Saturday, August 31, 2013

Neighborhood Tour Part Two

Here we are, back in my neighborhood to stroll by more homes

More two story colonials.

A magnificent nearly 6,000 square foot mid century modern.

I can just imagine Frank Sinatra mixing cocktails inside right now.  The
house sits on three city lots filled with magnificent old live oak trees.

Love the tropicals.

Ah the white picket fence.

A beautiful rambling ranch.  Very Texas Hill Country.


Another colonial.

Southern charm complete with moss hanging off the trees.

Just look at all the wrought iron!

Simple and sweet.  So now you are seeing what Bentley and I see
ever time we take a walk.  It's our new hood.

Happily Joining ~

Bentley had marinated grilled tuna for dinner.
Can we all admit he is a wee bit spoiled?

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. What I love best is all the homes aren't so "cookie cutter" like we seem to have - relatively speaking- in more modern suburbs.

    I love the differences and charm of these homes.

    I really like your new 'hood, ma'am!

  2. WOW, beautiful homes and all different custom style. What a great area to live in.

  3. Beautiful neighborhood and scenery.

  4. What a gorgeous neighborhood! Can you show us a shot of your house?! :)

  5. And what a 'hood it is - how magnificent!!!
    I can't ever imagine having that much space to live in :)
    Thanks for the tour!

  6. Your neighborhood looks so lovely. I hope you're happy with your move. It's a big one, but you do look like you're settling in.

    Wonderful to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  7. Really a gorgeous neighborhood, I live in a colonial but if I were moving I would definitely opt for a ranch. Bentley, glad you like your new hood, and keep eating mommy's delicacies!


  8. Hi Susan and Bentley,
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful new neighborhood - what a beautiful place to live - kind of reminds me of homes in the South. Sounds like you all are settling in nicely - glad that Bentley has a new friend.

    Your new home is lovely and I look forward to seeing more of your decorating progress.
    Erin and Bentley

  9. Your neighborhood and houses are gorgeous! So much space for you and Bentley to go for nice fall weather walks! Thanks for your sweet and kind visit. Have a lovely week.

  10. Susan, y'all picked a beautiful neighborhood. Just look at those Live Oaks and the gorgeous St. Augustine grass. :) Oh how I wish that we had picked an established neighborhood. We'll be living with new neighborhood ick for a few years.

  11. If you have to move you sure know how to pick a new neighborhood Susan! And what a beautiful place to live. I would fit right in there too, my style. I love all the colonials and the white picket fence is on my wish list. I just know you can’t wait to open the door and go on your walks there.
    Happy weekend..........

  12. I enjoyed the tours. Absolutely wonderful homes.

    Your new home is so pretty, Susan. I love the style. I am looking forward to seeing how you add your personality.

  13. Susan, your hood is a beautiful place for you and Bentley to enjoy long walks. I'm impressed with all the GREEN lawns. Doesn't look like these yards have suffered from the summer heat. Thanks for sharing. Each one is a lovely home.

  14. Your neighborhood is charming..Just lovely..I can't imagine 6,000 square feet on on would need roller skates...and heating it !!! It is wonderful though..

  15. I enjoyed taking a stroll around your neighborhood with you!! Some beautiful homes! Looks like a wonderful place to take long walks.

  16. Hi Susan. I haven't been around to visit for quite awhile and so I've gone back all the way to your new home. It is really beautiful and I am agreeing with all your thoughts for upgrading so far. How are you liking Texas? You certainly live in a pretty neighborhood. I think?? I signed up to follow you on FB, but I'm not exactly sure of all the procedures yet, so if you don't see me let me know..Happy Weekend to Bentley too...Judy

  17. You and Bentley have such a pretty hood to walk through. I love to walk in neighborhoods, especially in the evening, when I might get a glimpse at the inside of some homes. laurie

  18. I love the big beautiful lawns and those Live Oak trees! Isn't that wrought iron amazing! I love summer time with the green grass and flowers! Enjoy your week!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.