Friday, November 1, 2013

A Little of This and a Whole Lot of That

It is hard to believe that it is November 1st already!   It's been three
months since we arrived at our new home in Texas.  The dust is
settling and we are starting to enjoy ourselves.  Oh yes, there are still
boxes to unpack, but things are falling into place and we are feeling
more and more at home as each day passes.

A couple of weeks ago we went to a block party and met so many of our
new neighbors.  They were so warm and welcoming and were so kind
to make us feel a part of the community.  Last night we had quite a few
kids stop by our house with their parents and we shared our candy with
them.  There were some who were unable to attend the block party
and they introduced themselves last night and welcomed us.  I must
say that the folks we have met in Victoria, Texas are some of the 
nicest ones I have met anywhere.  We are just so happy to be here!

My Mom is getting used to living with us.  I won't say that it has been 
easy because it has been a bit of an adjustment for us all, but it is
working out well now.  It is a relief for me to have Mom here instead
of worrying about her living alone.  She and Bentley have a
really strong bond which is wonderful for both of them.  It's 
really cute to see them together.

No I have not painted the paneling and don't intend to now.  We have 
grown to love the cozy and warm feel of the family room.  I have a few
more tweaks in store for this room  which I will share with you later.

Seventeen feet of windows line this family room and look out to the patio,
covered porch and the backyard.  It's wonderful to feel the closeness of this
big yard from inside the house.

The azaleas get more and more blossoms each day and we are delighted
by this surprise they are sharing with us.

Now that the weather has cooled off a bit, Mom has been spending as
much time as she can working out in the yard.  She mentioned to me
the other morning that the yard work is helping her to feel stronger.  
Back in Idaho, it is starting to get cold now and she would have
been stuck inside the house, so this is a welcome change for her.

We ordered a vintage sofa and two Chippendale arm chairs from an
antique dealer in North Carolina for the living room.  They are due to
arrive this coming Thursday and we are excited about it.  The antique
secretary desk arrived from a dealer in Georgia a couple of weeks
ago.  I will share pics with you when these pieces are in place.  I
must say that it has been a really good experience dealing with
these antique dealers and the shippers. 

We are planning some paint color changes.  Mom does not like the
mustard walls in the dining room so we will be changing them.
I love the yellow walls in the living room though and they are starting
to grow on her now too.

I love the new kitchen island that we found here locally.  It is so much like
the one that Pottery Barn sells, but soooo much cheaper.  I have really
been putting it to good use and have been cooking up a storm!

There are still a number of changes that will be made in the kitchen.  The stainless
steel sink under this window will be removed and my white farmhouse sink
will take it's place.  I was in Houston last Wednesday and found a wonderful
wrought iron fabricator who will be creating a pot rack for above my stove.
Can't wait to get the Viking back in place.  The current cooktop is okay but
not anywhere as efficient as my Viking.

Viking sent me a beautiful cookbook for sharing my blog post
on Viking Life.  Thank you Viking for this new book and I 
can hardly wait to try out the recipes inside.

Everything looks a bit different in our new house.  I get a bit homesick
for the old cottage, but I imagine that will diminish over time although
I will always have a soft spot in my heart for the little cottage in Idaho.
My neighbor Amy (mother to Thelma the chicken) is so happy to 
have her dad moving into our old place.  Her sweet note to us about her
happiness made any sadness I felt just melt away.

Well that's it for now.  David is going to smoke his first brisket on the new
smoker he picked up last week in San Antonio.  I will share you some pics
of that adventure this weekend.  Bless his heart, he has wanted this type
of smoker for the last twenty four years.  Now that he is back in his
home state of Texas his dream is fulfilled.  

Bentley is a happy camper too.  He has his grandma to 
spoil him, lizards to hunt and a little Jack Russell Terrier
named Toby who lives next door.  Yee Haw ~
Bentley is lovin' Texas too.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. What a cute little place. Mom doesn't like sharing her candy

  2. Yee has is right, sounds like a good place to be - for all of you! Can't wait to see your new pieces once they're all in place. I agree about the paneling, the dark is totally warm.

