Monday, January 27, 2014

Muffins and Tea

I was in a cooking, baking and dessert making frenzy this weekend.  Do you
ever have one of those weekends when all you just want to stay home and cook?
Well I did.  

On Saturday I went to HEB to do my weekly shopping.  I really don't like to
shop for groceries so I make a big list and go once a week only.  I grab the list
and do my best to power shop and get back home asap.  I was watching the
Pioneer Woman on the Food Network one day and heard her say that she
does not like to shop for groceries.  Ah ... I felt vindicated :-)  Getting back
to my story, after I rushed home and unpacked all of the groceries, I started
cooking.  I made a big pot of turkey and white bean chili.  When I served
it later that evening I garnished each bowl with a  few squirts of fresh lime 
juice, some chopped scallions, a dab of sour cream, chopped avocado and
some cilantro.   

I woke up quite early on Sunday morning and made a batch of mixed berry
and lemon muffins.  The addition of some lemon peel gives the muffins 
that little something special.  I am sharing the recipe below.

After I baked the muffins I threw together an easy banana pudding for dessert
for Sunday dinner.  I usually do not make dessert, but I had three ripe bananas
and I was just in the mood.  

After all that food this weekend, this morning I only had raisin bran with 
skim milk and a cup of green tea.  It sure was fun indulging this weekend though!

Mixed Berry Lemon Muffins

Preheat oven to 400 degrees
In a large bowl add:
1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
3/4 cup sugar
2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
zest of 1 lemon

In smaller bowl add:
1/3 cup butter ~ melted and cooled
1 egg
1/2 cup plain yoghurt
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup fresh or frozen (thawed) mixed berries

Line or grease muffin tins.  Add egg yoghurt and vanilla to 
cooled butter and whisk til combined.  Add the wet ingredients
to the dry flour mixture and then gently fold in the berries.
Bake 20-25 minutes until tops are golden and a toothpick
comes out cleanly.  Let cool a bit before serving.

I adapted this recipe from The Baker Upstairs

And I am joining these parties ~

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Your tea tray vignette looks so pretty, Susan. I have those same Churchill dishes; they're my everyday dishes, and I have a lot of pieces. I've had them for 18 years, and I never seem to tire of them. :)

    Your lemon and mixed berry muffins sound wonderful! Lemon is one of my very favorite flavors; I've never met a lemon I didn't like. :-D Your banana pudding looks yummy, too. Thanks for sharing the muffin recipe. I baked yesterday, as well. Hope you have a great day!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  2. Susan,
    I know what you mean. Your muffins sound so good. Thank you for sharing the recipe. I'll have to make some soon.

  3. Susan, I spent the entire weekend cooking too. On Saturday I made schnitzel with corn pudding and biscuits and Sunday I made oven fried chicken, mashed potatoes and salad. We had guests over so I made the biscuits again. Today I could not go to work as the roads were too icy so I made doughnut muffins. I think I'll make these muffins tomorrow (if I stay home again). They look scrumptious. Love your little tea tray. Enjoy your tea ;-)

  4. *Drool*
    Those muffins look scrumptious, and banana pudding is my favorite dessert ;)
    Thank you for sharing your recipe, I'll be sure to try.
    Your home looks so very cozy and inviting.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. YUMMY ! All looks so good ! We shop every two weeks as there is just Papa and I I try to get as much in bulk as I can makes it easier for us ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  7. Such a gorgeous tray scape and love the muffins and tea. I also love the banana pudding. I need to make one. Thanks tons for joining Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.