Thursday, October 31, 2013

All Treats and No Tricks!

Okay kids ~ we are ready for you!
We have the treats and Bentley is ready to say hi.
(If you look real hard at the right side of the pic
you can see Bentley walking into the kitchen)

Happy Halloween Everyone!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Happy Halloween Susan and Bentley and don't eat to much candy........Mary

  2. Happy Halloween to you both . Oh Papa here would scoff that down no prob lol me just the kit kats please lol No kids here as this area is all Mennonites and they don't do Halloween ! Thanks for sharing have a fun evening handing out the goodies !

  3. Happy Halloween, Susan. I hope you have a wonderful night-xo Diana

  4. Happy Hauntings to you!

    We didn't get nearly as many as usual, we were giving handfuls away - still some left. Ugh.

    BOO TO YOU!!!!

  5. That chocolate is worth a flight to Texas!!! :)


  6. Not many showed up here with all the rain we are having, also gave out large handfuls!!! Don't want all that candy lying around here!! I see Bentley's reflection there......hope it was a happy night for you!!!


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