Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Bentley's Historic Home Tour Number One

Stop here mama!

Did you get a good picture mama?

Here's another one.  Wow that's a big yard.  I wonder if they have a
dog to protect it?  I could always offer my squirrel and cat removal

I am peeking though the fence and hedges to find squirrels.
I can't see any so we can move on.

This one has a picket fence around it like my old house in Idaho.
Mama thinks that I enjoy looking at houses.  I am just humoring her.
My daddy taught me to do that.

  This tour is coming to an end because a big thunderstorm
 is coming.  Step on it mama and let's hurry home.

Mama said I could join ~

Wow Us Wednesday
What's It Wednesday

Big Texas Hugs,


  1. Beautiful homes... and please send some of that rain Kansas way, will you?

  2. Pretty! Send some of that rain to North Texas, please. :)

  3. Beautiful homes. Glad you all are getting some of the rain. We've only had a sprinkle.

  4. Keep the home tours coming, Bentley. Of course, Mama already know which if the favorite of mine, between the 2!

  5. Sorry for the typos! I was typing too fast and watching, "All In The Family, too!"

  6. Susan- Those are gorgeous old homes. Just love them all. There is nothing like them being built today- xo Diana

  7. Love those old homes..would love to see the insides..Maybe Bentley could arrange it..??

  8. Love the tour Bentley! It's a beautiful historic home. Love the fenced yard too.

  9. Bentley looks like a great companion. I have a little girl multi-poo, "Priscilla," and she loves to go everywhere with me. The homes are beautiful. I found your blog through Savvy Southern Style and I am your newest follower.
    Thanks, Patty at Home and Lifestyle Design

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Susan and Bentley . . . the only way I could have enjoyed the historic home tour would be if I could have ridden along with you two!!!! Sorry, Bentley, I smell like two cats . . . you might not have enjoyed my company, tee, hee.

    Thanks Susan . . . I LOVE your post and hope you are delighted in your new home and neighborhood.


  12. Hi Susan,
    What an adorable post. I just love that first photo! Bentley looks so much like my Olivia. :-) Pretty houses. I've been enjoying your post on what how your decorating your new home. Looking forward to the next one!

  13. That house needs Bentley! It just doesn't know it yet!

  14. Bentley looks like he is having a grand time on his tour. The homes are beautiful - they sure don't make them like that any more, do they.
    Thanks for sharing.

  15. Bentley has good taste and what a cute tour guide.

  16. Bentley sure has a good nose for pretty houses. He could be my tour guide anytime.

  17. Oh Susan ~ you have such a fun, whimsical way of writing and sharing your adventures! I had such a good time catching up on your blog. :) Thank you for leaving your sweet comment on my blog so that I could meet you on yours! Hugs to Bentley!

    xoxo laurie

  18. Thanks for stopping by to visit Joy's Jots, Shots & Whatnots. You are a part of the first day for me to over 1000 hits in one day! That's big stuff for me. I love "Under the Tuscan Sun." One of the few movies I outright bought. (didn't give 50¢ @ a yd sale.) Your new home does look cozy, & it looks like you've got some beautiful places for sight seeing. Following you back. Say Hi to Bentley.

  19. Those homes are truly gorgeous! Found you at Savvy Southern Style! Please share this at Stylish Friday Finds! My readers would love to see this post!
    Have a great weekend!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.