Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A Rainy Day in My Studio

I have been working little by little when I can on my studio.  I want to show
you a little project I just completed in here.  It's quite dark outside so the quality
is not the greatest, but it's the best that it can be during this current downpour.  
The inside of this cabinet is filled with lots of old text books and stuff that's 
just not all that appealing to see, so I covered the opening with a piece of
fabric that has been a favorite of mine for years.  

I bought this poster of 15th Annual Galveston, Texas Historic Homes
Tour years ago when I lived in Houston.  David and I used to throw our
beach cruiser bicycles in the back of his truck and drive down to 
Galveston on the weekends.  We would ride our bikes up and down
the seawall and then head over to the historic district for lunch.  I
have always been in love with that area and this poster has been the
perfect reminder of those happy days.  When we married and his job took
us first to Virginia, I never thought we would live in Texas again, but
never say never because here we are.  Of course now I have fallen in
love with Rockport, Texas.  It's a great little town farther down the 
coast and closer to Victoria than Galveston is now.  Still, I love this
poster of these charming Victorians and Colonials.

So much has happened so quickly during the past six months.  Our one 
remaining investment property is currently under contract.  It's the second
offer on the property in the last few months.  We turned down the first one
even though it matched our asking price because the new potential owner
did not want to honor the lease we have with our tenant.  We have a great
tenant who we like.  He is a student studying to be a physician's assistant. 
So even though it would have been a clean and easy financial deal, our 
hearts said no so we turned down the offer.  This current offer will allow our 
tenant to remain in the house and even though we will be making less of a
profit, a clear conscience is worth it to us.  Todd needs to focus on his
studies, not look for a new place to live.  He also has two dogs we love,
Katrina and Olivia.  Katrina is a very sweet chocolate lab and Olivia
is a miniature Pinscher who is about 12 years old now.  So Todd, 
Katrina and Olivia will keep their two year lease and when Todd
graduates he will be able to buy his own place.  

I have been thinking about making some changes to this blog.  I think
it needs a facelift and I would like to get some professional help with this.
I also want to change the direction just a bit.  What I have discovered is
that I really love just chatting with you, so you can expect more of a 
journal type of format.  I will still share some of my decorating projects,
recipes and crafts and such, but I want it to be much more personal.
So I hope that you will enjoy the new chattier me and that we will get
to know each other better.

Bentley has been cooped up in the house all afternoon.
I think the rain is finally letting up so he can go outside.
He really doesn't like to get wet.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Well just a few moments ago someone was complaining about something to do with people, it doesn't matter, but I told her that there are angels among us, and I just found one. How very sweet, generous and kind of you to let your tenant continue to stay when you could have made a clean deal and a decent profit, how kind of you indeed.
    Patty at Home and Lifestyle Design

  2. Wow, you are a rare lady! How thoughtful and generous of you to do this for your tenant. :)

  3. This cabinet is so pretty! You are a kind person to do the right thing, which is what your heart is telling your not necessarily what your head says!

  4. you are one of Todd's angels on this earth and I'm sure he appreciates it... what a kind and loving soul you hae.
    your cab looks so pretty and I love the print.

    I think your blog wil do well regardless of the format or topics you choose. I'll be by anytime I see a new post pop up.

    big hugs

  5. Lovely cabinet . Glad to hear all went well for you guys and Todd . It's your blog no matter what or how you choose to do it I will always visit and see what's going on in your neck of the woods ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good week !

  6. You are one sweet lady allowing that lease to go on for your tenant (and David as well). I have had landlords from...well, you know where!

    I can't wait to see what you do with your blog, I think it will be great no matter what you do.


  7. Great job on that sale and allowing the student to stay in the rental. Sometimes we just KNOW the right thing to do even at a $ cost! Good luck on changing your blog. I always thought of it as visiting a friend to tell you the truth- xo Diana

  8. What a great idea to put a piece of fabric you love in that cabinet. Loved that! Susan

  9. Love the fabric in the cupboard door, it looks so pretty. You and your husband are so kind to consider your tenant above a better deal, Susan. Good luck working on your blog changes......I always enjoy visiting here and look forward to seeing what you do next.
    Wishing you a happy day!
    Helen x

  10. I came to the comment area to say the same thing about what great landlords you guys must have been! Others beat me to it.

  11. Susan ~ your decision to allow Todd to stay and give up profit does not surprise me at all. YOU my sister are the bestest of the bestest and I KNOW that David is too. I for one am not going anywhere. I love visiting you, even if it's just in blogland. Some day, we will meet ~ Love the fabric that you added to that sweet cabinet. Have a great day!~ Give Bentley a great big (((Hug))) for me


  12. You did the right thing, Susan. The heart tells us what to do. I love your cabinet, by the way. It's so charming and the touch of fabric is the perfect solution for hiding what's inside.

    Love the idea of chatting with us, Susan. That's what I do on my blog and I find it enormously satisfying.

  13. A sweet and heartfelt post. It's so nice to see how caring you are :)

  14. Love your cabinet. Glad you are enjoying your new home and bless you for your kindness to Todd.

  15. Hey Susan,
    That is so wonderful what you did for Todd...I am sure you will reap much benefit from doing that. and what you said about changes to your blog..hmmm.. I have been pondering the same thing...more personal, less inanimate objects...not quite sure how to do this to make it more relational..I will be observing how you do it. :-) have a good week..
    Love, Mona

  16. This post made my day! How refreshing to hear of someone doing the right thing. Your tenant is very lucky to have such principled, generous landlords :-)

  17. HI Susan! You and your husband are truly good people to take care of your tenant like that. God will certainly bless you for it. Oh, I love your sweet cabinet and the fabric you've used to line the glass with. Now that poster is wonderful. That's a poster from the Spring Historic Tours! We've been going to these home tours for 17 years and I buy a poster each year. I have some framed and many more just hanging out naked! :) We need to meet up, girlfriend. :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  18. I didn't know you once lived in Texas. Guess I missed that somewhere. Glad you're finding a new direction you're excited about. I'm excited along with you!

  19. Your cabinet is very pretty; I really like that blue floral fabric. I have some similar to it that is a huge favorite of mine. Recently hubby painted out an old china cabinet that is very similar for us to store "useful" items in our master bath; I tacked battenberg placemats over the glass. :)
    Hope Bentley gets to enjoy some sunshine soon!

  20. I like the chatting idea. Sometimes the projects make me tired .

  21. That was REALLY nice of you to let your tenant stay!

    I started out my blog chatting and chatting ... then it somehow turned into a one size fits all blog. I'm sure it will change again over time. I'd love to PRINT OUT my blog...what a great book I'd have!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  22. I love your cabinet! Especially the fabric. Hope everything works out well with the tenant and ogffer. That is always a relief. Happy PS.

  23. I love the fabric you used, too. Very pretty....
    Rockport...we have family that lives in Rockport....COOL.

  24. Love your Studio!! Thanks so much for your visit!!


  25. Hello Susan, I love the solution of the fabric covering the glass on your cabinet. It looks beautiful - wonderful decision to not take the offer on the property to allow this young man to finish his school. Having children in school I know it is important that they can focus on their schooling. You'll be blessed - I will be featuring your post in this week's Home and Garden Thursday,

  26. Hi Susan, your cabinet is just so sweet with the added fabric! You are so sweet to think about Todd and his dogs. A lot of people would have let the money be the deciding factor. Just shows what kind of people your are! Big hugs for Bentley!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.