Saturday, September 7, 2013

Getting Cozy in a New Home

It takes a while to get to feel comfy in a new home.  No matter how
much you like a house, it takes a while before you can call it your 
own.  Yes, your name may be on the deed, but your heart is not
yet etched in it's soul.  There is no remedy but time.  I remember
one of the lines from the movie (and book) Under The Tuscan Sun.
The protagonist (played by Diane Lane) had her misgivings (as
we all do) about her new house.  Her advice?  

Start with one room.  Make it your own.  Introduce yourself.

Be respectful.  Get to know it's nooks and crannies.

Get to know it.  Learn to love it and it will magically
start to love you back.

All the best interior designers can never make a house a home.
It's all up to you!  Day to day living and creating memories are
the most important ingredients.  Never forget that.

Happily Joining ~ 

Even Bentley knows this.  It has taken a while for him to
feel at home here.  Yet each day I can see the change in him.
I can see that this new house is becoming truly his.  Nothing
could make me happier.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Oh...what a sweet post! The pictures look so warm and cozy! And I hold Under the Tuscan Sun as my all time favorite movie!! I'm glad Bentley is feeling at home...that's SO important, I know!

    Best wishes, sweetie!


  2. Susan, this is so true! Glad you and Bentley are feeling like this is home. Your recent posts with a peek into some of the rooms shows the love you feel for this house. You are truly making it your home! Beautiful!
    I went to the City Wide Garage Sale today. Thought of you as I roamed around. Everything is vintage. I think it might be a fun day trip for you once you are all settled. Take a look on line at the schedule. ~ Sarah

  3. I'm so glad you're beginning to settle in. Your new house is looking lovely.

  4. It is all looking so cozy. I like the pink too - such a feminine contrast to the masculine hunt scenes. Looking lovely!

  5. Oh the room is looking lovely, IS a big move, but looks like you are settling in nicely and making it your own...

  6. How lovely and homely cosy your new home is. It looks like you've lived there for years.

  7. How lovely and homely cosy your new home is. It looks like you've lived there for years.

  8. These are inspiring words that I needed to hear. We just moved into our new home two weeks ago and I am now working on putting everything together. I have one room in mind that will be my sanctuary.


  9. Dear Susan,
    Your home is really lovely and already looks lived in and personal. I love the drinks table with the mirror. Love the chairs and book shelves. Warm and cozy. Love lamplight.
    Wonderful! Ruthie

  10. So true! We are the ones who make a house a home, no matter where we are. And yes, it certainly does look warm and cozy.

  11. I loved that movie and your photos look very cozy, warm and inviting :)

  12. Look at all that wood, makes for a cozy room to sit and take it all in. I can just see Bentley running from room to room!

  13. You are so right! And clearly you have made a wonderful start. I love the little drinks tray. It's cute that Bentley is making it his own too.

    Wonderful to have you at Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  14. Well, your cozy reading nook would certainly draw me in! The bookshelves and china are perfectly color coordinated with the chairs. Very inviting. Dianne

  15. You are so right. We've been in our house since 2005 and I'm still struggling with feeling at home.

  16. You are right. We've lived in our new house since June 2012. It has taken time and memory making to feel at home. We moved here without our oldest son - our first time to live away from him. It was so hard at first. Now that I've spent some time decorating, making friends, and feels like home. :) I hope you feel that way very soon.

  17. I think you have done an amazing job making your new house feel like home. I like seeing the new spot you have picked out for familiar "cottage" items. Everyone who has ever moved from a loved home feels this way...and then one day the new place becomes home too. I think it is never the house but the people, pets and stuff......that make you love a new place.

  18. I think you're doing a great job with getting that home feeling back. Everything looks wonderful!


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