Thursday, September 12, 2013

Texas Pecan Cookie Recipe Y'All

We all love Pecan Sandies in this house, so now that I am in Texas
I decided that I better start baking my own.  

Mixer is ready and I am grabbing the ingredients.

Butter of course.  This cookie recipe I am sharing is really
a shortbread cookie with chopped pecans added.  It's buttery
rich.  And who doesn't like that?

I had to buy pecans.  I have a tree in my yard, but I am going to
have to fight with the squirrels for a harvest.

Chop up those pecans.  Essentially this recipe is flour, butter, sugar,
vanilla and pecans.  I will share the link for the recipe below.

One of my readers asked me to share this recipe, so I sure
hope y'all enjoy it.

Here they are in all their warm pecan goodness.   I am
putting them in this vintage marshmallow can.  Let's see
how long it is before David discovers them!


Now I will have to bake some peanut butter dog biscuits
for Bentley.  Can't forget him.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I just love Sandies..Thanks for sharing..

  2. Yum! I love shortbread and pecans just make it even better.


  3. I've been reading your blog for a while now, and just had to say how much I enjoy it.
    Your new home is lovely. And Bentley is adorable! I love it when he "writes" a post.
    The Sandies look yummy, and if your hubby is like mine, it won't take long for him to sniff them out. lol! Blessings to you, hubby, your mom, and Bentley in your lovely new home.

  4. Nope. Can't forget Bentley. How's he liking being a Texan?

  5. Glad to see and hear your all settled now ! Oh they sound YUMMY ! Thanks for sharing ! Have a good evening !

  6. yummm they look and sound wonderful.

  7. We keep a supply of Texas pecans in the freezer for baking through the year. Yum!
    Love the Campfire Marshmallow tin. '-)

  8. My husband loves these! I'll have to give your recipe a try.

  9. Oh these sound good, I love any kind of shortbread type cookie. I have everything in the house to make these tomorrow! Yummy. Thank you.

  10. I am needing a sugar fix about now, wish I was closer I would sneak in and snatch one. Oh but Bentley would surely catch me! Hubby is on a diet so haven't had cookies in the house since January!


  11. Oh my that looks really yummy! Wish you were my neighbor! :^) blessings! patsy

  12. I haven't had a Pecan Sandie in years! Looks good, Susan.


  13. I'm a chocolate lover, but these are one of my fave "other" cookies!! they look so yummy!


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