Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Under The Texas Sun

We are here!!!  We arrived late Sunday afternoon after three long,
long days on the road.  Here is the new pad.  Come on in and
we will take a look around.  

Remember that pink foyer I showed you in a previous post?
Well, we are standing in that foyer now looking into the
formal living room.  The yellow walls will be going away
as will the carpet.

The moving truck does not arrive until Thursday,
so all we have in the house is seven pieces of furniture
and a big screen TV.

The living room has a nice fireplace and there are doorways into
both the family room and the formal dining room.

There are built in nooks and there are pocket doors between both the
living and dining room and the family and dining room.

I love this chandy.  It has a very vintage feel.

The hardwood floors are pretty too.

Here is the kitchen.  Expect to see a fair amount of tweaking here.
My Viking stove will be replacing the gas cook top and I have a
fluted farmhouse sink in the garage just waiting to replace the
stainless sink.

At the moment this is command central.  The previous
owners were kind enough to leave us a stool so we can
use the snack bar in the kitchen.  I can now blog on David's
laptop until my own mac arrives.

Bentley is curled up in a chair in the family room.  
Moving is exhausting!

This is David's idea of decorating the bookcase.  He was here for six
weeks on his own before we arrived so he has gone with the 
man cave style.  This of course will change a bit don't you know ;-)

Here is a view from the family room out onto the patio.

The backyard is lush and green and thankfully shaded by the
huge live oak trees which offer protection from the
Texas sun.

Here is Bentley surveying his property.

We never had much trouble with bugs in Idaho,
but here in Victoria we are using a lot of this!

I will be showing you more of the house in my
next post.  Until next time ...

Happily Joining ~

Wow Us Wednesday
What's It Wednesday
Home and Garden Thursday
Open House Thursday

Bentley ~ do you miss Beatrice the chicken?
We don't have any chickens living next door anymore.

Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Hi Susan! Yay, you're there! How exciting to have a new place to decorate! The whole place has a nice vintage feel. I like the shape of that built in shelf unit and the chair rail looks nice too. Can't wait to see it as your stuff arrives and gets unpacked. I forget how much Bentley looks like my Olivia. How sweet!
    Take care and have fun!

  2. The new house looks great! LOVE the backyard. We have to have our shade here in California too. Have you come up with a name for the new place? I always have to name things. Like Ash Tree Cottage at Live Oak Place. I'm looking forward to seeing you put your touch on your new home.

  3. Welcome to Texas! Your new house has so many wonderful features, and it will be fun to see what you do to make it yours. What a fabulous view you have of the backyard! I know Bentley will have a blast exploring his new territory!

  4. So glad you got moved and are in your new home (well, kinda). Love your backyard and the photos of the house are amazing. I know it will be all "you" shortly! You will have to adjust to the heat and the bugs for sure - Bentley also!

    Congratulations on your beautiful new home.


  5. So glad you are there and now for the fun part! Settling in and making this home your own! Bentley looks glad to be there also.


  6. so glad you all made it, it's really beautiful! You'll have your home transformed before you know it!

  7. Susan ~ I am so glad that you arrived safe. I was thinking about you. Love your new home. Soon you will be fluffing and decorating and having so much fun. David decorates like Mr. V ;-)
    Bentley it looks like you have a lovely yard. Hopefully, they have little critters that you can chase.
    Can't wait to see what you have planned for your new home. So exciting~!



  8. I'm so excited for you! Does Bentley and your mom like the house? I can't wait to see you decorate that place. The back yard is lovely.

  9. So glad the move is over! The new house is going to be so much fun to decorate and put your special touches on, looking forward to following along. Hope Bentley is adjusting nicely (and you!).

    Hugs ~ Mary

  10. Welcome to your new home in TX! I bet you can't wait for the moving van to come so you can get settled in.

  11. Welcome to Texas! I will now add Ash Tree Cottage to my list of Texas bloggers. Love the big windows over your kitchen sink and how you can look out into the backyard from the family room. This kitchen must be getting excited to know it will have a Viking Stove and a farmhouse sink! You know all the other kitchens in the neighborhood are going to be envious of its new finery.


  12. I agree with Bentley, moving is hard work.

  13. Your new home is so pretty, and looks like it has "good bones". Love the view from the family room out to the patio, and the landscaping, and the chandy is perfect.
    It'll be exciting and satisfying, to decorate it just the way you want it.

  14. Can't wait to see all the decorating coming up :-)

  15. Welcome to Texas! So glad to know that you arrived safely. I think this is a wonderful house that you will quickly make into a charming home. I love the pocket doors between the rooms! Be thankful for those shade trees, and consider installing a mosquito misting system. They really do work!
    Can't wait to see this house once it receives your special touch, Susan.

