pink Saturday Y'All and Tour Number One

So for this Labor Day weekend I am going to take you on a little tour of
my new neighborhood.  We are in the College Park neighborhood.  It's 
newly listed on the Historic Victoria Home Tour.  Many of the houses were
built in the late 1940's and early 1950's.  I just could hardly wait to show you
this adorable house and if you peek behind the column of the front porch
you will see why it is perfect for Pink Saturday.

See ... what did I tell you, Pink Saturday perfection!  Don't you just love
a family who has the hutzpah to paint their front door pink?  I sure do.
Although the house does not look all that big, it goes out the back a bit
and has a huge "garage mahal" on the side.

While this home does not have any pink, it is a charming two story colonial.

Brick walkways are hugely popular in this neighborhood.  Our house has 
one too.

This one is a beauty.  It is nearly 6,000 square feet all on one level.
It is currently on the market.  The owner is downsizing and moving into
a slightly smaller house one block away from me.  I wish I could convince
my Aunt Susan to leave Chicago and move into this house!  It would be
great fun to have both my Mom and her sister close by.  More pics
this weekend.  See y'all then!

Happily Joining ~

Bentley ~ I think we need to take some pictures of you
with your new best friend Toby!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. The homes are beautiful. The landscaping = trees and flower beds are so pretty. How great is it to be able to take a tour and see all your lovely homes in your neighborhood.
    Looking forward to meeting Bentley's new friend.

  2. woooooohoooooooooooo that last house is my favorite.. is it painted brick??hard to tell. anyway, its stunning.

    happy friday

  3. Beautiful neighborhood! Love the pink door, though I wouldn't have the guts to do it!

  4. Susan, the hood is lovely. Love that last house with the circle drive and porte cochere. Hope your Aunt gives it some thought.
    Enjoy the weekend.........Sarah

  5. Thanks for the tour of the wonderful homes.

  6. This neighborhood looks like it is straight out of a picture book. Such gorgeous homes. xo

  7. Yes we are anxious to see more! Looks beautiful.

  8. Lovely homes Susan!
    Wishing you and Bentley a happy pink Saturday& holiday weekend.

  9. What a gorgeous neighborhood, hope your auntie comes to live nearby!

  10. Wonderful homes - and that pink door is just too perfect!

  11. The pink door is so fun! I love it! Happy Pink Saturday!

  12. That is the best door I have ever seen! Happy Pink Saturday!

  13. What a lovely neighborhood. The pink door is wonderful.

  14. I so agree that it takes a special person to paint their front door pink! Love it and that beautiful neighborhood too!
    Be blessed, Lorena

  15. I remember visiting Victoria back in the mid-70's. beautiful homes and those amazing live oaks!

  16. Saw your post on Pink Saturday. Enjoyed the tour - I absolutely love that pink door.

  17. Oh, love the brick entrance walk to that beautiful 2 story colonial. Thanks for the tour. Beautiful area.

  18. Not seen many pink doors. Wonder if things going on behind it are more interesting?

  19. Happy Pink Saturday, Susan - and Bentley, too. I love your neighborhood!!! You did find the perfect Pink Saturday house.

    And, I am calling my husband in here right now to show him the brick sidewalk. He has been wanting one for years.

  20. I love all these beautiful houses, Susan! Love the pink door too :) You have certainly moved to a beautiful place, and I'm sure Bentley thinks so too especially now he has a new friend.
    Helen x

  21. What beautiful homes. I definitely want to see pictures of Bentley with his new best friend. XO Laura

  22. What beautiful homes. I definitely want to see pictures of Bentley with his new best friend. XO Laura

  23. Gorgeous houses and I wish I had the bravery to paint my front door pink! Then wait to see how long it would be until my hubby noticed!! Glad to hear Bentley has made a new play pal. xx

  24. Good morning Susan, Your tour is awesome. I too love to look at vintage homes and the PINK door is so much fun. How wonderful to live in this neighborhood. I bet Bentley loves it too. My door needs a paint job but here in the mountains pink just wouldn't go very well. HA! I'm thinking about a new color as right now it is boring white.

    Happy Labor Day weekend,
    xo, Jeanne

  25. Gorgeous! I do love that Texas flag. :) Love love love!!

    Have you been reading up on your Texas history? You aren't from here originally, right? Lots of important things to learn. So much history involving Spain, France,and Mexico.


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