Monday, January 13, 2014

It's New To Me

If you are in between my kitchen and my breakfast room, you can see
the doorway that leads to the back hall that leads to the breezeway
that leads to the garage.  Did you follow all that???  Well anyway,
there are a couple of new features in this area.  There is a new
rooster chalkboard hanging up next to the spice cabinet. And ...
See the big Bon Appetit plaque hanging on the wall right around the
corner?  It is hanging opposite the jelly cabinet with the vintage
hat rack above.

It just increases the hen count in the kitchen.  It's the only way I get to 
have chickens.  Oh how I long for the real ones, but y'all know how
my hubby and Bentley feel about that idea!

The hen plaque is directly across from the vintage hat rack as I stated.
I did move the French market basket back alongside the Eastlake table.
I found that table at a yard sale in New Hampshire.  I have a friend who
thought it was disgraceful that I painted the table white, but quite frankly
the table was not heirloom quality so I did anyway.

It would be great if I could get better pics of this back hall but there are no windows and
even if I open the door the cover from the breezeway keeps the light down to a

That's it for today.  I have the electrician coming over tomorrow and I have a
big list.  I will try not to overwhelm him.  My beloved electrician Andy is in
Idaho.  David and I were thinking about trying to coax him down here with a
fishing trip, but I don't think he will take us up on it.  So now I have to get
used to a new electrician.  I want him to install some antique sconces in our
dining room.  I'll let you know what happens.  Till next time ...

Tweak It Tuesday
Wow Us Wednesday
Show and Tell Friday

Bentley went with us down to Rockport yesterday and had a great time
hanging his head out the truck window catching the sea breeze.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Catching the sea breeze sounds wonderful. My daughter who has two dogs raises chickens. After being initially inquisitive, the dogs have learned to coexist nicely with the. Everything is looking great, Susan. xo Laura

    1. I would be thrilled if Bentley would only be inquisitive, but he immediately goes into attack mode and either pins them down or at the least corners them and pulls out their tail feathers. One would never suspect it by looking at his sweet face.

  2. Oh gosh I'm so jealous of Bentley!! haha, hey I am loving your new hen signs, awesome!!!!! Do you think your old electrician would move down for TWO fishing trips? :)

    1. Maybe we could coax him down with two trips. We really do miss him!

  3. Thanks for the little tour of your home. I enjoyed it.

    1. Thanks LV. Stop by anytime. I will be painting next.

  4. Love your additions very nice. I can't wait until I can hang my head out the car window and not freeze my face in place.

    1. Come down to the Texas Gulf coast. It will be about 72 today.

  5. This is all really looking nice. I can understand you wanting chickens, I do too,but hubby won't here of it either.

  6. Like your new additions. ;-)
    Glad you are enjoying Texas, Susan.

    1. I really am Sarah. My sister-in-law lives in Lago Vista. Next time we go visit I will give you a call. That's not very far from Austin is it?

  7. I love your Bon Appetite plaque!
    Bentley is becoming quite a little Texan, isn't he?

    1. He really is. I was concerned about how well he would adapt. He was a born and bred Idahoan and his birth parents (Lady and Mr Rags) lived on the next block. At first he was a bit shy about his new house and his big yard, but now he is master of his domain and loving it! When Bentley is happy, I am happy too.

  8. Love the new chicken, I had chickens, they are a lot of work, cleaning the coop out! I am one of those who thinks "how could you paint that" until I see the piece and then it is " how great that looks". I was of the generation in the late 70's who stripped every thing that was painted to natural wood. Now we know " do not strip anything that was painted" You own it do what you want. The table " looks better". I would think finding new doctors, dentists and handymen must be the hardest thing about moving.

    1. Yes, finding those professionals is tough and leaving good friends behind is the hardest part.

  9. Love the look! I love chickens ( and roosters)! Beautiful blog you have. I hope to come back and look around soon. Thanks!

    1. I am delighted that you stopped by. Now that you know where we are y'all come back!

  10. I love the hat's fun to see your new home as you cozy it up and get used to it. Thanks for visiting Frugal Little Bungalow and I THINK your sewing project is a grandmother's flower garden ? I remember you saying something about working with hexies a year or so ago...and I know they are quite time consuming so I am taking a wild guess :) I have a vintage GFG that I took some pictures of for a post / I just have to edit them and will probably post this week or next.

    1. Wow ~ you have a great memory! It is indeed a grandmother's flower garden quilt.

  11. Love the Bon Apetit sign and the rooster chalk board. Nothing wrong with loving chickens ;-) Good luck with your new electrician. Hope everything turns out just the way you want it ~

    1. Our new electrician Justin stopped by today and he is just great. We will always miss Andy, but we already really like Justin.

  12. I love the chicken chalkboard and the cut cabinet next to it.

  13. Your 'hens' and hat rack look lovely Susan and what a lovely image I have of Bentley enjoying the sea breeze!
    Hope you're having a great week,
    Susan x


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