    Hugs ~ Mary

  3. Love your family room. I agree, keep the wood paneling ~ it lends such a warm feel to the room. I see you have la cruiset. Love mine too! Your home is looking so warm and inviting. I am so glad that your neighbours are welcoming and friendly. Your kitchen island is just perfect in your kitchen. I can hardly wait to see the Chippendale chairs and the new hutch.

  4. What is it about Texas men and their smokers? My husband has one in our backyard and one out on his land. We do love the food!

    Your home looks amazing. So glad your neighbors are sweet. Mine are too.

  5. I am so pleased to hear all is settling well in your new and lovely home and you were so welcomed by wonderful neighbors ! Oh lots to look forward to for us all lol . Thanks for sharing . Have a good weekend !

  6. How great that your neighbors welcomed you into the neighborhood. Sounds like a wonderful place to live. So glad that you are feeling more at home. Sometimes it takes a little while to get adjusted especially when you leave the house that you love. So glad that your mother is getting settled in and you don't have to worry about her. Bentley sounds like he is having a ball also.
    Looking forward to seeing your new furniture. Love the island.
    Have a great weekend Susan.

  7. So great to see you settling in so well. Looks like everything is falling into place nicely. So glad your Mom is with you and gets to work in the yard. I think you all made a good move. Have a great weekend!

  8. What a beautiful place to dwell! Thanks for sharing the inside ... enjoy the beautiful weather there!

    Have a wonderful and blessed weekend,

  9. Glad that you are feeling a part of your neighborhood. Your yard looks so lush. I know Bentley must enjoy running through that thick grass. Sadie likes to roll around on her back in our neighborhood's grass. Thanks for sharing your beautiful home. Happy Weekend!

  10. Hi Susan,

    How wonderful your new neighbours are! It makes such a difference when you are surrounded by such a sweet group of people. I love your gardens and your patio furniture; very inviting. Looking forward to seeing your new arrivals.


  11. Susan I am so glad you are getting settled in, your neighborhood sounds wonderful!
    Could you please tell me where you got the sweet little mini butcher block that sits on your window sill.

  12. Susan I am so glad you are getting settled in, your neighborhood sounds wonderful!
    Could you please tell me where you got the sweet little mini butcher block that sits on your window sill.

  13. Your house is lovely and it is so wonderful that you are able to have your Mother with you. It's amazing how quickly you have settled in and just in time for the holidays.

  14. Please, please, please ask your husband to tell us how he smoked the brisket. I am trying to learn how to smoke them and any help I can get, I will be grateful. Thank you.

  15. Your home is beautiful ... so warm and inviting. Imagine you're all going to like the easier winter in Texas. I know we enjoy Lake Havasu winters alot more than those in New England.

  16. It's wonderful that you can all live together..Not always a possibility...I couldn't have done it..

  17. What a charming and inviting home you're creating. Lovely pictures! Thank you forsharing. Happy Pink Saturday!

  18. Welcome to Texas ... your house and yard is just so beautiful. Glad the family is getting settled and feeling so happy to be in a friendly neighborhood.
    Thanks for visiting Timeless with a nice comment ... so happy to have you follow too. Hope you will visit often.
    Audrey Z.

  19. I agree, I love the cozy feel of the unpainted paneling. So glad you have your Mom with you. Moving is always such an adventure.

  20. I'm so glad you're starting to feel settled! Having welcoming neighbors must help so much. In my entire married life we've never really had neighbors. There is something about living in apartments that makes people want to keep to themselves. Your house is absolutely lovely, there are so many sweet and downright beautiful things about it! Like that yard!! And I am in love with your hutch. It is perfect. I want one just like it.
    Have a delightful week!! ~April


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.