Friday, October 25, 2013

Minis On My Kitchen Windowsill

It's early Friday morning and on the windowsill just over the
kitchen sink are a few of my minis.

They are meant to be waiting for my dollhouse to be constructed.

But honestly, I am beginning to like the way they are nestled in between
the miniature African violets and the tomatoes.

Here is my mini stove peeking out from behind the rosemary plant which
lives in a vintage coffee pot on the kitchen counter.

I may just have to get some new kitchen furniture for my dollhouse and
leave these pieces right here.  What do you think?

Happy Friday everyone!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Love your minis!!! Very cute on the window ledge......I remember now that you make wonderful minis. I also have some from a doll house that belonged to my daughter. She is no longer interested so I have some displayed in a cubby on the wall. Would love to complete the doll house............hmmmm, a good winter project!!!

  2. They look cute on your window sill...You don't need to hide them in a house...

  3. I am waiting for the construction of your dollhouse as well. *winks* Your miniatures are always so cute and I like the way you set them around, very cute! I have kind of stolen that idea from you, hope you don't mind. :)
    Your mini african violet is so very cute!

  4. I agree. They should stay. Deb

  5. They sure look cute there. However, I would think after you get the dollhouse finished, look and see what would and wouldn't fit into the dollhouse and go from there. How are you doing on your dollhouse? I haven't even started. I can't quite figure out what color scheme I want to use. I have to use something with red because I have a miniature Coca Cola machine to go into my kitchen.

    Can't seem to find time right now to think about the dollhouse.


  6. I am in love with them! I'd leave them on the windowsill because I would love to look at them each day, and in the dollhouse you don't see them quite as clearly. So yes, you'll just have to buy all new for the dollhouse (haha, tough job but I think you're up for it :)

    Big hugs ~ Mary

  7. They are too sweet. The mini violet is awesome.

  8. They are so cute, I have a doll house, I love them wait for you to star the construction of your doll house my is done.
    I have catalog the you place order the name is.
    Hobby Builders Supply
    2388 Pleasantdale Road

  9. I love these on the window sill and would be loathed to move them off this and into the dolls house. The baking table is just gorgeous! xx

  10. Love your mini kitchen windowsill. I would leave them there nestled in between your little mini african violets..... your inspiration for your doll house. When does construction begin?
    Can't wait to see it ~

  11. I think they look adorable and how fun to see them every day as you look out your window. xo Laura

  12. They look so sweet there. Yep, you'll have to just get more for the doll house. Hope you are feeling better.

  13. I am in love with your mini kitchen. I really adore the hutch, it is the sweetest little thing ever. I have a box of little mini things that I used to have in my dollhouse years ago. I think I'll go find them and sit and enjoy them for awhile. Have a great weekend! .... Candy

  14. Those are so adorable! I love how they look. Yes, you must buy/make some new furniture for your dollhouse and keep these pieces where they're at!

  15. Yes, I think you might need to do that. The minis look right at home there with your ripening tomatoes.

  16. I was going around some blogs and found this post. I like your minis. They are so cute and looks beautiful in your kitchen.

    I wish you to have a happy Sunday.


  17. they are so adorable, I love the mini stove!!


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