Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sunday Morning Rain

Early this Sunday morning before sunrise I awoke to the sound of
thunder.  To me it was a welcoming sound because shortly thereafter
the rains came and boy did they ever.  It poured so hard.  Just the
way I remember it used to rain in Houston.  

I got out of bed and made a pot of coffee.  Now the rain stopped 
coming down in sheets and it changed to a soft and lovely rain.
I took my coffee with me out onto the back porch to enjoy the
sound of the raindrops on the roof.  Such a sweet sound.  Raindrops
from the heavens.  For this I am so thankful because despite all of
the greenery you see, Victoria is 12 inches behind in rainfall.

I sat down in one of the wicker chairs and just savored each moment.
There is so much humidity that it was hard to snap a clear shot, but
I did not care.  It was as though nature was editing my photo with 
a soft haze.

Praise be to God for the rain.  It is much appreciated!
I hope y'all are having as wonderful start to your day as
I am.  Bentley too!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Lucky you! We keep getting some nice cloud cover in the afternoons but no rain. The lakes are really low.

  2. What a beautiful lawn you have for lacking rain - mine doesn't look that good even with plenty of rain LOL
    It sounds heavenly sitting outside listening to the rain fall!!!

  3. We were promised rain but it hasn't happened. My family think I'm strange because I would rather be sitting outside when it's raining rather than sunny. I can imagine the freshness of the air after your downpour! Have a great week. Chel x

  4. Lucky you..we need rain badly..The grass is crunchy

  5. These are beautiful photos, Susan! I am in love with your new home and pretty lawn. I'm thankful for you folks in Texas to be getting some rain; here in N.C. we've been waaaay over the normal rainfall (very unusual for us BTW).

    Thanks for your visit and kind comments on our new kitchen. Have a wonderful week!

    Denise at Forest Manor

  6. Susan ~ Don't you just love the sound of a lovely rainfall on the roof. It is so relaxing. Wish I could have been there. I would have loved to sit on your porch and savour the moment and a cup of coffee ;-)


  7. I love the rain and your photos are lovely.. Your new home must bring you great joy.

  8. Happy Sunday Susan & Bentley - Hope some of that rain comes up here to Oklahoma. We're behind also in that category. Isn't it great to sit out and listen to the rain on the roof? Love that special time.

    Enjoy your day.


  9. Oh your yard is so lovely. We are under such high heat here. Ugh. Not humid though just high temps. I am going to celebrate when we get our first rain.

  10. We woke up to the same here in IL. Love hearing thunder!

  11. It rained at my house this morning ,too. Alfie loves the raining. He frolics in it.
    Smiles, Dottie

  12. Susan, what a beautiful post... it was like being with you!
    Thank you sooo much
    big Venetian Hug!!!

  13. Very nice. It rained here also. we slept with the window open. Laid in bed and read until late. So nice.

  14. We had a brief shower, but had hoped for some of the heavy rain coming up from the Gulf. Perhaps later tonight.
    Glad you are enjoying TX.

  15. You could send us some rain at the moment we are in need.

  16. So pretty even though we have had more than our share of rain this year you made it sound lovely.

  17. I think I'm going to really enjoy following along with your happenings there in Texas! Rain and all! Isn't that right, Bentley?!

  18. How wonderful...I have almost forgotten what rain is. It is so hot and dry here and we too are in a drought. Lucky you! Please give Bentley a little pat from me.

  19. Lucky lucky! Our rain was supposed to start Friday... The forecast keeps changing, now it's supposed to start tomorrow, and finally get down into the seventies... I love your pictures, and your description of your morning! You made me want to wake up early and recreate it :)

  20. Nice to get a good rain shower to help everything stay green. We were in drought last year, but plentiful rains this spring and summer got us caught back up.


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