Monday, September 23, 2013

First Glimpses of My New Studio

I don't know if you remember the mess this room was in last week.
I posted about how my office/studio was the room that was packed to
the ceiling with boxes filled with things we did not know what to do
with yet.  Well, I worked hard to get this room straightened around
so that I would have an inspiring place to work.

So welcome to the not quite complete studio.  So far I have a
comfy chair for reading and dreaming up vignettes and blog
posts and etc.

I created a "window seat" for Bentley so he can be nearby while
I work yet still having a good spot for viewing the many squirrels
in our yard while also looking for cats.

I cleared off the big trestle table I use for a desk.  Believe me, it
took quite a while for me to get this cleared off.  

You might remember my little hutch.  It now has a new home
down here in Texas and seems quite happy about it.

This was my Daddy's French country desk chair.  It was stained
a dark walnut, but I painted it to make it look more feminine.
I love the rush seat.

Of course I have committed the ultimate HGTV decorating 
"faux pas" and have included this sweet four poster bed in the 
room.  I can just here someone saying "is it a bedroom or a studio????"
I don't care what they think.  It's my studio and I just love this 
little bed.  Besides, what if I need to take a nap?

As you can see, Bentley is already using his window seat.

Bentley always seeks out the comfy places!
He inherited the comfy gene.

That's it for today.  I have some more changes to show you and
you will see those soon.  

We are Happily Joining ~

Bentley just loves all of the many windows in this house.
Lots of them almost touch the floor and are the perfect
height for him!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Beautiful, Susan! I have the exact same rug. Mine is in our sun room!! Love the bed in your studio!

  2. It's all so pretty, Susan! Who cares if you have a bed in there. I say use a room exactly the way you want to. I love the nice little nook you made for Bentley. He'll be protecting you from cats and squirrels. Are there little green lizards there? There was in Tyler. If so, they will drive him crazy.

  3. Gorgeous room, and I don't blame you for putting that beautiful bed there.

  4. Your craft/office room is great and I love the bed in there. Your quite right you may want to take a little nap. Bentley looks quite at home on his new soft bed. Love all the light colors. Enjoy!

  5. Beautiful..Gotta have a place for the doggie to look out the window..I know, I do

  6. Everything is so beautiful and inviting! I love having quilts around me and the colors you've chosen in your decor are soft and pretty. Happy Fall!

  7. Such a sweet studio, I love it! What a cheerful place to work and the bed looks great in the room...

  8. It is so pretty a great place to create.

  9. Oh my . . . YES, the new studio definitely has your creative touches! Amazed at the progress you made in this room, and so quickly!!!! I'm just now getting around to "settling in" to my craft room after moving here 6 months ago!!!! LOVE your little hutch with the vintage quilt hanging from the top drawer!!!! See??? It takes your creativity!!!! I just purchased a darling little dresser with mirrors and a mini quilt hanging out of the bottom drawer would be PERFECT. Thank you for your ideas, Susan. Bentley looks comfy!!!!

  10. What a lovely studio such pretty colours . I bet Bentley has great fun being able to see all the goings on in the yard now ! Thanks for sharing ! Have a good week !

  11. I'm so happy to see you getting settled in, Susan! I love this room, from all the pretty furniture (the four poster is to die for), to all of your gorgeous quilts. My mom had a cute bed in her little studio and as she got older, she sure did use it! :)


  12. Susan, it looks like a great space for creating or napping. That bed is gorgeous. ;-)

  13. I am amazed at how quickly you have settled into your new home!!! You move right the bed and, why not have a bed in your studio??? Everything is soooooo charming......

  14. I have a bed in my studio, workroom and sometime I do take a nap.

  15. It looks great and Bentley seems to agree.

  16. Gorgeous room and so beautifully accessorized. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  17. I can't wait to see what else you do - it looks great so far! I'm also working on a space for crafting. My son is getting married so we're redoing his old room for me. It will have a bed in it as well. Tell Bentley he's inspired me! I'll be adding a comfy spot for our little Yorkie Ellie to look out the window as I work as well - great idea!

  18. Between Bentley and that gorgeous bed, quilts, are making ME want to take a nap! : ) It just looks so relaxing and beautiful in that room! :)

  19. Susan ~ your studio is YOUR studio. do what you want. Isn't that what decorators always say? do NOT go with the trend, but make your house love you and hug you when you get home. I love the studio thus far and the bed is perfect for a little nap in between creating. Love this space~ Love Bentley's little corner where he can watch out the window and protect you from the squirrels ;-)

  20. Olá,

    seu quarto studio está ficando ótimo e a cama muito bem. O trabalho está sendo grande, mas vejo que está valendo a pena.

    Bom trabalho.


  21. Susan,
    Looking good...amazing that you are getting all those boxes unpacked and things placed so quickly.

    Oh, yes, a grand southern tradition for taking an afternoon nap needs a great four-poster.



Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.