Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Foxy and Sassy

Those of you who know me know that I love horses.
My favorite aroma is that of a tack room.
And when it comes to decorating, I love to add a bit of
whimsy.  No need to be too serious.

That being said, I added a touch of fun to our equestrian
theme foyer when I found this fellow ...

The master of the hounds.  Quite spiffy don't you think?

Very foxy too.

With a touch of British elegance ;-)
Did we make you smile?  We hope so!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley

PS:  Bentley spent some time today enjoy his reflection
in my dressing room mirror.  He is a bit taken with himself!


  1. Big smiles, Susan! Glad you are having fun with the process. Happy fall!

  2. I love this foxy little man! Love that pop of red!
    Love to you, Bentley:)

  3. I can't help but think of "The Fox and the Hound". :) I adore the entire vignette and really love the mirror.

    Thank you for the heads up about my elegant acorn post. It has now been fixed. :)

    Happy day!

  4. love Mr. Fox and that hat is perfect~!!

  5. Mr, Fox is adorable in your foyer. I saw one like him not long ago when I was looking for hunt themed items for a tablescape on EBAY. I almost bid on him. I think he is so dashing dressed in red.

  6. Yes, Susan..every room needs a bit of whimsy....
    Love, Mona

  7. Love your "Master of the hounds" I, too , love horses..Can't ride any more though..Used to go beagleing sp? when I was a kid...

  8. Love your foxy whimsy. Living in the heart of horse country means lots of opportunities for horsey smells for me. xo Laura


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.