Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Cookies and Tea and a Porch Swing

This morning while taking my morning walk I was reflecting
on the meaning of this day.  It is hard to believe that it has been
twelve years since our country was attacked.  I could not help
but reflect on the sadness of that day.  I for one, will never

I also thought about the many men and women who have risked 
their lives protecting our freedom and how fortunate we all are
to live in this country.

So to remember and to honor those who lost their lives, I am
celebrating our freedom.  I truly believe that the best revenge is
to live a happy life.  To appreciate and enjoy the advantages we
are so fortunate to benefit from each day.

I hope that you will join me in honoring the memories of those
who lost their lives on this day twelve years ago.

May their families find some peace on this day.

And long may we honor those who put themselves in harm's
way to protect our nation each day.
God Bless our Nation.

Doggies are lucky to live in freedom too Bentley.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Thanks for this tribute. You too, Bentley.

    Hugs ~ Mary

  2. Such a lovely post full of sentiment. Have a blessed week.

  3. Beautiful post Susan and Bentley, wonderful and a very sentimental tribute, couldn't be any other way on a day like this one! I feel very sad and dropped a few tiers today as NYC is my home town. God bless America now and forever. Blessings.

  4. Great post Susan. This is definitely a date we all should remember to honor of fellow countrymen and our servicemen . Thank you, Ginger

  5. Susan ~ what a beautiful tribute. Even though I am not a U.S. Citizen. I remember that day. I came to the office and one of our lawyers was worried about her brother. His office was in that building. For hours we held each other and didn't know what to do. We finally found out that her brother was in California on a business trip but the rest of the office perished. What a tragic day. I remember, my office window looked over the Detroit Windsor tunnel. there were uniformed soldiers with machine guns and the fighter pilots were flying above. I was so afraid. It was like being in the Twilight zone. I cannot express the feelings I had that day.
    I now bow down and look toward the heavens and try to find solace that something ~someday may come of this. My thoughts and prayers are with all of the families who lost their loved ones ~

  6. Yes, God bless our nation! What a beautiful post and your tea time is so pretty! I so enjoyed it!

  7. Amen- God bless our Nation! Your tea time is as beautiful as your tribute! xo Diana

  8. Beautiful post, Susan. I think your pretty tea setting is a lovely spot to quietly reflect on this event. Thank you!

  9. Love your tea setting. Wonderful reflections....

  10. What a lovely remembrance, Susan and Bentley. I love your thoughts on living a happy life as the best revenge.

  11. Great post. I agree with your thoughts. Your styling is very cute too - and so is Bentley!

  12. Lovely tray, lovely words, thank you Susan~

  13. That was beautiful Susan! Yes, my heart skipped a beat when I looked at the calendar and saw the date. I have always expected them to do something else on the anniversary! My new son-in-law is training to be a fireman and of course those images always come to mind, but I am proud that he would want to do that.

    Your setting is so peaceful and beautiful - yes live well!

  14. Cookie, tea and a swing, the best combination ever.

  15. So beautiful! Love the vignette you have created. It looks so relaxing. Your tea service is lovely. xoGinger

  16. A lovely sentiment and tribute with a lovely setting....Christine

  17. Well said, Susan! I don't think any of us will forget the moment we learned about that horrible tragedy. You're tea setting looks so pretty. I love that biscuit holder (I think that's what it is). laurie

  18. Hi Susan, What a beautiful way to express your feelings about 911. Your words touched my heart and I agree with your response to the sadness of that day. We need to live each day with appreciation for our armed forces and try to be happy and make others happy to the best of our ability. Your photos are charming.
    xo, Jeanne

  19. Thank you for your kind words on 9/11...My husband and I lived through it there in DC and were greaty affected by it (I did a post yesterday on that) and truly appreciate your honoring those that fell, like many of our friends.

    Your table is serene and peaceful....just truly beautiful...perfect for this.


  20. Such lovely words, and I agree living a good and happy life is the best revenge. Your tea is lovely and the porch swing, a perfect place to spend an afternoon, I am sure Bentley is very good company too :-)

  21. I would love to come sit on your pretty, comfy porch and share a cup of tea! What a perfect reading spot, too!
    ♥ Jil

  22. Here, here to your words, beautifully put
    From Australia to America with love.

  23. I do think that was one of those days we all remember exactly where we were, what we were doing and how those events made us feel. I agree with you - we should cherish our freedoms and live beautiful and happy lives! Love your serene tea setting. I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.