Saturday, November 9, 2013

I Think My House May Be Haunted

Do you believe in ghosts?  I think we may have one.  One evening my Mom
and David and I were sitting around talking and David mentioned that he 
has heard some noises around the house that he can't explain.  Mom said that
she has heard some too and I said that I have not only heard them, but I
have sensed a presence of someone in the room when my rational mind
knows that I am alone.  

Ever since we moved into this house I have known that there has been 
a deep love for this home.  Not just from us, but from the former inhabitants.
It's just unmistakable.  I can sense it in every room and in some rooms more
than others.  Take the formal living room for example.  Every time I have
moved a piece of furniture in this room I have the feeling that someone
is standing right next to me and either nodding with approval or 
disapproval.  While rationally I know that this is my home now, I often
feel like I am making a decision for two.  

That's my portrait hanging over the sofa.  This entity has been okay with it
hanging here.  At least I sensed that he is accepting it's presence.  I can say
that this entity is (or shall I say was) a male.  He's a kind entity who I believe
just likes to hang around the house.  It's a though he loved it so much that
he wants to make sure that everything is being looked after.  

I think he must be fine with my Daddy's ashes in the Chinese ginger jar in 
the secretary desk.  I am sensing that our ghost loved to travel around the
world too.  

He seems to like this bowl that Daddy brought back from one of his trips to
the far east.  

Now I hope that y'all don't think I have lost my mind.  I don't think I have.  
I seem to be handling responsibility and have not lost touch with 
reality.  It just may be a new kind of reality for me.  I almost feel as though
we have gained a new member of the family.  And ... I sure hope that he
likes what I intend to do with the dining room.  After all, he will no doubt
be joining us there for our first Thanksgiving dinner in the house.

So this is a first for me.  While I have collaborated with other designers in
the past ~ they have always been alive.  This may be a tiny bit more of a
challenge.  I hope he likes wallpaper, or perhaps a mural, because I am
thinking about adding some to the dining room above the chair rail.
Perhaps I'll make a pot of tea and fill him in on the details ;-)

I think this ghost must be a dog lover because I don't think that
Bentley has ever been happier!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I would go to the local library and see what kind of history the house has. Death often results in some people not accepting
    that they are dead. Bentley would know by now if he was a bad ghost, as animal can sense good and bad. I hope its all good!

    1. We actually already know the history of the house. The family still lives here in town.

  2. Susan, I do not think you are losing your mind or are out of touch with reality. These things happen. Hopefully, he will accept all things that you are doing to your home and settle in. I would also ask around about the families that have lived in the house. Maybe you can find out who he is. Ofcourse, there is also a possibility that the house is in the same location as a previous house ~ maybe in the 1800's. I know how you feel when you can "feel" that someone is there. I can too, even when I visit different homes of friends or Heritage Village, which is all old houses from the 1800's and 1900's including an old train station.

    1. Hi Susan, you not losing your mind the same happen to us in my house my HB tool me I feel some one around the house some time,
      we put glass of water with holy water on and no more ghost also you need to put flower for your Dad he 's not happy where he is now put him in other place and see what happened after that , this is a new home for him.

  3. For the first year or so after we moved into this house (4 yrs ago), I felt like I was living in someone else's house. Never mind that the previous (and only) owner works at the nearby library, it just seemed her "aura" shall we say was all through the rooms. Of course there are so many of us and a dog, and some of us are *very* loud (mainly me and my son) that we don't tend to hear noises. I'd run down the street screaming if I did!!!! Well, as long as your decorating is accepted and Bentley is happy, everything's okay :)


    1. It felt funny at first, but I have accepted it and am comfortable with him now. He's not a problem, but I feel respectful.

  4. I don't think you are loosing it either. I know others that feel the same but their friend isn't nice. So glad that you are getting along with yours. It will help you feel at home. Love that sofa under your picture.

    1. Thanks for believing I still have my sanity!

  5. I figure is Bentley is happy it must be a nice ghost. I would research the house history.

  6. I think it is exciting that your home is haunted. Especially nice that your new friend loves the house as much as you. Bentley would let you know if the ghost was a problem. Enjoy it and let us know what he thinks about a mural!


    1. It certainly is entertaining and does add some charm to the place!

  7. He must like you or he wouldn't let you know he was there.

  8. Susan,
    I sooooo get this! As you know, we are only the second family to live at my beloved cape house. The original owners built the house in 1939. Merd, was the town dentist and his son is one of my Dad's good friends. I still have the red utility stool that he would sit on to eat his supper, at the kitchen counter. Anyway, at night the stairs would creak, but of course, we were all in bed. We decided it was just Merd climbing the stairs to go to bed. xoxo

    1. We are the only the second family to live in this house as well. This neighborhood is full of houses that are only on the second owner. Our neighbors have told us that even though they have lived in their house for years it is still referred to as the ... house. The family that owned our house prior to our purchase is well liked and well established in this community. There are many happy memories for them in this house. That's why I think the ghost is hanging around. Just to see that we will be good caretakers. Just like your Merd.

  9. Susan, I think you have a good ghost or Bentley would get you know. Have you thought that it maybe your father? Maybe he doesn't like being in the desk and would rather be somewhere else in the house. Who ever it is they are not bad and they are looking out for you.
    I would check the records on the house to see who lived there and maybe there is some history on them.
    Have a wonderful Sunday.

    1. Regarding Daddy being in the desk ~ that was my Mom's choice. I don't have a say in that. The living room is hers to decorate any way she chooses and I dare not express an opinion if I want to keep the peace. That's another post.

  10. It's very possible . . . I have a story you wouldn't believe!!!

    Have you researched all the previous owners?

    1. Yes, we know the previous owners. I have not mentioned it to them because they just lost their father/father-in-law last year and I suspect he is our ghost.

  11. Oh wow, that's kind of cool. :) Your plans sound really neat for above the chair rail. Can't wait to see what you decide on.
    Have fun!

  12. Susan,

    You seem to be handling this all quite well. Though I have never had any kind of experience like this I know three people - rational, educated VERY SANE people who have as well.

    Thing is, well, a human body is made up of energy......and energy can never go "away," so when we die where does the energy GO? Scientifically it makes perfect sense, our perception of this energy is difference, but THERE.

    I say enjoy that tea, and have no fear - sounds like this is a happy kind of experience, like my friends I just mentioned. YAY. Anything else would be just awful and I shudder to even think about it.

    How is Bentley handling? Any changes in behavior there?

  13. My great aunt's ghost used to follow me around when I was younger. Not only did I see her on several occasions, but people who knew nothing about her saw her. It sounds like you have a friendly ghost in your house so I wouldn't worry about it. I am sure he must be thrilled with all of your wonderful decorating. xo Laura

    1. I think he is friendly too and I am not worried about it at all. At the beginning it felt a bit awkward, but now I would miss him if he left.

  14. Beautiful setting. Love your painting above the sofa
    Greetings from Sunny South Africa

  15. Bentley would let you know if there was anything to be worried about..

  16. Well I just watched the conjuring last night so it's freaking me out just a little! Like others have said, I think Bentley would let you know if you had something to be worried about.

  17. Aw, lovely. He probably will help keep away the burglers, too! :P

  18. I'm sure he must be pleased at how well you are tending to his home.

    Wonderful to have you at Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  19. It's really funny to think that your house is haunted, Susan. It can be a product of your imagination, or your adjustment to the house. I'm glad to hear that you're now comfortable in it. Whether or not you have a friendly ghost around, just don't mind them. They won't do any harm. Anyway, I suggest you re-check the house history. You might find other interesting stuff that can answer your ghost-related questions. :)

    Calvin Mordarski @

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