Sunday, January 26, 2014

Downton Abbey Dreaming on North De Leon

I came to viewing Downton Abbey late in the game, but now I am a self-
professed addict.  In order to catch up, I purchased the first three seasons
and we have been relishing each episode each evening while we eat
our dinner off of TV trays in front of the telly.

While our home is no Downton Abbey by a  long shot, it is easy to see
that we are traditionalists.  I  have spent a fair amount of time in England 
and I am a full fledged Anglophile.  I love the tradition of an afternoon tea.

Love sitting in a library chair with a good book.

I enjoy dinner off the good china in a formal setting.

Both David and I love the sporting life.

And a cocktail before dinner.

But most of all, I love being in the kitchen and wish that I could
channel my favorite Downtown resident ~ Mrs Patmore!

I think she is adorable with just the right amount of cheeky sass!

We just finished season 3 and I have been recording season 4.  
Y'all now know what we will be doing tonight!

Bentley should be enjoying Downton Abbey ~ after all he is 
a Yorkshire Terrier.  But, he prefers to try to distract up with his
toys while we watch the show.  I wonder if Julian Fellows would be
amused by Bentley's nightly performance?

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I came to Downton Abbey at the start of season 3 I ran to the library who had season one and two and spent a weekend catching up I just couldn't stop. The one thing I love the most is how beautiful it is. Looking forward to tonight I will have herbal tea and a bit of cake with me when I turn on the telly.

  2. I too am a huge fan - been watching since its onset. Glad you came about - never too late EVER!

    My hubs loves it too. We always have a date with the tv on Sunday night - only night it is ever turned on, as it were.

    We own the first 3 seasons too and pre-ordered season 4 : - )

    Your house looks very much like Downton Abbey!! Fits right in!

  3. You have some beautiful Downton touches in your home! I love your library chair. We came in late, too but bought the DVDs and came on board last year. Now we look forward to each and every show! We are addicted! Love Mrs. Patmore and Mrs. Hughes! See you in front of the tv tonight! heehee!

  4. Susan, I'm a Downtown Abbey fan as well. Enjoyed your pretty post. Enjoy tonight!

  5. What a gorgeous chair! I just finished Season 3.

  6. I love seeing what Mrs. Patmore is cooking each week - it 's the little things I love about Downton. Your library chair would fit in the abbey perfectly :-)

  7. We are huge Downton Abbey fans too, since the beginning and somewhat of Anglophiles too. Mrs. Patmore is a sensible woman isn't she? On a trip to England we visited every old castle and stately home we could find.

  8. I love DA too, but I can't find it now, it was that I saw it on People&Arts cannel, but I never do now. It was on Thursday nights and Sunday reruns. I love your post is gorgeous! The chair is wonderful and so is your setting!

  9. Sounds like you guys are having fun!

  10. I'm also a big fan of the show and love all the little details in the castle!!! Love the downstair folks and goings on..........but love the beautiful clothing the women wear, such gorgeous fabrics and sublime style, I swoon every week!!! Your home fits right in with the English style........

  11. I'm another Downton Abbey addict! Upstairs or downstairs, everything in that house speaks to my heart.

  12. I came late to it too. I purchased all the seasons last year on DVD and think that I watched each one at 2 times by now :)

  13. Nice post..I started following DA the middle of last season..I have "on demanded" a lot to catch up..Love it...

  14. Such a cute post. I too am an addict.

    It's wonderful to have you at Seasonal Sundays.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  15. I LOVE Downton Abbey and have been a fan since it started. I love Anna and Mr. Bates. I also adore anything on Masterpiece Theatre and BBC. I wish we all lived nearby. Wouldn't it be fun to watch the series with everyone while (er, whilst) we have tea and cakes!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.