  16. looks like a lovely house. It's always nice when the furnitures arrives and the house starts to feel like home again

  17. Glad you are "in", Susan, now the fun stuff begins! Love the view of the patio, Bentley looks like he is pleased with the house. Good luck, looking forward to photo updates. xo

  18. For heaven's sake - did I know you were in Idaho?? I'm just north of the Idaho/Canada border.

    I'm glad Bentley's settling in. Maybe you could start a new decorating trend - decoys and booze. Um ok maybe not...

    Enjoy your new digs, it will be fun to see how you decorate it all!


  19. Your new house has beautiful bones! You are going to have so much fun 'tweaking' and decorating, and we are going to have so much fun reading all about it.

  20. Glad you had a safe trip, and again WELCOME to TEXAS. Sorry heater here in Texas is kind of stuck on HOT! Glad you have those trees.
    Love the look of the house but know it will change soon....can't wait. Hey did you come down INT 35, if so you were so close to me.

    Cathy's Cupboard Calamity <;)

  21. Everyone I know that has ever moved to Texas has hated it for a week or two then fell in love forever with the place and that i many different places in Texas...Your new place is going to be beautiful and your doggy looks like he is at home already..loved the post...I am a new follower of yours and will be back to see the home evolving...

  22. Was thinking of you and wondering if you had arrived!!! You have a great start.....beautiful wood floors, pocket doors ( I'd kill for those), corner cabinet, beautiful patio and what looks like a porch in the back, nice yard and trees!!! You will have a great time making this your own......

  23. Congratulations on the new home, it all looks so huge! Bentley looks as though he is master of the house already and taken up with the comfortable chair. I'm looking forward to seeing the changes. x

  24. Wow ! This is a lovely home and I can't wait to see what you do with it, it can only go from great to amazing.

  25. Congratulations!! What a simply lovely home! The little built in shelf, the kitchen, the mantle, the chandy, and especially the back yard, love love! Sorry you have to live in Texas :) but at least you have a fabulous new home to hide out the hotter than hot summers!

  26. Susan, the home is just gorgeous! So perfect for you with all it's lush lawn and a huge tree.
    I can't wait until you make it your own! I just know that you are going to be so happy there!
    Big hugs,

  27. The House looks beautiful and I can't wait to see what you do with it. Good Luck.

  28. Your new home is just gorgeous, lots of character and space !
    I already love the feel of it, she has great bones...
    Happy times sweet Bentley, now you have to find another chicken friend :)

  29. All I can say is 'wow!'. I love the big windows - especially the one in the kitchen and the glass doors on the cupboards. Pocket doors? How did you get so lucky? You really are going to enjoy working with this house and making it your own. Has Bentley picked his spot yet? Thank goodness for all those trees.

  30. Glad you arrived safely. I love what has been done in the living room....less is more. But I think one more chair...as Thoreau said I have three chairs, one for solitude two for company and three for society. You are right the kitchen just needs a bit of tweaking. i am looking forward for the transformation.

  31. It's lovely Susan..It has so much personality and combined with your special touches, it will be great..Bently seems to be adjusted already..probably glad to be out of the car..as are you, I'm sure..Enjoy!!

  32. I can't imagine moving across the country. I'm so excited for you and can't wait to see how you make a house a home. Such a lovely house it is. I'm fairly new to your blog, but so far I'm hooked. Bless your home and your family, including Bentley.

  33. No wonder Bentley is so tired. All that moving and now look at all the work he has to do. Patrolling that yard is going to be a big task. So glad you are in your new home and I can't wait for all the fun of watching the changes you make. xo Laura

  34. It looks like a beautiful house and I LOVE that patio!

  35. Such fun to see your "new" home and it's BEAUTIFUL!!!! Lovely back yard and the home has fantastic "BONES" . . . it will be such fun to see what you and Bentley do with your new "digs"! - Your friend, Marcia

  36. Your house is beautiful and I especially like the curved steps at the front door. It is so exciting to fix up a "new" house. We are currently doing the same thing. Best of luck and get some rest!

  37. Welcome to Texas! Your lot is beautiful! I love those trees. Just can't wait to see what you do with your house. :)

  38. Oh, my! I can't get over how lovely your new home is!!!! Yep, there's a lot of bugs here in the deep south! So excited for you and look forward to all you'll be sharing! I am delighted that you shared with Home and Garden Thursday,

  39. So gald that you are finally there - it's going to be grand!!! Did I tell you that our son Lives in Yoakum?! And goes to Victoria for most things!!! Too funny!


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