Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Missing Fall

It still feels like summer here in Texas.  No golden leaves, no 
sweaters.  I am drinking iced tea instead of hot cider.
And suddenly I am homesick for fall.

I miss the crunch of the fall leaves under my feet.

Bentley and I will not be raking up the garden this year.

We will be sitting on the porch swing instead.
Drinking our sweet tea.

We have pumpkins of course but there is no nip in the air.

But we can always decorate and create a fall mood.
And ...

I can crank up the AC, put on a sweater and
get cozy in the family room.

So even though it looks like this out the family room windows,
I will pretend that it looks like ...


Happy Tuesday Everyone!!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I'm in Pa and it really doesn't look like fall here yet either..In the 70's today..Maybe next week..

  2. I would miss fall too, but if I had that porch swing, with sweet tea, it would be pretty good. Tell Bentley to come to VA in about 6 weeks and he can help us get up all the leaves he wants :)

    Hugs ~ Mary

    1. I would love, love, love to visit you my friend. Bentley would too!

  3. I would miss Fall, too, but just think how happy you will be when winter rolls around. I think THAT might YOUR Fall? The porch swing is lovely and it looks like you are pretty well set up. Blessings to you- xo Diana

    1. I will probably miss winter too, but it is a year of adjustment and I have decided to embrace everything. Give that totally adorable car driving grand baby a big hug from me. He is a doll!

  4. I know how you feel, Susan! However, it's supposed to get chilly tonight in the Dallas area. Your yard is so pretty, though. Are you enjoying your new house? Has Bentley adjusted?

  5. Yes we are enjoying our house. Bentley has adjusted beautifully ~ probably better than me. He has added both lizards and frogs to his "varmint" chasing list, much to my dismay. We are all well and happy. I keeping you in my prayers. Let's meet up somewhere in Texas soon!

  6. I hear ya Susan, we lived in San Antonio for awhile and I would be depressed each Fall...or "no fall" as the case may be. Wonderful weather, but I really love my change of seasons.

  7. I know exactly what you mean. We had a week tease of fall and now we are inching toward 90 degrees again here in SoCal. Where are you fall?

  8. I can imagine how you feel. But this winter when we are shoveling snow and warming up our cars, you will be smiling!


  9. As a fellow-Texan, I understand. But, if we wait until November, December, that beautiful season will find us here in the south. And, in the spring, when it hits us first, those up north will be jealous of us. It always happens that way. ;)

    I remember last November/December, the leaves were magnificent in and around Southeast Texas, but people are so carried away with Christmas they often miss the beauty of fall in the south.

    1. Thanks ~ it gives me comfort to read your words.

  10. Susan, even though you miss the nip in the air ~ be thankful for the people around you. Fall can be whatever you want it to be
    (((Hugs)))) xo

  11. I'm with you to Susan, even though I have lived in So CA for 54 years I always miss fall the most. However I do not miss snow and cold weather. It was almost 90 here today and the same for tomorrow. It takes time to adjust - you have a lovely home and it looks like Bentley is having a grand time meeting new critters.
    Have a great day.

  12. We are having fall in Oklahoma but I sure miss living in East Texas right now and I will even miss it more this winter when it is bitter cold here

  13. We are having fall in Oklahoma but I sure miss living in East Texas right now and I will even miss it more this winter when it is bitter cold here

  14. I feel the same, would miss Fall and Winter too!!! Each season holds something special and different, but your new home is so lovely esp. love seeing the family room, you haven't shown us the hutch yet!!!!

  15. Actually if it is any comfort at all fall is really muted and delayed up here in the northeast ( western PA ) thus far !! Very little color change aside from a few trees such as maples and while we have had periodic chilly days ( more in Sept. than Oct ) the temps are quite mild lately ...not sure where fall is but I kind of like this milder fall! :)

  16. Yes, we really don't get much true fall color here in Texas. I'm loving the cooler weather this morning though -- temps in the fifties! I usually try to book a trip somewhere that DOES get fall color, to get my "fix"!

  17. Good idea to turn up the air! :)

    I lived in Texas for 11 years, so I understand completely!

  18. Fall and spring are the seasons I would miss but I can do without winter!

  19. I lived in Texas and I felt the same way...everyone else was enjoying cooler temps and fall leaves but none for me..but then when it was snowing everywhere else we were dry and it was nice. None the less everything looks beautiful at your place. Come link up to Centerpiece Wednesday and share this idea with us. http://thestylesisters.blogspot.com/2013/10/centerpiece-wednesday-97.html
    Karin :)

  20. I understand how you feel as well - I am in south Alabama and it is still hot here too. I am so ready for it to cool off. Maybe soon :-)
    Your pictures are so pretty!

  21. Have patience, fall will come to Texas soon. But be on the lookout because it won't last long before we have a couple weeks of winter and then it is spring. . . .

  22. When I lived in California the season I missed most was fall, but when winter rolled around I was happy as a clam. If you are missing raking I bet there are lots of blogging friends who would be happy to share that task with you. :)

  23. Well...enjoy your warm weather....we've got snow in the forecast....NOT something you want to hear.....we like the sound of crunchy leaves in October....snow....how about in December ~ lol!! Enjoying all of your decorations ~ stopped over from Ivy & Elephants!
    ~ Karla & Karrie


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